Many people complain of occasional stomach discomfort. Sometimes this symptom is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Such violations occurred in almost everyone. However, in some cases, these symptoms appear frequently. Especially after a person has eaten fatty, hard to digest foods. Unfortunately, not everyone goes to the doctor when these symptoms occur. Many believe that these violations indicate poisoning and will pass on their own. This opinion is erroneous, since the listed symptoms are often associated with a chronic inflammatory process in the pancreas (pancreatitis). This organ is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system. In he althy people, the pancreas produces a large number of enzymes that are involved in the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, hormones are synthesized in it, including insulin, glucagon, somatostatin. Signs of inflammation of the pancreas indicate thatthat the functioning of the body is impaired. To restore its functioning, treatment and diet are necessary. Otherwise, chronic inflammation develops. In this case, the symptoms will be repeated every time the patient eats something fatty or fried.

Inflammation of the pancreas: causes
To suspect pancreatitis, you need to know what signs of inflammation of the pancreas exist. First of all, it is abdominal pain and nausea. Such violations do not occur suddenly, they are always preceded by an error in nutrition. Based on this, it is possible to distinguish the first signs of inflammation of the pancreas. These include:
- Intolerance to alcoholic beverages. As you know, frequent alcohol consumption is bad for he alth. To a greater extent, this affects the liver and pancreas. Therefore, the intake of alcoholic beverages is one of the main causes of the development of pancreatitis.
- Nausea after eating heavy food. Indigestible foods include animal fats, fried, overly s alty and spicy foods. Also, discomfort can be noted when flour products are abused.
Improper diet and alcohol intake are the main causes of pancreatitis. Under the influence of these factors, the pancreas becomes inflamed. Signs of inflammation do not appear immediately. Often these causes lead to chronic pancreatitis. The first signs of acute inflammation are different. They resemble food symptomstoxic infections. The difference is severe pain, which spreads not only over the surface of the abdomen, but also radiates to the back.

Mechanism of development of signs of inflammation of the pancreas
Causes and signs of inflammation of the pancreas are closely related. After all, symptoms appear only after exposure to a provoking factor (alcohol, fatty foods). It is worth knowing that acute and chronic pancreatitis are very different from each other. In the first case, the mechanism for the development of pathology lies in the self-digestion of the pancreas. In he althy people, pancreatic enzymes are secreted in an inactive state. They begin to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates only when they reach the stomach. There is an activation of pancreatic enzymes. In acute pancreatitis, this process starts earlier, that is, in the gland itself. Under the influence of enzymes, in particular lipase, the tissue of the organ begins to break down. Toxic influence leads to inflammation and swelling of the pancreas. If help is not provided in time, pancreatic necrosis develops - the complete destruction of the tissue of the organ. This condition is often fatal.
The mechanism of development of chronic pancreatitis is the gradual replacement of normal pancreatic cells with connective tissue. This process is called organ sclerosis. As a result, the main function of the pancreas, the secretion of digestive enzymes, is disrupted. As a result, most of the products are not completely digested, which leads todisorder of the stool and deterioration of the general condition of the patient.

Pancreas: signs of organ inflammation
The first signs of inflammation of the pancreas include, as already mentioned, abdominal pain and nausea, heaviness. Often, patients go to the doctor when the symptoms of pancreatitis recur for some time. Usually, people notice that signs of inflammation of the pancreas occur after eating certain foods or alcoholic beverages. It is with the clarification of all complaints and anamnesis of the disease that the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis begins. Signs of inflammation include the following symptoms:
- Pain in the upper abdomen. Considering that the pancreas occupies a large extent, discomfort can occur both on the left and on the right. Also, pain can be localized in the epigastric region, simulating gastritis. In some cases, the entire pancreas becomes inflamed. In this case, the pain is girdle in nature.
- Nausea. It can occur after a dietary error or be present all the time.
- Multiple vomiting. Unlike stomach ulcers, this symptom does not lead to relief.
- Changing the nature of the stool. Feces can be large, have a frothy texture and particles of undigested food. Sometimes severe diarrhea is noted, less often constipation.
- Increased body temperature. This symptom is not always pronounced, therefore, against the background of dyspepsia, it is rarely addressed. Attention. Severe fever is characteristic of acute pancreatitis.
- Increased peristalsis, a feeling of "bursting" in the abdomen.
With a long-term inflammatory process, compression of the bile ducts may occur. However, the symptoms remain the same. In addition, skin itching and icteric syndrome join.

Physical examination for signs of pancreatic inflammation
What are the signs of inflammation of the pancreas on examination? First of all, the doctor draws attention to the deterioration of the general condition of the patient. The patient is most often agitated, sweaty, pale. In acute pancreatitis, there may be a drop in blood pressure, severe tachycardia, and increased respiration. If inflammation of the pancreas is suspected, the abdomen is palpated. For this purpose, the patient is placed on his back and asked to bend his knees. Even a superficial touch to the abdominal wall can cause discomfort. Palpation signs of inflammation of the pancreas in adults are easier to identify. After all, the patient can point to a specific localization of pain. Unpleasant sensations are noted at the projection points of the pancreas. These include the Chauffard and Gubergrits-Skulsky zones. The first is a triangle bounded by 3 lines. One of them is drawn from the navel to the right and up at an angle equal to 45 degrees. The second is the median line of the body. The third connects the 2 previous points, it is carried out 6 cm above the umbilical ring. ZoneGubergritsa - Skulsky corresponds to the Chauffard triangle, but is located on the left side of the abdomen.
To establish the affected area of the pancreas, allocate 3 points. Thanks to this, it is determined in which part of the organ the inflammation is localized. Among them:
- Mayo-Robson point. It can be determined by drawing a line from the navel to the left costal arch. If we divide this segment into 3 parts, then the Mayo-Robson point will be located on the border of the middle and upper thirds. This is a projection of the tail of the pancreas.
- Desjardins point. It is determined by drawing a line connecting the navel and the right armpit. The point is located on a segment of 5-7 cm. Here is the head of the pancreas.
- Kacha point. It is located 4-7 cm above the navel along the outer edge of the left rectus abdominis muscle. Soreness at this point means that the inflammation is localized between the tail and the body of the pancreas.
In addition, the signs of pancreatitis include a change in the surface of the tongue. It is covered with a white or yellowish coating, may be slightly dry.

Laboratory signs of pancreatitis
Laboratory signs of inflammation of the pancreas allow the diagnosis of pancreatitis. These include changes in the biochemical blood test, coprogram, KLA. The presence of inflammation is indicated by an increase in the level of diastase, an enzyme that is determined in the urine. The normal level is 16-64 units. The KLA shows leukocytosis and acceleratederythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). A biochemical study of blood reveals an increased level of activity of pancreatic enzymes. These include amylase and lipase. Of great importance is the study of feces. Excrements are excreted in large quantities (polyfaeces), contain food debris, and may have a greasy sheen. The analysis of feces is called coproscopy. This study allows you to identify laboratory signs such as:
- Steatorrhea. This term means an increase in fatty acids in feces.
- Creatorrhoea - an admixture of muscle fibers in the stool.
These signs of inflammation of the pancreas indicate a violation of the digestion of food. Often they are observed in chronic pancreatitis.

We determine the signs of the inflammatory process in the pancreas instrumentally
To reveal the inflammatory process in the pancreas, a number of instrumental examinations are carried out. The main diagnostic procedure is an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. This study reveals an increase in the size of the pancreas and a change in its echo density. The structure of the fabric may be heterogeneous. The walls of the organ are thickened due to edema - one of the symptoms of inflammation.
In addition to abdominal ultrasound, FGDS is performed. This study is necessary to exclude diseases of the stomach and duodenum. In some cases, computed tomography is performed. If acute pancreatitis is suspected, an ECG should be taken. After all, this disease is differentiated from myocardial infarction. Sometimes emergency diagnostic laparoscopy is indicated.
If a woman develops signs of inflammation of the pancreas, a number of more studies must be performed. In some cases, the clinical picture of acute pancreatitis may resemble the symptoms of peritonitis. The causes of peritoneal inflammation in women are acute gynecological pathologies (ectopic pregnancy, ovarian rupture, torsion of the tumor leg). Therefore, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is required.
Combination of cholecystitis and pancreatitis: signs
Signs of inflammation of the gallbladder and pancreas are often combined. This is due to the fact that these organs are in constant relationship. In this case, the diagnosis of "cholestopancreatitis" is made. Signs of inflammation do not differ from symptoms of pancreatic damage. But other clinical manifestations are added to them. Among them:
- Pain in the right hypochondrium.
- Bitterness in the mouth and burping.
- Vomiting bile.
Physical examination reveals tenderness on pressure in the projection of the gallbladder (Kera's symptom). Also, unpleasant sensations are accompanied by tapping along the costal arch on the right. Thus, the Ortner-Grekov symptom is checked. Another sign of inflammation of the gallbladder is pain when pressed between the fibers of the sternomastoideus muscle.
How to recognize pancreatitis in children?
Signs of inflammation of the pancreas in children do not differ from those inadults. However, diagnosing pancreatitis at an early age is more difficult. In addition to the presence of these symptoms, the child becomes capricious, refuses to eat. In young children, sleep is disturbed, body temperature can be above 38 degrees, diarrhea is often noted. To diagnose inflammation, an abdominal ultrasound and laboratory tests are performed. Palpation is not performed for young children.
Inflammation of the pancreas: signs and treatment of pathology

Treatment of acute pancreatitis most often comes down to surgery. In chronic inflammation, drug therapy is indicated. It is prescribed according to the existing signs of pancreatitis. Treatment includes:
- Pain relief. Apply the drug "Ketonal", "Analgin". With severe pain syndrome - the drug "Promedol".
- Replacement therapy with enzyme preparations. It is prescribed to ensure the normal digestion of food. They use medicines "Pancreatin", "Creon", "Festal".
Diet for signs of inflammation of the pancreas
To avoid repeated exacerbations, you must follow a diet. In the early days of acute pancreatitis, hunger is shown. After 3-5 days, a special diet is prescribed - table number 5. If the inflammation is chronic, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, fried and spicy foods, animal fats from the diet. Food should be steamed, oven-baked, or boiled. Diet is an important part of the treatmentpancreatitis.