The skin on the fingers dries and cracks: causes and methods of treatment

The skin on the fingers dries and cracks: causes and methods of treatment
The skin on the fingers dries and cracks: causes and methods of treatment

The appearance of hands can tell a lot about a person's he alth, habits and lifestyle of their owner. Women pay special attention to their hands, but it is quite difficult to monitor their condition when there are a lot of household chores, you constantly have to come into contact with household chemicals. And so you want your skin to be free of cracks and dryness. But are the causes of the poor condition of the skin of the hands so harmless, perhaps this is a sign of some kind of disease?

Weather conditions

The skin on the fingers dries and cracks - this is a common complaint in the cold season. When it's cold outside, the skin dries out quickly, especially if it's windy outside. A similar problem occurs with the active exposure to sunlight. The same problem arises if the climate is changeable, there are constant changes in atmospheric temperature.

The problem with the epidermis appears for one simple reason - lack of moisture. Therefore, it is very important to protect your hands from the piercing cold in winter, and moisturize them at home.

Household factors

Cracking skin on the fingers? The reasons for the appearance are as follows:

  • constant contact with water;
  • use of household chemicals without protective equipment;
  • lack of care for the epidermis.

Problems may arise from the use of low-quality cosmetics.

Dry hands
Dry hands

Nutrition and vitamin deficiencies

Another reason why the skin on the fingers dries and cracks is an unbalanced diet. A similar problem is often faced by women who are on debilitating and mono-diets. The lack of vitamins and nutrients very quickly affects the state of he alth and skin.

Dry epidermis on the hands may indicate that a person has beriberi. Most often, the problem occurs against the background of a lack of vitamin A, P, C or E. You can compensate for the lack of fat-soluble vitamins by eating vegetables, namely bell peppers, tomatoes and carrots. Cottage cheese, beef, nuts and beans will help stabilize the condition of the epidermis. Do not give up the use of vegetable oils, cereals and dairy products.

With a strong weight loss in the body, there may be a lack of vitamin PP, the lack of which adversely affects the condition of the epidermis.

Internal problems

The skin between the fingers dries and cracks - what is the reason? With such a problem, they often turn to a dermatologist if they cannot cope with it at home. It could be eczema or a fungal disease. In some cases, dry skin can beevidence of an allergic reaction or hormonal failure. Often, such a symptom occurs against the background of problems with the gastrointestinal tract or pancreas.

Of course, if dryness cannot be eliminated, then you will have to look for the cause by undergoing a full medical examination.

Problems around nails
Problems around nails

Treatment methods

Today, there are many methods to eliminate dryness and cracks in the skin. These are products that you can prepare yourself at home, creams prepared by cosmetic companies and pharmaceutical companies. It is quite rare, but it is possible to eliminate the problem only with the help of drug therapy, but this is provided that the provocateur is an internal disease. Only a doctor can prescribe such treatment.

The easiest way to deal with a problem is if it arose against the background of external factors.

Herbal decoctions
Herbal decoctions

General hygiene advice

The skin on the fingers dries and cracks - what to do? If the problem appears even periodically, then contact with water and household chemicals should be minimized. If it is necessary to use detergents, then all procedures should be carried out with gloves. I'll have to give up nail polish at least for a while, especially gel polish.

Every day, before going to bed, it is necessary to lubricate the skin of the hands with cream. You can use a cream with glycerin or "Children's", that is, as gentle as possible and with a minimum amount of preservatives and chemical additives. By the sameprinciple is to select soap for daily use.

It is recommended to do baths, masks with medicinal herbs.

If the skin on the fingers near the nails or between the fingers bursts, then you can use special glue to heal the wounds faster. By the way, wounds near the nails often indicate that there is a lack of vitamins in the body.

herbal medicine
herbal medicine

Cooking ointments and creams at home

Crack anti-crack cream can be made according to the following recipe, which will require:

  • calendula;
  • plantain;
  • chamomile;
  • sequence.

All herbs are mixed (one tablespoon each) and poured into a glass of hot boiled water. The mixture is infused for 8 hours. For the cream, you will need to mix one tablespoon of honey with butter (a small piece). One tablespoon of decoction is added to the mixture, everything is thoroughly mixed and hands are treated with this composition daily, in the morning and in the evening.

To maintain the moisture of the epidermis of the hands for 24 hours, you can create an ointment based on chamomile concentrate. To prepare it, you need to brew 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers in 100 grams of water. To begin, bring the mixture to a boil, then boil over low heat for one hour, remembering to stir occasionally. After, strain the mixture and add 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil and shea butter, 4 drops of sweet orange oil (essential) to it. After thorough mixing, preferably with a whisk, the cream is ready to use.

You canmake a mixture and make compresses out of it, which you hold on your hands for 30 minutes. To prepare, you need to mix 5 grams of glycerin with two tablespoons of honey.

Hand masks
Hand masks

Get rid of cracks

Honey hand mask. Very good reviews about the use of honey in the presence of cracks in the skin of the hands. The mask will require one egg yolk, which should be mixed with 50 grams of olive oil (if it is not available, vegetable oil can be used). Mix the ingredients and add honey (3 tablespoons)

The mask should be applied to cracks in the skin of the hands, it is recommended to cover the hands themselves with cellophane for 30 minutes. After the procedure, the cellophane is removed, hands are washed in warm water and covered with a moisturizer. It's even better to use real homemade sour cream.

To get rid of cracks, it is recommended to make trays with potato starch. In 250 ml of boiling water, brew 1 teaspoon of starch. The mixture should be thoroughly stirred until the starch is completely dissolved. After the solution acquires a sticky consistency, it should be diluted with 500 ml of hot water. The bath is ready, you should immerse your hands in it for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the hands are treated with a nourishing cream.

Does the skin on your fingers dry and crack? A bath with medicinal plants will help:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • plantain.

All herbs are mixed in equal parts (2 tablespoons each) and pour one liter of boiling water. After cooling, hands should be placed in the bath for 20 minutes. The procedure is recommendedspend every day until the skin is completely restored.

Cracking skin on the fingers? Are the reasons in household chemicals or in the climatic features of the place of residence? A nourishing mask can even be made from products that every housewife has - these are oatmeal. Two tablespoons of cereal must be poured with boiling water and wait until they swell. After that, they are evenly distributed throughout the arm and left for 15 minutes. After the composition is washed off, and the hands are treated with essential moisturizing oil.

You can use sea buckthorn oil (3 tablespoons), which is mixed with 1 spoon of honey. The mixture is applied to damaged areas of the skin. After 30 minutes, the mixture is washed off, preferably with herbal decoction, and the hands are treated with oil or nourishing, preferably natural cream.

Hand cream
Hand cream

Pharmacy products

To treat the skin on the fingers, especially if the cover cracks to blood, then does not heal for a long time, it is better to use pharmaceutical preparations that allow you to quickly heal wounds. You should choose ointments and creams that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, that is, they allow you to restore the skin as quickly as possible.

It is recommended to apply such ointments and creams in a thick layer and protect your hands with cotton or cosmetic gloves. It is recommended to carry out the procedures until complete recovery.

The most popular means include: "Actovegin", "Levomekol", "Vulnuzan", "Sinaflanom".

Very good reviews about Radevit hand cream. This is a combination drugquickly eliminates itching and well moisturizes the skin. The cream is often recommended for use in complex therapy in the presence of skin diseases, for example, with burns, dermatitis, erosion. The tool is suitable as a prophylactic for allergies or periodic inflammatory processes. If there are cracks and other defects on the skin, then they must be treated with an antiseptic before treatment with the cream. The cream is applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. If the epidermis is very flaky, then a bandage should be made after treatment with a cream, which should stop the access of air to the treated areas of the skin.

You can also use "Panthenol", "Bepanten" and "Solcoseryl" ointment. The last cream is made from natural ingredients, so it has a very short shelf life.

Cream Radevit
Cream Radevit

Using oils

The easiest way to deal with dry, cracked skin on your fingers is to use essential oils on a regular basis. The main thing is that they are natural. Oils allow you to reanimate the skin and even accelerate the growth of nails. Tea tree oil, chamomile, geranium, marjoram, juniper have excellent properties. In addition to the moisturizing effect, they have an antibacterial property and quickly heal wounds. These oils can be mixed and compressed.

Grapefruit, orange and ylang-ylang oils have excellent properties. The main thing to remember is that the effect depends entirely on the regularity of using oils. If you make a compress or mask once a daya month or a week, then you should not expect a miracle. Only regular use will get rid of the problem.

Essential oils
Essential oils

Skin peeling

Why does the skin on the fingers peel off? Most often, this problem occurs against the background of a fungal disease. Naturally, in such a situation, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. If there is no time, then you can deal with the problem at home. The treatment will require freshly squeezed lemon juice, which needs to be treated on the skin of the hands for several days.

Juice can be squeezed out of the fruit and applied to the affected areas of the skin with a cotton swab, or you can cut a piece of lemon and treat the epidermis with it. After 10 minutes, hands should be washed under warm water and treated with a moisturizer.

However, you should always remember that getting rid of fungal diseases of the skin with folk remedies is possible only if the disease is at its initial stage.


Everyone should always remember that it is better to prevent any problem than to treat it later. As soon as even the slightest problems with the skin of the hands appear, you should immediately take action, treat them with a moisturizer or essential oil.

In the cold season, be sure to protect your hands from the cold. When doing household chores, it is better for women to wear gloves to protect their skin.
