There are many different diseases associated with blood in the world. One of these is anemia. This disease is considered a polyetiological disease that occurs with internal and external effects on the composition of the blood. Most often, people believe that the main signs of the manifestation of the disease are weakness and dizziness. But this is not so, these symptoms are the initial bell for the development of the disease. Further, pathological processes occur in the body, which lead to circulatory disorders. In this regard, very often patients ask themselves the question: “Is it possible to die from anemia?” In order to get an answer to this question, you need to figure out why such failures occur in the body and how to prevent them.

The concept of anemia
Anemia is a clinical and hematological disease that contributes to a decrease in hemoglobin levels and a reduction in the number of red blood cells in blood cells. Most often, the disease is called "anemia", since as a result of the pathological process in the body, there is a violation of blood circulation in the internal organs. They end up not getting what they need.the amount of oxygen and cease to function fully, a period of oxygen starvation sets in. Women and children are most often diagnosed with anemia.

Causes of occurrence
Today, many reasons are known for the development of anemia. Spontaneous manifestation of the disease is extremely rare, most often it manifests itself due to disruption of the internal organs or under the influence of external factors that contribute to changes in the composition of the blood. In addition, the causes of the onset of the disease can be acquired and genetic in nature, and occur mainly in people with diseases such as:
- arthritis;
- systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE);
- kidney or liver failure;
- infectious diseases.
And also the disease can manifest itself with poor nutrition, physical activity and blood loss.
Types of anemia
Anemia can be of several types, and each of them has its own causes and symptoms:
- Iron deficiency anemia (ICD code - 10) - is a common type of disease. It occurs mainly due to poor nutrition or after injuries that provoked a lot of blood loss.
- Pernicious anemia - occurs in the body due to a lack of vitamins, namely B12. A common cause of the manifestation of the disease is congenital atrophy of the stomach. With such a diagnosis, vitamin B12 is poorly absorbed in a person.
- Hemolytic species -manifests itself in people with brain abnormalities, as it is not able to produce the required number of cells.
- Hereditary thalassemia is the most severe form, which is caused by genetic disorders.
All these types of diseases are dangerous for the body in their own way, since iron deficiency negatively affects all organs. With any disease, there is a danger to life if treatment is not started on time. Therefore, the question "Is it possible to die from anemia?" remains relevant. There is always a risk, if a period of hypoxia sets in, it is much more difficult to recover, but still possible. The main thing is to follow all the doctor's instructions.

Anemia symptoms
For those who have the question “Is it possible to die from anemia?”, The answer is simple: “Yes, you can”, if you do not go to the doctor. But, in order to determine the disease, you need to know its symptoms. In fact, the first signs become noticeable only at the second or third stage of development. In this case, the person has the following symptoms:
- fatigue;
- constant feeling of tiredness;
- dizziness;
- fainting;
- pale skin;
- shortness of breath;
- increased heartbeat;
- poor appetite;
- memory violation.
All these signs are ambiguous, as they can also appear in other diseases. In any case, in this condition, you need to contact specialists for a complete examination.

Correct treatment
Symptoms and treatment of anemia in adults is slightly different from pediatric therapy, which is why you should not start treatment yourself. Doctors usually prescribe complex therapy, but for mild anemia, drug treatment is not required, it is enough to eat foods containing iron.
In the severe stage of anemia, specialists prescribe drugs that help the bone marrow release red blood cells and hemoglobin faster. Medications that increase blood iron levels include:
- iron-containing products - "Aktiferrin", "Sorbifer" and "Fenyuls";
- vitamins B12 - folic acid, B vitamins.
In the event that conventional drugs are powerless, a complex of glucocorticoid hormones is prescribed. In severe stages, treatment in a hospital is recommended.
More people are wondering if anemia can be cured with folk remedies. Traditional medicine has been popular for many centuries. It contains many helpful tips. In order to get rid of anemia on your own, you need to use some recipes:
- You need to mix aloe juice, honey and Cahors wine thoroughly and let stand for a day. After you need to take one spoon a day.
- Rose hips and strawberry leaves pour water and cook for 30 minutes in a water bath. Next, the broth should be cooled and drink half a glass twice a day.
During usefolk methods should be borne in mind that they are only suitable for people with mild anemia.
Anemia and pregnancy
Expectant mothers often hear that they have anemia. Usually this diagnosis during the period of bearing a child proceeds in a mild form. There are different consequences for the child in pregnant women with anemia, but only if the disease occurs in the second stage. She is considered dangerous because of her characteristics that arise in the expectant mother, for example:
- increased risk of infectious diseases;
- venous thrombosis develops;
- risk of preterm birth;
- heavily tolerated period of toxicosis;
- occurrence of bleeding.
In addition to the fact that anemia affects the condition of a pregnant woman, it can also have a negative effect on the fetus. A child may develop poorly internal organs, he is not gaining weight well and immunity is reduced.

To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to take blood tests to determine the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin and ferretin, which helps iron accumulate and be absorbed in the blood.
In addition to blood tests, there are additional tests. They are usually prescribed to determine the type of anemia. These procedures include:
- endoscopy;
- rectoscopy;
- Ultrasound.
The last type of examination is usually prescribed for women with heavy periods.

Todo not go to hospitals and do not torture yourself with unnecessary questions about whether it is possible to die from anemia, it is enough to eat right and lead a he althy lifestyle.