In the arsenal of medicine and pharmacology today there are thousands of substances of natural and artificial origin, common and extremely rare, natural and obtained in laboratories. However, today medicine goes hand in hand with phytotherapy, and its reserves are truly enormous. Not always, however, the fighters of the green army are recognized as official science. Kuril tea is such an unrecognized soldier. Its use for medicinal purposes is not very common, but the properties should be appreciated. So, what is this wonderful plant and what are its properties?

What does Kuril bush tea look like?
The use of this plant is more common in places of growth. Potentilla (the second name of Kuril tea) grows in Russia from the Urals to the Kuriles, as the name implies. This plant, reaching the age of forty, stretches to almost a meter. In dense thickets, bright yellow flowers immediately stand out, complex narrow leaves shine. In summer, during flowering, Kuril tea is also harvested. Its application is based onproperties of tips and roots. This is a whole laborious process that requires endurance. They break off the branches, of which there are many, dry and monitor the temperature and humidity. Harvesting occurs mainly in areas where the plant lives. This is very important, since an environmentally friendly environment has a beneficial effect on Kuril tea. Using a contaminated plant will do absolutely no good.

Kuril tea: medicinal properties
The plant is an excellent antiseptic. The decoction is considered an antimicrobial and bactericidal agent. This property is also used for diseases of the oral cavity, with stomatitis, tonsillitis. Potentilla also helps with diarrhea, stops blood flow, and has an analgesic effect. Tibetan residents and Kamchadals use infusions and all kinds of medicines for diarrhea and pulmonary tuberculosis, as an expectorant, for diseases of the stomach, intestines, urinary tract, and kidneys. Excellent and soothing effect. Acne, boils, skin rashes can also be treated with cinquefoil. As already mentioned, the tops of plants and roots are considered medicinal. They contain flavonoids, essential oil, resins, tannins, acids, tannins, PP vitamins, provitamin A - carotene … You can't count everything. A noteworthy fact: the concentration of ascorbic acid (or vitamin C) in the leaves of this plant is several times higher than the content of the same substance in a lemon!

Kuril tea: home use
The main medicine of the green pharmacy, which can be prepared from Potentilla products, is a decoction. To prepare it, pour a good pinch of dried shoots with half a liter of boiling water, then boil for a little less than ten minutes, leave for a couple of hours. If you reduce the amount of water to 300 ml and leave for ten minutes, then you can gargle with this decoction. Drink half a glass three times a day, you can drink it with honey, which is also an excellent folk medicine. You can also insist on the roots: take two hundred grams of boiling water for one tablespoon. If there is a wild-growing Kuril tea nearby, then the crushed herb can be applied to the affected skin.