Caucasus is an important plant in the field of medicine, as it has a number of useful properties. This herb cleanses the human body of toxins, effectively heals various wounds. For those who suffer from tuberculosis, it is also needed as a medicine. But in order to properly use this plant to eliminate the disease, you need to study its medicinal properties. Centaury grass became the subject of our review. Let's find out in which situations traditional medicine recommends its use, and in which it is better to abstain.

What is a centaury?
Caucasus centaury, as gardeners call this most common type of grass, is a biennial plant (less often an annual), whose height does not exceed 40 centimeters. At the same time, its leaves are thin and small. Stems solitary, shapedtetrahedral, and basal are in the outlet. From the rhizome usually sprouts from 2 to 5 stems.
The centaury blooms with small bracts, the shade of which is bright pink tones. There are centaury flowers of both yellow and white color, but this happens very rarely. If the centaury is smaller (about 15 centimeters), it lacks a basal rosette of leaves, as well as inflorescences.
The calyx of the plant is of a joint-leaved form, divided into 4 or 5 lobes. And the rim has a cylindrical structure in the form of a tube bent along a flat bend. The elongated stamens are twisted together.

Varieties of centaury
There are 2 varieties of this plant - a small and spike-shaped centaury. The leaves of a small plant are suitable for making various teas and tinctures. Dried grass is stored in small cloth bags or in glass jars.
The spicate centaury differs from the small one in its inflorescence, which has acquired a shape similar to an ear. There is a spike-shaped analogue of this plant in the Altai Territory, as well as in the countries of Central Asia. It is bred on a large scale, as its natural resources make it easy to do this.
Chemical composition and classification
The herb contains up to 1% of the alkaloid gentianine. In addition to gentianin, centaury contains essential oils, phytosterols, ascorbic and organic acids, as well as flavone glycosides.
The centaury belongs to the herbaceous plants of the familygentian. It is thanks to its natural bitterness, which this herb is generously endowed with, that it is suitable for stimulating a person's appetite.
In total, about 20 types of centaury are known, but only 2 are used in medicine: this is an ordinary and beautiful one.

Habitats and flowering period
You can meet the medicinal herb centaury in subtropical regions and in places with a temperate climate. Therefore, countries such as Australia, Iran and Chile are quite rich in this plant. But in Russia it is quite possible to find a similar grass. It actively thrives in sunny meadows, various fields and arable land, as well as on the edges, that is, in those places where light from the sun's rays spreads. Conversely, you should not look for this plant in a shady area, as these are not its favorable conditions for prosperity.
There are many places where the centaury grows, there is also it in Ukraine (Carpathian region), Belarus, Turkmenistan and the Caucasus. There are isolated areas with this grass in the Northern Altai.
This plant usually blooms in June. It was then that one should begin to collect it for practical use for medicinal purposes. But the collection can take a whole summer, during which the raw materials necessary for practical purposes are prepared.

How is the collection and procurement of raw materials
The centaury is cut off entirely. At the same time, only small shoots of it remain in the ground for seed maturation. Butcutting grass must be dried very carefully. To do this, it is laid on one side and dried in a special place where sunlight and moisture do not penetrate. Once the grass has dried, it is placed indoors. However, it should be well ventilated.
Raw materials harvested in this way are stored for no more than 3 years. For the specified period of time, it is desirable to fully use it for any needs.
Healing properties of centaury herb
It is important to understand that the centaury is a plant that will be very useful for humans. But in order to actively use it in the treatment process, it is worthwhile to first understand what kind of healing properties this herb has. Among them, the following main ones can be distinguished:
- Elimination of various inflammatory processes. This herb can be applied to the wound, which will only contribute to the faster healing of cuts or burns. At the same time, the plant does not cause any irritation.
- When taking decoctions or tinctures from centaury, it is possible to expel bile from the body.
- Stops heavy bleeding instantly. This is very important for those people who have poor blood clotting.
- Allows you to get rid of constipation, as it improves the digestive process in the stomach with systematic use.
- Normalizes appetite.
What are the contraindications?
In addition to medicinal properties, centaury herb also has contraindications. They must be taken into account. For example, centaury promotes weight gainhuman body, as it stimulates his appetite. In this situation, it is important to control the intake of the necessary calories for the body, since their excessive saturation will not lead to a positive effect.
In some situations, this herb can be the main cause of diarrhea. Stomach disease and duodenal problems are also often caused by exposure to this plant.
When using centaury, it is very important to observe the required dosage. If you do not adhere to this condition, difficulties with the normalization of the digestive process will certainly appear in all their glory.
Those people who tend to be overweight should not take this herb as a healing potion, as centaury increases appetite.

From which diseases it can be cured, methods of application
The list of major diseases that can be cured by the systematic use of centaury includes the following:
- Alcoholism. Drink a special mixture of this plant, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. It is obtained by mixing 1 part of wormwood, as well as 4 parts of centaury. At the same time, 1 cup of boiling water is poured into 1 tablespoon of the mixture, and then allowed to brew for 1 hour.
- Elimination of worms. Take 1 tablespoon of grass, put in a certain container. Half a glass of vodka is also poured here, the contents are closed with a lid for 2 weeks. Here it is important not to forget to periodically shake the tincture. And you need to do this at least 1once a day. It is taken from 15 to 20 drops approximately 30 minutes before a meal.
- Treatment of chronic hepatitis. A tablespoon of centaury should be infused in boiling water (about 0.5 liters), let it cool, and then strain thoroughly. The received medicine is taken one hour before meals. Patients take this decoction in 1/3 of a glass. In the same way, diabetes can also be cured.
- When inflammation of the gallbladder. For this purpose, a special choleretic collection is prepared. It consists of equal amounts of centaury grass, sandy cumin flowers and calamus root. For 500 grams of water, only 6 grams of the resulting choleretic collection is added. The mixture is infused at night, and in the morning it is boiled for about 5 minutes after boiling. A glass of the prepared broth should be drunk on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.
Remember, self-medication can only aggravate the situation, so do not neglect a visit to the doctor. Only after his recommendation can drug therapy be combined with folk therapy.

Most famous herb recipes
You can prepare many different preparations from centaury herb, as well as peculiar tinctures that will become very useful in folk medicine. But to understand which of them best treat a particular disease, you need to understand the intricacies of cooking.
Decoctions or tinctures prepared from the common centaury are suitable for the elimination of skin diseases. Also theyhave a very fruitful effect on the body and allow it to deal with such types of ailments as sinusitis and migraine. In some cases, this type of plant is used externally - this happens with eczema, as well as with open wounds that bleed heavily.
The juice of the plant will be the most effective for ear pain. The essence of the treatment is based on the fact that the juice enters the ear in a minimal amount - a few drops. But food allergies in children are best cured with a special decoction of centaury.
Tincture of centaury on vodka is prepared as follows: you need to mix vodka (about 200 grams) with dry grass of the plant (1 tablespoon). A distinctive feature of this recipe is the very long preparation time of the tincture. After all, it will take at least two weeks for the broth to infuse. But it should be constantly stirred and do not forget about it. By taking such a medicine, a person can normalize the functioning of his digestive system.
With heartburn and nausea, a mixture prepared according to this recipe will become more effective: 5 grams of dry centaury powder is poured into 25 grams of ethyl alcohol. This mixture is infused for about 10 days, then it should be carefully filtered. Take 20 drops 30 minutes before meals.
Caucasian herbal tea is easy to make. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of crushed grass and add cold water (250 grams) to it. All this is infused for 10 minutes, and then filtered.
How to take?
Caucasus herb instructions for use recommend using after consultation with your doctor. It is possible to treat with tinctures from this plant at home, but only with a competent approach to this matter. Do not forget to consult with competent specialists when preparing a tincture or decoction on your own, so as not to harm your he alth, as well as the well-being of your loved one, by any rash action. The use of centaury herb depends on the person's diagnosis.

Growing advice
In order to grow the medicinal herb centaury, it is necessary to sow the seeds of the plant in the spring in the garden. To do this, special holes are dug to a depth of 1.5 centimeters. The distance between them should be from 20 to 40 centimeters, and the row spacing should be from 45 to 60 centimeters. The centaury is not particularly demanding on the quality of the soil, so if everything is done correctly, then in June it will already be possible to harvest a bountiful harvest and prepare the necessary raw materials from it. In addition, this grass will look beautiful on the site. It will definitely decorate the summer garden, because the flowers of the plant are bright pink. It is small, it can easily diversify the flower garden.