Does Naftalan oil help with psoriasis? The answer to this medical question will be presented in the materials of this article. It will also indicate the properties of this tool, its features and methods of application.

Basic information
Naftalan oil got its unusual name from the word "naphtha". Translated from the ancient Median language, it means "flowing" or "leaking", According to experts, naftalan has unique properties, due to which it is actively used in the treatment of more than 75 different diseases, including the musculoskeletal and nervous system, skin, as well as female and male pathologies.
It should also be noted that Naftalan oil significantly accelerates the resolution of inflammatory processes, improves blood circulation and metabolism, and eliminates pain symptoms.
Description of the substance
What is Naftalan oil? The substance in question is a syrupy thick black, black-brown or brown liquid with a faint greenish tint, which has a specific oily smell. Also, the mentioned agent has an acidic reaction, high viscosity and specific gravity.
Where is Naftalan oil produced? Its field is located in Azerbaijan, 325 km from Baku.
The substance in question has been used in dermatological practice since the late 19th century. Today it is used with great success in the treatment of psoriasis.

Composition of the product
Naftalan refined oil is a substance with a complex composition. Its active ingredients are saturated naphthenic cyclic hydrocarbons. Their content in the product under consideration is 55-70%.
It is impossible not to say that the composition of this substance includes other components, including:
- naphthenic acids;
- aromatic hydrocarbons, including benzene derivatives;
- microelements such as zinc, manganese, boron, cob alt, lithium, copper, iodine, molybdenum, bromine and rubidium;
- mineral oils;
- active resins;
- sulfur compounds.
What properties does Naftalan oil have? Reviews of experts report that the therapeutic effect of this remedy is due to the presence of naphthenic hydrocarbons in it. They are very similar to hormones, but they are not. Due to this feature, the product in question does not contribute to the development of addiction, and also does not provoke the occurrence of side effects.
According to the instructions, this remedy has a multilateral therapeutic effect on the human body:

- eliminatespain;
- promotes the elimination of inflammatory processes;
- increases immunity;
- dilates blood vessels;
- has an antibacterial effect;
- protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays;
- improves lung ventilation;
- stimulates metabolism;
- increases hemoglobin;
- accelerates the repair of damaged tissues;
- promotes better functioning of the adrenal cortex and the production of hormones;
- reduces blood clotting.
Effectiveness of the remedy for psoriasis
The use of the substance in question in psoriasis is due to its following properties:
- Local anesthetic. By increasing the threshold sensitivity by 5 or 6 times, this drug eliminates pain syndromes caused by skin diseases.
- Anti-inflammatory. The use of the agent in question helps to reduce exudation and increase phagocytic activity. Also, this substance causes regression of psoriatic elements and their resorption, reduces the area of the affected surface and reduces the severity of clinical symptoms of psoriasis.
- Stimulating. Thanks to the acceleration of metabolic processes and the improvement of trophism in the human body, keratinization is normalized, and the uniform distribution of Langerhans cells in the skin is restored.
- Immunocorrecting. The use of Naftalan oil helps to eliminate disturbances in the functioning of the human immune system and reduce the level ofimmunoglobulins of all classes.

Features of the remedy used for psoriasis
Naftalan oil stimulates the sebaceous glands, as well as the growth of hair follicles and semi-stem cells of the epithelium. A small concentration of this agent has keratoplastic properties, and at high concentrations it exhibits an exfoliating effect.
Naftalan promotes the growth of collagen fibers and accelerates the formation of the granulation shaft.
Due to its viscous and oily structure, the substance in question is easily applied to the skin and absorbed very quickly.
The manufacturer of this product is Skipofit.
Naftalan oil: how to use it
With a pronounced development of psoriasis, doctors recommend the combined use of naftalan with paraffin. To do this, the patient needs to take a soapy, soda or sulfuric bath, then lubricate all the lesions with sulfur-naftalan or naftalan ointment, and then apply paraffin pads.
Pure Naftalan oil can also be used to treat skin diseases. For this, it is recommended to use applications. Before the procedure, the oil substance is heated to 38 degrees, and then applied to the affected skin and covered with plastic wrap. The duration of such an application is 15-25 minutes. After the procedure, the oil is removed from the skin with a dry cloth and washed off with warm water.

How else is usedNaftalan oil? Treatment with this agent may include the use of phonophoresis, inductothermy and UHF therapy.
Side effect
According to the instructions, after the first procedures, itching and redness of the skin may increase in patients. These symptoms usually resolve on their own with further treatment.
It should also be noted that some patients experience dry skin and folliculitis after applying oil.
Treatment reviews
A large number of patients using Naftalan oil for psoriasis claim that this remedy effectively copes with its direct task. After naftalan applications, many users refuse to take anti-psoriatic tablets and use similar ointments.
As for negative consumer reviews, most often they contain information that this drug is very difficult to use. In addition, it is quite problematic to get it in ordinary pharmacies.

Also, many people report that in the first days of treatment with Naftalan oil, their condition worsens significantly, but after a while it returns to normal.