Bouts of pain in the head often distract from work and daily activities, which reduces the quality of life. Even a single manifestation of this symptom may indicate the presence of a certain pathological process and requires a visit to the doctor.
Headache pills must be selected in accordance with the diagnosis. Schedules of administration, dosage and therapeutic combinations are also determined individually.

Spasms (narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels) can lead to impaired blood flow to the brain. This often causes severe pain syndromes. The spasm is aggravated by the application of cold objects to the sore spot and is partly relieved by taking simple analgesics. Antispasmodic drugs that bring quick relief and restore natural processes in tissues will cope with a similar problem. It must be remembered that antispasmodics in the event of a headache are used as an emergency. They should not be used on a permanent basis. Headache pillschoose a doctor.
Myotropic antispasmodics
Drugs of this group are indicated for vascular spasms, which lead to a sharp increase in pressure. Such medicines have different principles of action. They, as a rule, increase the supply of oxygen to the tissues and are able to dilate blood vessels by relaxing them. The result is a quick relief from headaches. Many medicines in this group may have an additional sedative property. An impressive list of such remedies allows you to choose a medicine for the treatment of headaches during pregnancy and in childhood. The most common myotropic antispasmodics:
- "Drotaverine".
- "Dexalgin".
- "Dibazol".
- "Papaverine".
- Revalgin.
What other headache pills are known?
Neurotropic antispasmodics
This group of medications includes headache medications that act by blocking certain nerve impulses and relaxing smooth muscles. Blood circulation in the tissues is restored, and the pain goes away. During pregnancy, such drugs are prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories, which eliminates the possibility of an undesirable effect on the fetus. Medicines of this type are able to deal with pain syndrome of very different localization. The main neurotropic antispasmodics are:
- Scopolamine.
- "Aprofen".
- Buscopan.
- Arpenal.
- "Hyoscin".
This is one of the most common typesheadache pills. Such pain-relieving medications can quickly eliminate discomfort, but they are not able to eliminate the cause of these conditions. These drugs should not be used as systemic long-term therapy. The exception is cases when the patient suffers from migraine, cancer, organic changes in brain tissues.

Analgesics that can be used for headaches are medicines that can be roughly divided into three main groups:
- NSAIDs, which include drugs such as Analgin, Aspirin, Citramon, Baralgin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen. The effect of them comes very quickly, however, these funds can disrupt the mucous membrane and have a number of contraindications. What other headache pills are effective?
- Combined medications - a category of tablets for persistent and intense headaches, which act due to a number of medicinal substances. Medicines such as "Pentalgin", "Kaffetin", "Solpadein" help even with minimal doses, which significantly reduces the risk of side effects. They are very easily tolerated and quickly excreted from the body. Instructions for use for headache pills confirm this.
- Opiates and Tramadol are drugs that help with excruciating pains in the head, in which the drugs listed above do not help. These include "Fentanyl", "Morphine", "Omnopon", "Promedol". Datamedications can be addictive and are sold strictly by prescription.
When choosing a medicine for a headache, you must follow the dosage. If therapy does not bring relief or seems insufficient, it is not necessary to increase the dose of medicinal substances, as this will significantly increase the likelihood of adverse reactions, but will not enhance the effect of the drug. Which headache pills to choose?
Vasoconstrictor medications
Alpha-adrenergic antagonists are used to eliminate acute headaches associated with migraines and lower blood pressure. Medicines in this category eliminate the expansion of blood vessels, which leads to stagnation of blood. The tone of the vascular walls due to their action increases, and blood circulation normalizes. A similar effect can be given by the medicines "Cafergot" and "Migrenol".
Many want to get rid of a headache without pills. Is it possible? More on that later.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
In cases where headaches cause significant discomfort, and their cause and nature are unknown, resort to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In this case, you should first consult a doctor. A large list of such medicines are drugs with a pronounced analgesic, antipyretic, and blood thinning effect.

Medicines of this group are conditionally divided into two types:
Havingmild effect:
- Ketorolac;
- Panadol;
- "Ketanov";
- "Paracetamol";
- "Analgin";
- "Tempalgin";
- "Baralgin";
- "Sedalgin".
Giving a pronounced effect:
- "Indomethacin";
- "Ibuprofen";
- "Diclofenac";
- "Aspirin";
- "Ketoprofen";
- Meloxicam.
The above medications can act as painkillers for severe migraines, as well as infectious and inflammatory pathologies and neurological lesions. They are also used in the event of a risk of vascular thrombosis. When using these headache pills according to the instructions as part of complex treatment, it is necessary to take into account their interaction with other medicines.
Best headache cures
It is impossible to say exactly which pills are more effective for headaches, because sometimes even the most active drugs based on powerful painkillers do not bring relief if their effect is not aimed at eliminating the root cause of the problem.

When choosing a medication for head pain, you need to remember the following points:
- You should try something safer first, like Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. If this does not work, do not increase the dosage of the drug. It is best to immediately choose an effective medicine.
- Notit is recommended to use analgesics for drops in blood pressure, as well as for migraines, since these funds will not give the expected result.
- It is strictly forbidden to combine medicines without a doctor's prescription, as this creates a certain risk of overdose and the development of adverse reactions.
- Do not use head pain medicines for more than 5 days.
- It is very important to remember that some pain medications have some sedative effects and may interfere with concentration.
Not everyone knows what pills to take for headaches.
During the use of this drug, the analgesic effect is achieved due to the effect on enzymes that trigger the inflammatory process in the body. This drug is available and cheap, but it only relieves pain for a few hours. Often used in complex therapy to achieve the desired result. Headache pills can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy.
This medicine is very effective for migraines, cerebrovascular accidents, headaches against the background of various inflammatory processes, alcohol dependence syndromes. Currently, effervescent tablets based on this active substance, which in this form is absorbed faster in the body, are especially popular, as a result of which the effect is observed much earlier than after taking the tablets.

Taking this medication is indicated for mild pain syndrome against the background of inflammatory processes accompanied by fever. The therapeutic effect appears due to the normalization of blood circulation in the problem area. Experts do not recommend using Citramon for headaches for more than 3 days.
What other headache pills can I take?
The main substances in the composition of this medication slow down the synthesis of cells responsible for the appearance of pain. This medicine is well absorbed in the body and helps with headaches of various etiologies and severity, including diseases such as influenza and SARS. The effect of the drug is manifested after 20 minutes. It can be used both once and as a systemic therapy.
The main components in the composition of this medication can slow down the formation of substances that cause pain, temperature and inflammation. Normalization of the patient's condition is noted a few minutes after the use of this drug, which can be used orally or in the form of rectal suppositories, which is even better, since the substances that make up it are absorbed into the blood faster.
This drug is a combination drug that effectively relieves pain and can have a mild sedative effect. It is used, as a rule, for persistent headache,especially after stress and insomnia. The maximum period of its application is five days.
This drug combines antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties and directly affects the nervous system, which helps to slow down the synthesis of certain hormones that can provoke the onset of pain. The presence of caffeine in the composition of the drug acts encouragingly, and the effect of analgesics on the body increases. The desired effect is often achieved with a single dose of tablets.
How to get rid of a headache? This is a frequently asked question.

This medication works very quickly and can be taken for migraines or headaches of unknown etiology. The initial therapeutic effect is achieved approximately 10 minutes after the application of the product, and reaches its peak after a maximum of 2 hours.
This drug is known to relieve pain by reducing and eliminating spasms of muscles and vessel walls. It is especially effective in combating symptoms that occur against the background of mental or neurological disorders, stress, overstrain of the neck muscles. Improvement occurs in about 10 minutes.
Another headache pill to take?
This medicine effectively relieves the symptoms of pain and discomfort by eliminating spasms and dilating blood vessels. The medicine also has an additionalsedative effect and helps to relax and fall asleep.
The drug is a very effective antispasmodic that can stop severe pain syndromes. The advantage of this drug is the ability to act locally on the problem area. It can be taken as a complex treatment for urgent relief of headaches.
This medicine is an antispasmodic, causing tense tissues to intensively absorb oxygen, which contributes to their filling with calcium ions, relieving pain and relaxing the fibers. The medicinal product is approved for use in childhood.
The drug is a combination drug that acts as an analgesic, relieves the symptoms of fever and inflammation. A pronounced analgesic effect is achieved due to the presence of a substance such as codeine in the medication and the remedy helps even with acute migraine attacks, alleviating the general condition, eliminating nausea, sensitivity to sounds and light.
This medication relieves spasms of blood vessels located in the brain. It is a potent drug that often gives side effects. Doses and schedule of administration are set by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the diagnosis and disease.
This medication is complex, it helps relieve spasms of the vascular walls, dull the manifestations of pain and suppress inflammation. Its action occurs quickly and lasts for about six hours. Drugthe drug is approved for use in various headaches.

Contraindications for headache medicines
The main contraindication to the use of medications for pain in the head is individual sensitivity to the components of a particular product. Most medicines will have to be abandoned by women during breastfeeding, as well as by children. Certain medicines of this direction can be additionally produced in the form of various solutions or suppositories, which significantly reduces their aggressiveness.
How to get rid of a headache without pills? Medicines are not the only way to deal with pain. Since ancient times, essential oils of various plants have been used for these purposes. Lavender will help you cope with headaches, it relieves tension, soothes and gives you sound sleep.
Mint also works. It perfectly relieves stress and calms the nerves. Within ten minutes, you need to rub peppermint oil into the scalp. Fresh mint leaves can also be used: they are ground into a pulp and gently rubbed into the parietal region, the back of the head and temples. Mint tea with honey is also good.
Effective for frequent headaches, a contrast shower, as well as exercise and regular walks in the fresh air. Getting rid of a headache without pills is quite simple.