Chronic prostatitis and infertility

Chronic prostatitis and infertility
Chronic prostatitis and infertility

Some call prostatitis male sore throat, since both diseases are provoked by the same bacteria. Any neglected pathology can lead to serious complications. Infertility and prostatitis are closely related. However, even if the patient has been diagnosed with a chronic form of prostatitis, then he has a chance to have children. It is worth analyzing in more detail the connection between infertility and prostatitis.

Manifestation of prostatitis

In some cases, up to a certain time, prostatitis in men does not manifest itself in any way. At the same time, the patient is sure that everything is in order with his he alth, and the disease is still progressing. As a rule, this male ailment is caused by the following pathologies:

  1. Various infections. Viruses, bacteria, fungi are considered triggers: E. coli, Trichomonas, and others. Most often they enter the body during sexual contact. Although these harmful bacteria can provoke other foci of infection, for example, withkidney pathologies or sinusitis.
  2. Non-infectious processes. This should include those patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle, like to drink.
A man sits on a bed, a girl lies behind
A man sits on a bed, a girl lies behind

Prostatitis symptoms

This disease comes in two forms:

  1. Chronic.
  2. Spicy.

The symptoms of each form will be different, as well as the severity of the disease itself. Prostatitis is clearly manifested, as a rule, in acute form. The main features are as follows:

  1. Chills.
  2. Muscle pain, as well as soreness in the genitals or groin.
  3. Urinary disorders.
  4. Increased body temperature.

If left untreated, prostatitis can develop from an acute form to a chronic one. The chronic form of this disease is the most dangerous. Symptoms in this case disappear, and after a while they reappear, as a result of which infertility gradually develops. This is how infertility and prostatitis are connected.

As for the symptoms in the chronic form of the disease, they are almost the same as in the acute form, but less pronounced. Sometimes there are other signs:

  1. Pus and blood in the ejaculate.
  2. Bad potency.
  3. Painful and rapid ejaculation.
  4. Irritable.
Boy and girl lie in bed
Boy and girl lie in bed

Link between infertility and prostatitis

This male disease, as mentioned above, is accompanied byunpleasant symptoms. However, many are interested in the question of whether chronic prostatitis and infertility have any connection. This form of the disease can cause infertility only in some cases. The disease provokes it only indirectly, while destroying the reproductive system. Whether prostatitis is the cause of infertility will depend on several factors. Of particular danger is the infectious component, because the pathogen is able to be transmitted to a woman. The human body then gradually becomes weak due to the development of the disease. Regarding the relationship between chronic prostatitis and infertility, a man may not have children for the following reasons:

  1. The prostate is a gland that secretes a secret that is part of the ejaculate. Inflammation can undermine the function of the organ, as well as worsen the quality of sperm in the stronger sex.
  2. The power supply of the channels is starting to break down. This is a consequence of a circulatory disorder. As a result of dysfunction of the prostate gland, a man becomes less spermatozoa, and some of them will be defective. And this in most cases is considered the main factor in the development of infertility.

This is how prostatitis leads to infertility in men.

The man bowed his head
The man bowed his head

Sperm quality

Ejaculate quality also plays an important role in the development of infertility. Considering the relationship between chronic prostatitis and infertility in men, one should pay attention to the fact that this disease can lead to an excess of harmful substances in the ejaculate.microorganisms, as well as some cells that fight them. Such cells are called leukocytes. Speaking about whether prostatitis affects infertility, several threats of this unpleasant phenomenon should be considered:

  1. Many bacteria, viruses can penetrate spermatozoa. As a result, they interfere with the work of spermatozoa or completely destroy them. This should include ureaplasma or chlamydia. Thus, bacterial prostatitis is the cause of infertility in men.
  2. The male body produces special antibodies that are aimed at fighting fungi, bacteria and viruses. By this time, some of them are already inside the spermatozoa. As a result, the human body destroys the seed. Such infertility is usually attributed to the immunological type.
  3. Pest microorganisms can lead to inflammation. In this case, special substances are formed, which are called mediators. It is they who reduce the mobility of spermatozoa in semen.
  4. After some time, due to the inflammatory process that occurs in the prostate gland, scars form in the seminal canals. The tissues begin to undergo sclerotic changes. These scars prevent sperm from moving and exiting normally, resulting in infertility.
  5. The inflammatory process can lead to a local accumulation of leukocytes in the semen. Some scientists believe that a large number of these protective cells can harm the body. They should be no more than 1 million per 1 ml of semen. Leukocytes form certain forms of oxygen, which are poorlyaffect the quality of the ejaculate. This unbound gas is toxic, it affects not only microbes, but also other germ cells.
man holding his stomach
man holding his stomach

Reproductive function and chronic prostatitis

When discussing whether prostatitis can be the cause of infertility, it should be noted that the acute form of the disease is dangerous, but chronic prostatitis is more closely associated with the reproductive system. This form of the disease does not bother men so often, which means that treatment is delayed in most cases. In some situations, chronic prostatitis does not manifest itself at all.

And by the time signs appear, violations are already running. Mild symptoms help the disease go unnoticed for a long time. During such a violation, a decrease in the number of spermatozoa is inevitable. The rest will be less active and will also get defects. In addition, they come out of the seminal canal with great difficulty. The longer the disease is treated, the more serious these processes will be, and infertility will develop faster. Therefore, the treatment of prostatitis and infertility should be carried out immediately after the manifestation of even the slightest signs of this disease.

In some cases, prostatitis is not the only pathology. If this disease is combined with other diseases, then infertility in a man occurs much faster. If there are testicular dysfunctions, such as varicocele disease, then the quality of the ejaculate deteriorates significantly. The main amount of seminal fluid isunsuitable for fertilization. Sometimes there are even no active spermatozoa at all.

The testicles are responsible for producing and receiving male hormones. In the human body, everything is connected, therefore, due to prostate disease, their work begins to deteriorate. In parallel with this, the hormonal background is disturbed, and the immune system weakens. As a result, the infection poisons the male body much more.

Man at the doctor's office
Man at the doctor's office

Infertility treatment

To fight infertility, the main causes that provoked it should be eliminated or weakened. Treatment of chronic prostatitis is a very difficult and slow process. The main therapy is performed by urologists, andrologists, but other specialists can be involved.

Treatment of acute prostatitis

Methods of therapy will depend on the form of the disease. In the acute form, which is caused by an infection, the following drugs are used:

  1. Various antibiotics that should be treated for 15 to 90 days.
  2. Anti-fungal medicines.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis

It will take about six months to treat this form of the disease. Therapy in this case often does not give a complete recovery. Despite the fact that the remission lasts for several years, a man can still conceive a child. The complexity of the chronic form lies in the fact that it is far from always possible to identify infectious agents, if they exist. For two weeks for treatment applyantibiotics. But if there is no improvement, then the course of their application may increase up to one and a half months.

Other fertility and prostatitis medicines

To fight infertility and inflammation of the prostate, you can also use other medications. These include the following:

  1. Alpha-blockers, which can improve the condition, and also contribute to less use of painkillers. The effectiveness of taking these drugs is about 80%.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain. Rectal preparations are especially effective.
  3. Various vitamin complexes.
  4. Immunomodulators.
  5. Adaptogens, as well as other substances.
The man collapsed in pain
The man collapsed in pain

Other Therapies

In the chronic form of prostatitis, physiotherapy and massage are very effective. If the disease proceeds in an acute form, then these procedures are strictly prohibited. With any form of prostatitis, psychological assistance and physiotherapy exercises are effective. In some cases, folk methods are used. Use them only with the permission of a doctor.

Traditional medicine

The use of folk remedies is possible only with a mild form or chronic recurrence of this disease. They can relieve soreness as well as increase the male body's natural resistance to infections.

In the chronic form, pumpkin seeds are used. For this, 500 g of seeds are neededgrind in a meat grinder, add 1 cup of honey, form small balls the size of a walnut. Take balls of 2 pieces before eating until they run out. It is important to note that they must be chewed for at least 3 minutes. As a rule, recurrence is not observed within 1 year.

Very effective are juices from carrots, asparagus, cucumber, beets. You can also use rectal suppositories based on propolis. These suppositories are anti-inflammatory and also relieve pain.

To prepare them, you need to take 40 g of propolis, evaporate it in one glass of medical alcohol. Add cocoa butter to the resulting product in a ratio of 1:20. From the resulting product, form candles, send them to the refrigerator so that they freeze. Apply suppositories rectally for 1 month with a break of 5 weeks.

doctor talking to patient
doctor talking to patient

Every man should understand that any disease of the prostate gland can prevent conception and disrupt reproductive function. Prostatitis is one of the most important diseases of the prostate, so it must be treated promptly and without fail. In this way, infertility can be avoided.
