If your ears are blocked, what to do in such cases?

If your ears are blocked, what to do in such cases?
If your ears are blocked, what to do in such cases?

Many people face such an unpleasant problem as ear congestion. The fact is that flying in airplanes, going up and down in an elevator, and riding carousels like roller coasters can cause these sensations. It's one thing if this happened in such a situation - then you shouldn't worry, the hearing itself will recover for some time. But another thing is when this happens for unknown reasons. Let's take a look at the topic "If your ears are blocked" together. What to do in this case, where to go and how to deal with such a problem? Let's try to find answers to these questions together.

Ears stuffed up. What to do in such a situation?

stuffed up ears what to do
stuffed up ears what to do

First of all, it is necessary to find the reason, if it is, of course, possible. If it is clear to you (just got off the elevator, took off on a plane, etc.), then a few simple exercises will help in this situation:

  1. Yawn several times as wide as possible.
  2. Chew gum.
  3. Take more air into your chest, hold your nose with your hands, close your mouth and try to exhale as if through your ears with all your might. If everything is done correctly, then youhear a light pop and your hearing will immediately improve. But this is contraindicated for those who have previously suffered an eardrum injury.
what to do with stuffy ear
what to do with stuffy ear

Cold. Plugged up ear. What to do in this case?

During a cold, none of us is immune from ear pain. In this case, the exercises listed above are no longer enough. Even during a runny nose, you may feel stuffy in your ears. What to do? If this really happened, then immediately flush the nasal passage with saline solution. You can apply a vodka or saline compress, wrapping your head in a warm scarf. But this can only be done if you are sure that there is no inflammation.

Other causes of stuffy ears and solutions

  1. Previously otitis media. What to do with a stuffy ear after this disease? Of course, see a doctor. Only he will be able to determine the presence of adhesions formed on the eardrum and prescribe treatment.
  2. Water ingress. If this is actually the case, then it should be immediately removed from the ear canal, otherwise the feeling of discomfort will not disappear. Clean your ear with a cotton swab and make several swallowing movements. Water will go into the nasopharynx - and the feeling of congestion will disappear.
  3. cold stuffed up ear what to do
    cold stuffed up ear what to do
  4. The presence of sulfur plugs. In this case, you can put a few drops of almond oil in your ear and plug the passage with a cotton swab. After a while, you can painlessly remove the already softened sulfurusing cotton swabs. But if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to contact a qualified specialist who will easily remove the cork from your ears.
  5. Violation of the functioning of the auditory nerve. Such a problem may occur in patients suffering from arterial hypertension or who have had ischemic brain damage. In these cases, it is better to consult a doctor for advice.


Do not delay treatment. It is necessary to solve the problem on "fresh tracks". If you do not know why your ears are blocked, what to do and how to fix the problem, never self-medicate. Seek medical advice.
