Laryngitis is understood as an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords. Most often, the disease begins with a lesion of the upper respiratory tract, which occurs against the background of the development of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms in them. If the inflammation does not go away for a long time (more than three weeks), then adults and children develop chronic laryngitis.
Features of the disease
Inflammation in the larynx and vocal cords can be a huge inconvenience in everyday life. In chronic laryngitis, the affected area extends to the entire larynx.
Laryngitis can appear against the background of overexertion of the vocal cords, which is often found in singers, teachers, and people in other professions where the vocal cords experience increased tension. It is also not recommended to breathe cold air through the mouth in the cold, so as not to get inflammation.
The course of chronic pathology most often has an undulating character and lasts a very long time, even after leaving the profession (teacher, singer), the disease remains with a person for life.
Competent therapy aimed atreducing the intensity of the disease is necessary so that a person can remain socially active and does not experience difficulties with voice function. Doctors agree that the treatment of chronic laryngitis requires much more patience and strength than the elimination of acute pathology.

Types of chronic disease
In accordance with the international classification of diseases of the tenth revision (code J37.0 according to ICD-10), chronic laryngitis is usually divided into three types:
- catarrhal;
- atrophic (dry);
- hypertrophic (hyperplastic).
Each form has its own flow characteristics.
Catarrhal chronic laryngitis has a non-aggressive course of the disease. This pathology does not cause changes in the tissues of the larynx, and also does not show clear clinical symptoms. Most often, this type of illness is accompanied by coughing, tickling in the throat and mucus separation. In adulthood, there is a change in the timbre of the voice, especially in the evening.
Dry chronic laryngitis is considered a disease of people of mature age, it does not occur in children. In the course of the disease, the mucous membrane of the larynx atrophies, which most often occurs due to long-term work in hazardous industries, as well as against the background of smoking.
Atrophic laryngitis (ICD-10 name for dry chronic laryngitis) is accompanied by more pronounced symptoms, primarily dry cough, itching, dry throat and regular release of viscoussecret. When separating dried crusts, bloody discharge may form. At the same time, the patient's general condition worsens, the feeling of weakness increases, efficiency decreases and attentiveness decreases.
Chronic hypertrophic laryngitis causes thickening and enlargement of the mucous membrane of the larynx. When rubbing enlarged surfaces, ulcers can form, erosion can develop. Symptoms of the disease are hoarseness in the voice, sore throat, constant feeling of irritation. Doctors agree that the development of chronic hyperplastic laryngitis can be a harbinger of cancer.

Causes of chronic pathology
Chronic laryngitis does not appear from scratch. There are a number of reasons that contribute to a protracted illness:
- frequent respiratory diseases, acute laryngitis;
- other pathologies of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx;
- disturbances in the hormonal background of the body;
- uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
- addicted to alcohol or smoking;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- frequent exposure to polluted premises;
- excessive strain on the vocal cords and sudden changes in temperature.
Despite such a multitude of provoking factors, a lot depends on the person's immunity. With good natural protection of the body, the risk of even acute laryngitis becoming chronic is extremely low.
For an adult, bad habits play an important role. Smoking and alcohol, as well as harsh working conditions (air pollution) significantly increase a person's susceptibility to developing chronic laryngitis.

Causes of the development of the disease in childhood
Chronic laryngitis in children most often appears due to adverse external factors and conditions that surround the child. But he alth features also cannot be left unnoticed.
Among the main reasons are:
- deviated nasal septum;
- polyps in the nasal cavity;
- being in a room with dry air (unventilated room);
- unfavorable climate and living conditions.
The development of certain diseases leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the larynx and increases the risk of chronic laryngitis. These diseases include problems with the gastrointestinal tract, malfunction of the cardiovascular system, manifestations of allergies, immune disorders.
Specific features of the course of the disease
The main feature of chronic laryngitis is called a sore throat, a change in the timbre of the voice (hoarseness appears), sputum production.
The first complaints about this condition appear in adults who strain the vocal apparatus in everyday life, the degree of intensity of manifestations is individual.
In the case of children, the disease can develop against the background of a long cry, which is typical for babies. However, medical statistics show thatthat in children under 4 years of age, chronic laryngitis is rare. After this age, the pathology manifests itself more often against the background of complex respiratory diseases.
At an older age, pathology can also appear as an independent disease, which is provoked by smoking, alcohol, weakened immunity. In adults, the phenomenon of loss of voice is more often observed, especially in the evening or immediately after sleep. It has been established that during menopause, menstruation, pregnancy in women, the symptoms become more intense.
The stage of exacerbation in children becomes more dangerous, accompanied by an increase in temperature. For a small child, the disease can be dangerous and provoke serious complications, so it is extremely important to diagnose laryngitis in time and undergo the necessary course of treatment.
Complications due to the disease

From a medical point of view, the mildest form of chronic laryngitis is catarrhal. With proper and timely treatment, the disease is not accompanied by complications. However, if the condition is provoked by smoking, harmful working or living conditions, bad ecology, then this form can be reborn into another, more dangerous one.
Chronic laryngitis results in a number of complications:
- failure in the motor function of the larynx, which can provoke a significant change in voice and paresis of the vocal cords;
- complete loss of ability to talk;
- appearance of shortness of breath;
- narrowing of the larynx, which can lead to suffocation;
- development of cysts,polyps and other formations on the surface of the mucous membrane of the larynx.
The most dangerous form is recognized as hyperplastic laryngitis, which in some cases requires immediate treatment and mandatory hospitalization. This form of pathology leads to the development of ulcers and false cysts of the larynx, which have the peculiarity of suddenly bursting. The most terrible and difficult complication is the formation of cancerous tumors and carcinomas of the larynx.

How to diagnose a disease
Treatment of chronic laryngitis begins with diagnosing the patient's condition and determining the form of the developing pathology. An examination by a doctor includes a number of necessary procedures:
- taking an anamnesis during the consultation;
- examination of the condition of the pharynx, detection of deviations from the norm;
- determining the presence of risk factors for the development of a chronic form of the disease;
- examination with laryngoscope mirrors and endoscopes;
- Checking the functioning of the vocal cords.
When hypertrophic laryngitis is detected, a more serious examination may be required, which includes computed tomography, magnetic resonance therapy, and tissue biopsy. If oncological complications are suspected, the doctor gives a referral to an oncologist to confirm or refute the detected risks.
How to treat chronic laryngitis without drugs?
Methods of treatment directly depend on the form of the disease and the individual conditionpatient's he alth. At the same time, there are general rules for therapy, which is divided into non-drug and drug.
Non-drug recommendations include:
- complete cessation of smoking;
- reducing the tension of the vocal cords;
- avoiding being in dusty rooms, hazardous production, the use of special protective equipment;
- air humidification;
- avoiding overheating;
- if possible, plan a trip to an area with a maritime climate;
- treatment of concomitant diseases of the nose, throat, maintaining immunity;
- changing your diet, getting rid of heavy and irritating food.
Such actions will largely weaken the rate of development and intensity of the disease, which will help the body cope with the disease faster.

Medicated treatment
Treatment of chronic laryngitis in adults and children also includes taking medications in the complex:
- taking antibiotics, which is more often prescribed during an exacerbation of the disease;
- carrying out inhalation procedures (alkaline) using "Lazolvan";
- use of cough suppressants;
- use of expectorant drugs;
- Irrigation of the throat, which is also possible with the resorption of lozenges and plates.
It is believed that the catarrhal form of the disease can be cured quickly at home. On the advice of a physician toImmunomodulators are added to the listed drugs, and a course of physiotherapy may also be recommended. If it is necessary to restore the voice, then special oils and solutions are used, a course of speech and vocal phonopedia is conducted.
With the development of atrophic laryngitis in a chronic form, it is customary to add proteolytic enzymes to the specified complex of drugs, which enter the body through special inhalation procedures. This therapy allows you to speed up the process of recovery of injured tissues of the larynx. Laser therapy, electrophoresis, the use of vitamin B complex are considered mandatory.
Hypertrophic laryngitis in most cases requires surgical intervention, conventional therapies are effective only in the early stages of the disease. Antibiotics are necessary in this case, and local cauterization methods are also used.
Surgical treatment method
Surgical intervention is resorted to in cases where conservative methods of therapy have not had the desired effect. Such a development of events is possible with atrophic and hyperplastic chronic laryngitis.
The operation is performed using a laser under the control of a videoscope. The main task is to remove the affected tissues of the larynx. If there are papillomas, cysts, fibromas, other formations in the larynx, then they are subject to excision in order to carry out their full histology in the future.
In some cases, the removal of growths that are localized around the vocal cords is required.
Mistakes not to make
Bthe process of treating chronic laryngitis is very important not to harm. To do this, remember a number of rules and strictly follow them:
- contraindicated in the use of products that may cause an allergic reaction;
- never use mustard plasters in treatment;
- do not use alcohol preparations to irrigate the throat;
- alcohol consumption is contraindicated;
- do not use hot inhalations;
- must be excluded from eating onions and garlic;
- never ignore the doctor's recommendations and do not skip the prescribed procedures.

It is important to understand that the main way to avoid an unpleasant disease is to carefully monitor your he alth. Complete treatment of respiratory diseases in time and to the end, monitor the condition of the nasopharynx, strengthen immunity and take care of your own vocal cords (avoid overexertion and hypothermia).