In all corners of the planet there are people who firmly believe in the healing properties of alcoholic beverages. They drink alcohol "for treatment" and "for prevention" of any ailments. One of the most popular functions allegedly attributed to alcohol is to improve blood circulation. Despite such statements, if there are no contraindications, then from time to time 50 ml of high-quality wine or cognac can actually be drunk to “disperse the blood”. Nevertheless, doctors recommend taking medications, moreover, prescribed by a specialist, to improve blood supply. But there are wise men who still manage to combine Cavinton and alcohol, without thinking about what the results might be from this.
Brief description of Cavinton

So, the drug is a drug to improve brain activity andcerebral circulation. Due to the intake of Cavinton, the right amount of oxygen enters the vital organ. Additionally, it contributes to the rapid removal of glucose, which has already been processed by brain cells. In addition, the drug prevents the appearance of blood clots due to vasodilation.
"Cavinton" is prescribed by doctors for diseases of the central nervous system, for example, after a stroke, with mechanical damage to body tissues, with atherosclerotic phenomena and with other pathologies. Shown "Cavinton" in violation of speech, memory, speech, with frequent dizziness, with hypertension, with a number of ophthalmic abnormalities and other ailments.
Active ingredients of the drug
Before we understand whether it is possible to drink alcohol and Cavinton, let's define the main components of the drug. The active substance of the drug "Cavinton" is vinpocetine, which has a wide range of effects on the human body, namely, it is characterized by anti-inflammatory and antiepileptic effects, stimulates the work of nerve cells, dilates blood vessels.
As additional substances are: ascorbic acid, sodium disulfide, tartaric acid, benzyl alcohol, sorbitol and purified water.
"Cavinton" - side effects
Literally any drug has side effects. In Cavinton, such effects are extremely rare. To figure out if it is possible with Cavinton alcohol, let's define the conditions that appear during an overdose:
- Irregularities in the work of the heart, arrhythmia,lowering blood pressure. To prevent such conditions, an electrocardiogram should be done from time to time.
- Neurological deficit - insomnia, frequent dizziness, fatigue and general malaise.
- Gastrointestinal problems such as heartburn, nausea, dry mouth and vomiting.
- Dermal drug allergy: itching, redness and rashes.
Interaction of drug with alcohol

Alcoholic drinks have a negative effect on the vessels of the brain and even the whole body. The first doses of ethyl alcohol have an effect as vasodilators, that is, they actively dilate the vessels. But a significant excess of the daily dose (more than 30 ml of pure alcohol) usually contributes to vasoconstriction. The constant effect of alcohol on blood vessels is considered the main cause of the violation of the processes of their narrowing and expansion, which contributes to the development of arterial hypertension and heart rhythm disturbance. Therefore, the compatibility of alcohol and Cavinton is contraindicated. These two substances have the opposite effect.
Simultaneous use of "Cavinton" and alcoholic beverages will lead to the following results:
- instant vasodilation of the brain;
- extremely fast intoxication sets in;
- CNS intoxication with acetaldehyde is observed;
- under the influence of Cavinton, the oxygen entering the body goes only to the needs of the brain;
- slows down the enzymatic breakdown of alcoholwith oxygen;
- turns out to be toxic to the kidneys and liver.
The effectiveness of "Cavinton" in combination with alcohol will go down to zero. That is, there is no direct interaction between substances, but the indirect effect of alcohol and vinpocetine on the human body can poison the excretory, nervous and digestive systems. As a result, doctors do not advise taking Cavinton before a stormy feast or while drinking alcohol.
The effect of alcohol when taking "Cavinton"

With the compatibility of "Cavinton" and alcohol, the effect of the active chemical substance will increase a hundredfold. This contributes to an overdose of the body, which will be the main cause of acute intoxication. A patient with heart pathologies may not be able to defeat such a massive attack. The next aspect is that oxygen is needed for the processing of ethanol and its decomposition products by the body. The oxygen that was supposed to go to the brain will go to neutralize toxins. The result - "Cavinton" was taken in vain and there will be no therapeutic effect.
Cavinton for drinking binges

On many Internet sites you can find information, reviews about the compatibility of Cavinton and alcohol. Many people think that the drug supposedly treats withdrawal symptoms. No one will question the fact that after a sufficiently long binge, almost all systems and organs of the humanorganisms need to be restored. The brain and blood vessels are no exception. A drug course based on Cavinton for patients who suffer from chronic alcoholism will be very helpful. But on the condition that all tissues and blood are already freed from the remnants of ethyl alcohol. But what absolutely should not be done is to use the medicine in a state of intoxication, or when the human body still contains alcohol. When you can start treatment with the drug and at what dosage to take it, only the doctor can determine.
What happens if you mix Cavinton with alcohol

The instructions for Cavinton indicate that this pharmacological drug rarely causes side effects and, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients. But this official statement is valid only if the rule of taking the medicine is followed. When mixing "Cavinton" and alcohol, according to reviews, it is clear that unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided.
According to reviews, the most innocent consequence: against the background of the use of alcoholic beverages, Cavinton loses its medicinal properties. This is where the list of harmless "side effects" ends. If you take medications and at the same time systematically “fill in” with alcohol, you can cause serious harm to the organs of the cardiovascular system. In such cases, blood pressure can greatly decrease, arrhythmia and other malfunctions of the heart, impotence, insomnia, soreness and dizziness occur. Organ malfunctions may occurdigestive tract, nausea, heartburn, vomiting. In addition, the likelihood of signs of allergies, such as itching, skin rashes, redness, hyperemia, increases significantly.
Dangerous reaction
Speaking about the results of mixing alcohol and Cavinton, one should recognize the correctness of those who use the drug specifically with alcoholic beverages in order to “catch up” faster. Mixing two potentially unsafe substances really makes you drunk quickly and intensely. But hopping while taking medication is a rather dangerous thing, because in this situation, in addition to quick hopping, a lot of processes harmful to human he alth occur in the body. For example, brain cells, which, while taking vasodilating drugs, are saturated with toxic acetaldehyde. Many note that at the same time, the heart after such a “cocktail” has to work for wear and tear. Well, it is worth remembering that a hangover will also be very painful.
When alcohol is allowed

Vinpocetine, the active ingredient of "Cavinton", reaches its maximum concentration in the blood within one hour after taking the medicine and remains in the body for about 5 hours. After that, the spent vinpocetine is excreted from the body with urine. That is, if someone is interested in whether Cavinton and alcohol are compatible, after how much alcohol can be drunk without fear of serious consequences, then our answer is this: not earlier than 5 hours after the last takendrug doses. To completely eliminate the risk of side effects, it is better to wait at least one day.
During this time, the body will have time to adapt to work without recharge in the form of the "Cavinton" intake. If alcoholic beverages were drunk in the next few hours before taking the drug, then it would be more correct to wait 1-2 days (depending on the drunk or the duration of the drunken state) and then proceed to drug therapy based on Cavinton. It cannot be said that a “cocktail” of Cavinton and alcohol is a deadly combination for a person. But everything individually and directly depends on the well-being of the person who decided on such “experiments”. But if we consider how this “vinaigrette” affects the body, then the whole danger of these “experiments” immediately becomes clear.
Hangover drug use

Some self-taught doctors recommend using "Cavinton" with a severe hangover. It seems like after the abuse of alcohol, the brain needs to be replenished with vitamins. There is still some truth in this statement: due to severe ethyl alcohol poisoning, the brain actually needs glucose and oxygen. However, "Cavinton" after alcohol is not at all a simple and harmless vitamin, so taking this medication must be agreed with the doctor. A single dose of "Cavinton" will not have any desired therapeutic effect. Therefore, in order to quickly restore the normal functioning of brain cells during a severe hangover, narcologists strongly advise puttingdropper with glucose solution, and later drink sweet tea.