Abortion is a frightening term for many women. Despite this, every third representative of the weaker sex resorts to this manipulation at least once in her life. Abortion is called termination of pregnancy. It can occur artificially or naturally. Not many patients have heard of such a thing as artificial abortion. What is it, the article will tell you.

Abortion. Artificial abortion
All types of abortion are divided into natural and artificial. The first case includes situations in which an abortion occurs not at the request of the patient, but due to some circumstances. The most common miscarriages occur in the first 8-10 weeks of pregnancy.
Artificial abortions are divided into criminal and artificial. If the termination of pregnancy occurs within the walls of the hospital, in compliance with the rules of antisepsis and asepsis, as well as with full registrationdocumentation, then it will be artificial abortion. After such manipulations, complications are much less common in women than from criminal and illegal actions.

What are the indications?
Has an artificial abortion for medical reasons. Among them - the impossibility of carrying a child by a woman or the incompatibility of pregnancy with the patient's life. Termination of pregnancy is indicated for patients with genetic abnormalities that are likely to be transmitted to the child. If defects are found during screening studies, then an abortion is offered. Legal interruption is carried out for some diseases suffered by a woman in the early stages: rubella, toxolismosis, and so on.
Artificial abortion is also carried out in the later stages. Social indications can be a reason for this. These include the death of a spouse or his incapacity, unemployment, loss of housing. If the pregnancy occurred after the rape, then it can also be terminated. If the mother is deprived of parental rights, legal abortion is carried out before the third trimester. Imprisoning a future mother in places of deprivation of liberty for a long time is an indication for manipulation.

Artificial abortion: contraindications
Legal abortion, unlike criminal, has contraindications. Manipulation is not performed in women with inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. If a pathology is detected, it must beeliminate first.
It is forbidden to perform artificial abortion for patients with infectious diseases of different localization. Even with a common cold, abortion is postponed indefinitely.
The presence of contraindications to legal abortion encourages patients to seek criminal services. Despite the prohibition and punishment for such activities, many doctors continue to perform such operations without prior examination and documentation.

Types of procedure
Artificial abortion has yes main subspecies: early and late. Termination of pregnancy at short terms is more often carried out at the request of the patient. The procedure is carried out up to 12 weeks. If a woman's pregnancy does not exceed 6-7 weeks, then a medical abortion is allowed. Its effectiveness will be the higher, the shorter the term. To interrupt a woman, special drugs are given that affect the hormonal background and the contractility of the myometrium. Under their action, the fetal membranes exfoliate and come out with bleeding.
A more difficult but safer method of interruption is vacuum aspiration. The procedure for such a legal abortion is performed under local anesthesia. With the help of a tube-pump, the fetal egg is separated from the walls of the uterus and removed.
More often in hospitals, the last type of artificial abortion is used - gynecological curettage. Experts also call this procedure "curettage". During the manipulation, the patient is in a statemedical sleep. The gynecologist expands the cervical canal with instruments, and then removes the fetal egg with a curette.
In the later stages, legal abortion can only be performed surgically. Also, sometimes an artificial birth is required.

What indications artificial abortion has, you already know. In the early stages, the reason for terminating a pregnancy is the desire of a woman. Later, the procedure is performed exclusively by decision of the medical board. Legal abortion always requires the woman's written consent and documentation. Previously, the patient undergoes a series of tests: blood tests, smears, fluorography. If you are not assigned such a diagnosis, and doctors do not ask you to sign papers, then such an abortion is criminal. This is a violation of your rights and excess of their own powers by doctors. Be careful!