Allergy to fingers is a very common problem faced by people regardless of gender and age. Bubbles and cracks on the skin, dryness, pain, itching, burning are very unpleasant symptoms that significantly impair the quality of human life. That is why people are looking for more information about the disease.
Why is there a problem? What are the symptoms of an allergy to the skin of the fingers? What methods of treatment does modern medicine offer? What can be done at home? The answers to these questions are worth reading.
General information about the disease

Allergies are essentially the response of the immune system to exposure to a particular substance. An allergic reaction is accompanied by a sharp increase in the level of immunoglobulins. These specific proteins stimulate the activity of basophils and mast cells, which is accompanied by the release of large amounts of histamine and other mediators.inflammation.
Of course, such processes have external manifestations - it can be a cough, runny nose, breathing difficulties, digestive problems. But as statistics show, in most cases, allergies are accompanied by skin reactions.
Finger Allergy Symptoms

In the photo above you can see one of the variants of the rash. Of course, the symptoms of allergies can be different - a lot depends on the cause of the pathology and the degree of sensitivity of the patient's body.
As a rule, small areas of redness appear on the skin of the fingers first. Sometimes the tissues swell, itching, burning and soreness appear. As the allergic reaction develops, small rashes appear on the skin. Sometimes the rash looks like small bubbles with a clear liquid inside - in such cases we are talking about hives.
Often the skin on the fingers becomes dry and sensitive, begins to peel off strongly. Cracks appear on it, which heal slowly and cause a lot of inconvenience to the patient.
The main causes of the development of the disease

Before considering the methods of treating allergies on the fingers, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main reasons for its development. Skin reactions are the result of tissue interaction with the allergen.
- According to statistics, in most cases, allergies develop after contact with various household chemicals. Cleaners, powders, rinses are all potential allergens,which fall mainly on the skin of the hands.
- Provoke an allergic reaction can also be cosmetics, in particular soaps, creams, decorative cosmetics.
- Rashes and redness on the skin of the hands can be the result of eating certain foods. In most cases, food allergies are accompanied by a rash and swelling on large areas of the skin, but occasionally reactions appear only on the hands.
- Small rash and redness on the fingers may appear after an insect bite. As a rule, in this case, other symptoms are also present, in particular swelling and severe itching.
Are there risk factors?
Factors that provoke allergic reactions can be not only external, but also internal.
- As already mentioned, in fact, allergies are the result of inadequate functioning of the immune system. Therefore, risk factors include conditions that are accompanied by a decrease or, conversely, excessive activity of immunity.
- Risk factors include parasitic diseases (for example, an allergy to the fingers of a child often develops against the background of helminthic invasions).
- Frequent allergic reactions may indicate the accumulation of various toxins in the body.
- Unhe althy diet, constant stress, emotional overstrain - all this affects the hormonal level, which, in turn, affects the immune system.
Allergic reaction to cold

Finger allergyhands may be associated with increased sensitivity of the body to the effects of low temperatures. As a rule, small reddish spots appear on the skin of the hands and fingers. With a more pronounced susceptibility to cold, the tissues swell almost instantly. The skin becomes dry and flaky, resulting in tiny, painful cracks.
Sometimes sensitivity to low temperatures provokes systemic disorders - people complain of poor he alth, tachycardia, breathing problems.
Allergy to water
Finger allergies can be the result of skin contact with water. It is worth noting that this is a very rare type of allergic sensitivity. In this case, upon contact with the liquid, the human skin becomes dry and very sensitive. Patients also complain of redness and slight swelling. Allergy is accompanied by increased irritability, itching and burning.
In more severe cases, the disease is accompanied by the appearance of small blisters on the fingers. Allergy, by the way, in most cases is associated with s alts and other substances dissolved in water. Occasionally, systemic disorders are also associated with skin symptoms. Some patients complain of digestive disorders. Sometimes there is shortness of breath, breathing problems, dry cough.
Allergic reaction to the sun
The skin on the hands is exposed to ultraviolet radiation almost all year round. The covers of some people are sensitive to the sun's rays - slight redness appears on the skin of the fingers and hands. The skin here becomes more sensitive and dry, and in the absence of therapy, it begins to peel off.
Sometimes an allergy is accompanied by edema, an unpleasant burning sensation and the appearance of small purulent rashes.
Is the disease dangerous? Possible Complications
Allergies between the fingers, rashes and redness of the skin on the fingers, tissue swelling, itching and burning are very unpleasant symptoms that create a lot of difficulties and significantly impair the patient's quality of life.
It is worth noting that in the absence of therapy, redness and rash can spread to other areas of the skin. As already mentioned, allergies can be accompanied by systemic lesions (runny nose, cough, eating disorders).
The skin in the affected area becomes dry, begins to peel off, sometimes painful cracks and wounds appear on it, which can become a gateway for pathogenic microorganisms. According to statistics, skin allergies are complicated by bacterial or fungal diseases.
Diagnostic measures
You should see a doctor if redness appears on the skin and fingers itch. Allergies often disguise themselves as other diseases, which is why careful diagnosis is so important.
After a general examination and a medical history, the patient is referred for additional tests.
- To date, skin tests are the most accessible and informative diagnostic method. Certain areas of the patient's skin are treated with solutions of potential allergens and monitored to see ifreaction.
- Laboratory tests are also carried out to determine the presence of specific Ig E proteins in the patient's blood (their appearance indicates the presence of an allergic reaction).
Patients are advised to keep diaries, write down information about the foods they eat, the cosmetics and household chemicals used - sometimes this helps to determine what exactly caused the allergic reaction.
Allergy on the fingers: treatment

It is worth immediately contacting a specialist if redness and blisters appear on the fingers. Allergy treatment begins with the identification and elimination of contact with potentially dangerous substances. In the future, doctors prescribe medication, and an integrated approach is very important here.
- First of all, patients are prescribed antihistamines. Means such as Tavegil, Suprastin, Loratidin, Diphenhydramine, Claritin are considered effective. The preparations are available both in the form of tablets and in the form of ointments / creams for external use. These remedies help relieve swelling, eliminate itching, burning and other discomfort.
- In more severe cases, doctors recommend corticosteroids. Such drugs have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, they quickly eliminate redness, relieve itching and burning, and accelerate the regeneration of skin tissues. Ointments such as Triderm, Elokom, Lokoid, Fluorocort are considered effective.
- The therapy regimen also includes enterosorbents, whichbind and remove toxins from the body, thereby reducing the intensity of allergic symptoms. Medicines such as Polysorb, Smekta, Enterosgel are considered effective.
- If there is a secondary bacterial infection, doctors prescribe antibiotics.
Traditional methods of therapy: how to deal with a rash on the hands?

Certainly, traditional medicine offers a host of allergy medicines to help relieve discomfort and eliminate skin symptoms.
- It is advised to add decoctions of sage, string, chamomile to bathing water. These herbs have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Regular baths can relieve itching, reduce redness and swelling, and speed up the healing process of the skin.
- Some folk healers recommend drinking half a glass of a decoction of licorice root or viburnum bark three times a day - this helps to normalize the immune system.
- Compresses from a concentrated decoction of calendula flowers can be applied to the affected skin of the hands.
Prevention: how to prevent an allergic reaction?

It is almost impossible to cure allergies completely. However, you can try to prevent seizures. Prevention comes down to following some recommendations.
- If you have to work with chemical solutions (including household cleaners), then remember the rubbergloves and other protective equipment. Try to buy safe detergents and cleaning products, including laundry detergent.
- Be careful when choosing skin care products. It is better to give preference to hypoallergenic soap, cream and other products.
- If the appearance of an allergy on the fingers is associated with exposure to ultraviolet rays, then before going out it is recommended to use special hand creams with appropriate protective filters.
- In the cold season, it is important to use gloves, and treat the skin with a rich nourishing cream at night.
- It is very important to watch your diet, as rashes and redness on the skin can be the result of food allergies. Blisters and peeling of the skin can occur both during food processing and after consumption. Experts advise to give up various exotic fruits and so-called allergen products (for example, honey and cocoa often cause an inadequate reaction of the body).
- Allergy is in one way or another connected with the work of the immune system - its work must be maintained at the proper level. Proper nutrition, hardening, physical activity, and taking vitamins will be effective.
Of course, it is best to avoid contact with any potentially dangerous substance. If the allergy on the fingers nevertheless manifested itself, then it is better to consult a doctor - self-medication can only worsen the situation.