In the human body, everything is interconnected. Each area consists of the desired set of organs. Unfortunately, they don't always work perfectly. And not only because of congenital anomalies. Ailments manifest themselves throughout life and depend on various factors: injuries, ecology and elementary neglect of one's he alth. Sometimes just one careless step can significantly change a person's entire subsequent life.
Take, for example, the musculoskeletal system. Any painful sensation in the area of the spine, pelvis, or the area where the sacrum is located should be alarming. The well-being of the "sacred bone" cannot be neglected.
Interpretation of the word "sacrum"
The sacrum is a large triangular bone located under the lower lumbar vertebra, which is an integral element of the pelvic ring from the back wall.

This wedge-shaped bone connects both pelvic bones, connected to the coccyx at the bottom and to the lumbar vertebrae at the top. In the structure of the sacrum, note:
- two surfaces: pelvic (anterior) and dorsal (back);
- two lateral parts: lateral;
- base - a wide area of the bone, oriented upwards;
- top - a narrow area of the bone, oriented downwards.
How the sacrum works
The pelvic surface of the sacrum has a concave shape. Moreover, the greatest concavity can be observed along the bone, rather than across. In the middle section, the bone is crossed by four horizontal outlines of fusion lines of the vertebrae. Once separate vertebrae in the amount of five pieces in the process of growing up a person turned into a single monolithic bone - the sacrum. Its anatomy is complex. Almost round holes are located on the sides of the fusion boundaries. There are four of them on each side. Their size changes downward from top to bottom. Through them pass the lateral arteries of the sacrum and certain branches of the nerves. The lateral lateral parts are five segments of the embryonic and early stages of life merged into a single structure.

When analyzing the question of where the sacrum is located in a person, it is necessary to say about the posterior dorsal surface of this bone. It is rough, convex and narrow, compared to the front. There are five bone scallops running parallel from top to bottom, formed by the fusion of the vertebral processes of the sacrum, and a middle scallop with four tubercles. The tubercles are residual processes, sometimes they merge into a monolithic, non-smooth comb.
On the sides of the sacrum are the lateral surfaces. They have a wide base - the junction with the lower back, and a narrowed top,connecting with the coccyx.
The area of the sacrum is determined not only by the shape of the bone, but also by its spatial position. Directed upward and forward, the front edge of the base, connecting with the adjacent lumbar vertebra, forms a cape - an impressive protrusion into the pelvic cavity.
The apex of the sacrum facing downwards is connected to the coccyx through an elliptical articular surface.
The sacral canal runs along the entire bone. Its shape is curved, the triangular top is expanded, the bottom is narrowed, the back wall is empty. The channel protects the branches of the nerves of the sacrum, emanating from the sacral openings of the anterior and posterior surfaces.

The purpose of the sacrum and its gender differences
The functional purpose of this part of the spine is as follows:
- the sacrum allows you to keep the human body in a vertical position;
- the sacrum is responsible for resistance to stress.
The anatomy of the sacrum of representatives of different sexes is considered depending on the properties of its surfaces. The sacrum of women and men has the following anatomical differences:
- in men, the sacrum is narrower than in women;
- Women's sacral spine is less curved and the sacrum is shorter than men's.
Sacral vertebrae
So, where the human sacrum is located is known. It is also known that in an adult, five vertebrae of the sacrum fuse into a single bone.
Each of these vertebrae goes through a stage of development,called embryonic. It affects the structure of the bones not only of the coccyx, but also of the sacrum.
The vertebra is made up of different types of tissues:
- cartilaginous;
- webbed;
- bone.
At the six to eight week stage of development, the embryo develops an arch of the spine and an area of ossification in the shell of the body. In the first year of human life, the coccygeal vertebrae are the only place of ossification. The splicing period runs from the age of thirteen until the age of thirty. During this time, a solid bone is formed in the coccyx area.

Joints in the sacral spine
In places of the musculoskeletal system involved in flexion and rotational movements, there are joints. The joints of the sacrum are also involved in the work of the human body:
- Lumbosacral - cartilaginous symphyosis, limited mobility. It is considered, like all intervertebral joints, additionally has an iliopsoas ligament and a fibrous intervertebral disc. Moves with all lumbar vertebrae.
- Sacrum-iliac, synovial, with irregularities on the surfaces. Articular surfaces: at the ilium - fibrous cartilage, at the sacrum - hyaline. Strong ligaments, small movements possible.
- Sacrococcygeal - cartilaginous symphiosis, mobility is limited. Strengthens the sacrococcygeal ligaments, intervertebral fibrous disc. Movement is negligible, may disappear completely with age.
Nerves of the "sacred bone"
Where the sacrum is, there are important spinal endings. The five pairs of nerves branching from the sacral region include motor and sensory fibers responsible for the work of muscles, skin, sensitivity of bones and joints in the area of the buttocks and other organs of the lower body.

Diseases of the sacral nerves
The affected nerves of the sacrum can turn into a real disaster for a person. Here is how such disorders affect he alth:
- Disease of the sacral plexus is a disorder in its final branch with the addition of collateral manifestations that provide the muscles of the perineum and pelvis.
- Unhappiness with the sciatic nerve is characterized by the appearance of Lasegue's symptom. In this case, severe pain occurs when the nerve is pulled - raising the straight leg. The pain disappears when the knee is bent.
- Injuries to the lower region of the gluteal nerve cause hip paralysis. Extension is difficult when running, jumping, moving up and down slopes, and climbing stairs. This paralysis can cause the hip to dislocate while walking.
- Disease of the sensory nerve responsible for the skin of the back of the thigh, characterized by a lack of sensation in the buttocks, thigh at the back and upper leg. Irritation of the nerve provokes neuralgia in areas and points dependent on it.
- Tibial nerve disease, which occurs against the background of an injury, makes it impossible to bend the fingers and foot, turn the sole inward. Inability to rise on toes causes gait"heel foot". Muscles atrophy: small at the foot and behind the lower leg. Achilles reflex drops out completely. Tibial neuritis is characterized by intense pain.
- Poneal neuritis causes the foot to droop with the toes slightly bent inwards. The gait, due to the need to raise the foot high, is characterized as "rooster's foot" or "horse's foot". The muscles of the lower leg in front atrophy.

Causes of pain in the sacrum
For the correct treatment of sacral pain, it is necessary to identify the causes of their occurrence. Can cause pain:
- diseases of the reproductive system;
- tumor process;
- spinal injuries;
- infectious lesions;
- abnormal deviations in the structure of the sacrum, defects in the development of the vertebrae.
Pain in the affected area is intense and unbearable. Most often, ailments in the sacral region occur due to frequent movements of weights, sudden standing up, osteochondrosis and serious injuries with displacements of bone elements. Unpleasant symptoms in the place where the sacrum is located can manifest themselves from the simultaneous occurrence of several diseases. Only specialists can make a correct diagnosis.

X-ray examination of the spine
X-ray is a popular way in medicine to detect pathology. It shows degenerative changes in the sacro-vertebral region, helps to detectneoplasms, notice diseases of cartilage and joints. The method is based on the ability to transmit rays. All tissues react to x-rays in different ways. Contrast images obtained during the study help specialists make a diagnosis. X-ray of the sacrum is a research method available to many institutions. Indications for examination are: pain and numbness in the limbs and buttocks, injuries, confirmation of pathologies in case of hernia, osteoporosis, pinched nerves, tumor process, impaired spinal mobility, malfunction of the pelvic organs.
Due to the heavy load of X-rays on the human body, radiation examination is limited:
- children under 14;
- persons with mental disorders;
- pregnant and lactating women.
Examination is carried out after special preparation, pictures are taken in several projections: standing, lying down and with a bend.
Other methods for examining the sacral area include computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, multislice CT, ultrasound and biopsy.

Patients should be well aware of the need to protect the area of the spine where the sacrum is located. Timely medical assistance, he alth-improving gymnastics and the right lifestyle will help all people to stay in the ranks for many years!