Allergy to bleach is not only an occupational disease. A similar ailment occurs very often in those who daily encounter disinfectants. The risk group also includes those who suffer from hypersensitivity to substances containing chlorine.
Why is this happening? The main reason for this phenomenon is that bleach is found in almost every bottle of household chemicals intended for washing tiles, toilets and bathrooms. This substance is present even in tap water, in a certain list of medicines, finishing materials and so on.

What is this allergy
Allergy to chlorine is an acute reaction of the immune system when the tissues of the body are exposed to a substance that contains chlorine. In this case, not only local symptoms may occur, but also a deterioration in the general condition of the patient.
Manifestations of allergies can occur either immediately after contact with the substance or after some time. The main symptom of the disease is conjunctivitis, urticaria, contact dermatitis, rhinitis. In more severe cases oftenanaphylaxis or Quincke's edema is noted.
Main symptoms
Allergy to bleach is manifested by a variety of symptoms. Often, a harmless rash may appear on the body, and in other cases, a serious consequence that requires immediate help from specialists and emergency measures. Among the main signs should be highlighted:
- Allergic rhinitis. It is manifested by bouts of sneezing, as a result of which nasal congestion occurs. Often there are clear discharges in large quantities.
- Allergic conjunctivitis. With this symptom, pain, burning and itching of the eyes occur. Such signs are often accompanied by reddening of the mucous membranes and tearing.
It is not uncommon for both symptoms to occur. In a similar situation, an allergy to bleach occurs in the form of rhinoconjunctivitis.

Contact dermatitis
Allergy to pool bleach can manifest as contact dermatitis. At the moment there are three main varieties:
- Simple. In this case, redness appears on the skin, as well as a variety of rashes with bubbles. Similar symptoms occur immediately after a person comes into contact with a chlorine-containing substance. At the same time, burning and itching can be felt on the affected areas of the skin. Inflammatory phenomena of a local nature appear only in those places where the skin has come into contact with a disinfectant.
- Contact-allergic. This symptom does not appear immediately. This type of dermatitisoccur several weeks after contact of the skin with a chlorine-containing substance. There are a number of distinguishing features. First of all, skin manifestations go beyond the place where the contact occurred. At the same time, significant inflammation can occur at a low concentration of the substance. Allergy to bleach, the photo of the manifestations of which are given below, causes the formation of redness and blisters on the skin, characteristic of mosquito bites. In this case, a person may experience severe itching. Redness may progress to eczema on repeated contact with the substance.
- Toxicoderma. Allergy to bleach, the symptoms of which can vary, can be manifested by the use or inhalation of certain drugs, such as halogen drugs. Also, signs can occur when using household chemicals. After all, when they are used, chlorine is also inhaled. With toxicoderma, rashes appear in symmetrical areas. In this case, the form of redness can be any. The patient in such a situation feels itching. This does not exclude the formation of erosion.

Other signs
How else can an allergy to bleach manifest itself? Photos of the skin with a similar disease, of course, are impressive. However, redness and blisters are not the worst. Often, people develop hives. It is also an allergic reaction in which blisters form on the skin. They can be red or white, and itchy. The sizes of blisters are different: from 1 millimeterup to 10 centimeters. Within a few days, this symptom completely disappears.
Edema and anaphylaxis
Allergy to bleach can provoke the development of Quincke's edema or angioedema. In this case, the inflammatory process penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. It is worth noting that edema can occur in almost any area. However, most often a similar symptom is localized in the region of the larynx, lips and on the gastric mucosa. If the larynx swells, then the person experiences a lack of air. In this case, the voice may be hoarse or completely absent. If the gastric mucosa is swollen, then pain will be felt in the area of \u200b\u200bthis organ.
After contact with chlorine-containing substances, an anaphylactic reaction may suddenly develop. The first signs of this phenomenon: urticaria, conjunctivitis, slowly turning into Quincke's edema. After that, the larynx is affected. There is also swelling here. In this case, a person may experience bronchospasm, causing an asthma attack. Often there is pain in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, low blood pressure, as well as heart rhythm disturbances.
It is worth noting that anaphylaxis and Quincke's edema are life-threatening symptoms. With such manifestations of allergies, emergency help is required.

Allergy to bleach: what to do?
Treatment of such a disease is usually aimed at preventing any contact of the patient with chlorine-containing substances, as well as reducing sensitivity to the allergen andelimination of clinical manifestations of the disease.
What to do if you are allergic to pool bleach? Symptoms of such a disease are unpleasant, and often simply dangerous to human life. Allergy therapy in both a child and an adult comes down to a few basic activities.
Prevention of contact with allergen: when working with chlorine-containing substances, gloves and closed clothing should be used. To avoid inhalation of a hazardous component, it is recommended to use respirators and masks when using household chemicals. In addition, you should stop drinking tap water and visiting the pool.

Taking drugs
Desensitization of the body is another way to deal with an allergy to bleach. In this case, the reception of special medicines is provided. Pharmaceutics offers a wide range of drugs that can suppress the manifestations of allergies. With this disease, antihistamines are most often prescribed. Such drugs as Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin and so on are very popular.
Besides this, there are drugs that are anti-leukotrients, membrane stabilizers of a certain cell type, cromones, steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The main purpose of such drugs is to weaken the body's immune response to the allergen.

Specific medicines
The method of specificdesensitization. In this case, certain drugs are used that have chlorine in their composition. Such drugs are prescribed only by an allergist. Before this, the patient must undergo an allergic skin test. After identifying the irritant, the specialist prescribes a regimen for taking specific drugs. The essence of this method is the gradual adaptation of the body to the allergen, as well as the development of an adequate immune response to the effects of chlorine.
When to ask for help
Now you know if you can be allergic to bleach. For any manifestations of allergies, you should consult a specialist. Often it is not enough to stop contact with the irritant. It is worth visiting a doctor if the main symptoms of an allergy occur regularly or periodically.

With a sharp decrease in blood pressure, signs of suffocation, as well as pain in the stomach, you should call an ambulance or take the patient to the nearest clinic. Do not forget that an allergy to bleach is a disease that requires adequate therapy, as well as a qualified approach. In no case should you self-medicate.