Even in the mysterious 19th century, medicine found a "revolutionary" approach to the treatment of certain women's diseases. This very treatment turned out to be a massage of the intimate organs, causing therapeutic "convulsions". This amazing phenomenon was sorted out only at the beginning of the twentieth century, when doctors began to associate curious convulsions with orgasm. Today, such a massage would rather be called not revolutionary or healing, but erotic.

Erotic massage is a great addition to a romantic evening and, of course, brings lovers together. The main privilege of such a romantic pastime is that erotic massage is not therapeutic, and all types of massage that a woman is familiar with (for example, Thai massage) are suitable for it. To understand how to give an erotic massage to a lover, you must completely rely only on your imagination, alternating, for example, kneading and stroking. The main thing is that the touch should be soft and gentle, and only occasionally aggressive.

The main goal of erotic massage is arousal, but in order for it to happen, a man must be relaxed. There are several ways to achieve the effect of relaxation. For example, a light dinner and a glass of your favorite wine are great helpers in this difficult task. The second and more extravagant way is to take a warm bath together. A few drops of essential oil and caring female hands, gently rubbing the shower gel on the back of a loved one, work wonders.
Let's proceed to a more detailed description of how to make an erotic massage. The first step is to gently stretch your feet - gently stroke each finger, and if there is no limit to your intimacy, then you can kiss and lick them. Some men will be delighted with such an initiative, and some will be embarrassed, but a woman's instinct should tell you how to give an erotic massage to your beloved in order to give him maximum pleasure.
The hips and buttocks can become the next object of intimate caresses, so it would be best if the man lay on his stomach. The inner side of the thighs in most men is a rather sensitive area, and therefore it must be treated with utmost tenderness. Massaging the buttocks, you can make a little more effort, but do not overdo it, carefully control the partner's emotions. You must always remember that all stages of erotic massage are aimed at excitement, alternating with relaxation.
Followed by a belly massage, so the partner rolls onto his back. You should not massage the genitals unless you want to interruptmassage and go directly to sex (but to get a partner a little, you can accidentally touch them with your hand). In the navel area for men, there is another erogenous zone - a great place for gentle kisses, but it is better to save it for the moment when the man is at the peak of arousal.

There are no clear instructions on how to give an erotic massage to a lover - for this there is a female fantasy and imagination that can take a loved one to the pinnacle of bliss.