Plantain is a herb, every person has known about the amazing healing properties since childhood. Everyone knows that a wound or bruise will stop hurting if you attach a bright green leaf to the damaged area. However, the healing power is inherent not only in leaves, but also in stems and seeds.
Where does the plantain have such properties? What is included in its composition? How else can this plant be used? This and many other things are now worth telling in detail.

Vitamin C
This is the first ingredient of plantain. There is a lot of vitamin C in the grass. Its benefits are as follows:
- Positive effect on the central nervous system.
- Strengthening blood vessels.
- Participation in the production of proteoglycans by cartilage cells.
- Stimulation of the endocrine glands.
- Participation in blood renewal processes.
- Antioxidant action.
- Maintenance of the body with diabetes, as well as after a stroke and heart attack.
- Participation in recovery processes.
- Healing ulcers and wounds.
In addition, vitamin C is a powerful energy booster that can restore strength when overtired.
Many properties of plantain herb determine the presence of this powerful unsaturated hydrocarbon in its composition. Beta-carotene, entering the body, is synthesized into vitamin A, the benefits of which are known to everyone. In addition, this substance has the following properties:
- This is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from radicals that provoke the development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases.
- It reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.
- Beta-carotene lowers cholesterol.
- Has a positive cosmetic effect on hair, nails and skin.
- Prevents the development of cataracts and glaucoma, improves vision.
- Helps to cope with diseases of the genitourinary system.
- Accelerates skin regeneration in case of ulcers, wounds and burns.
- Supports prostate function.
In addition to the above, beta-carotene helps maintain immunity, effectively fighting infectious processes. According to some studies, the intake of this substance in the body in large quantities contributes to the inhibition of cell destruction in AIDS.

Vitamin K
Many properties of the medicinal herb plantain are due to the presence of this substance in its composition. Vitamin K has a strong effect on clotting. That is why the bleeding stops quickly if you applyto the wound leaf or gruel from plantain. It is also important to note the following:
- Vitamin K has a positive effect on the functioning of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys.
- Normalizes metabolism in connective and bone tissue.
- Helps the body absorb calcium and vitamin D.
- Prevents the appearance and development of osteoporosis.
- Participates in redox reactions.
- Promotes the synthesis of proteins needed by lung and heart tissue.
In addition, vitamin K neutralizes strong poisons such as aflatoxin, coumarin, and many others similar in composition.
Other ingredients
In a smaller amount, psyllium herb contains:
- Bioflavonoids. These are strong antioxidants.
- Various enzymes.
- Uronic and citric acids.
- Tannins. They have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and astringent properties.
- Phytoncides. They prevent infections.
- Glycoside aucubin, which is responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant.
- Alkaloids. Promote cardiac activity and positively affect the central nervous system.
- Essential trace elements (selenium, molybdenum, calcium, cob alt, potassium, copper, iron).
Plantain seeds deserve special attention. Many people know about the grass and its properties, but not everyone knows how great their benefits are. In addition to the above, they also include:
- Proteins.
- Amino acids.
- Saponins. itsubstances that help with coughing, thin the sputum in the bronchi and increase the secretion of gastric juice.
- Slime. Its content is about 44%.
- Essential fatty acids.
It is difficult to talk about the importance of each component that is part of this plant, because there are a lot of them. So it’s worth summarizing them and generally telling about the benefits of plantain.

Compresses and ointments
Promote healing of wounds or elimination of pain in swollen places in a more effective way than simply applying a sheet to them. Better make a compress.
To do this, rinse large fresh leaves in water and grind them thoroughly into a pulp. Put the resulting mass on the damaged place and carefully “fix” it on it, wrapping it with a film. No need to tighten. Or, if this is not a limb, and it will not work to wrap, you can simply pull a film over the slurry, and fix the edges with a band-aid. It is desirable to wear 10-12 hours.
With purulent skin diseases, homemade plantain ointment can help. You just need to mix the grass (10 g) with petroleum jelly (100 g) and rub the damaged area with the resulting mixture.
And you can prepare the ointment in a different way. Squeeze juice from fresh leaves - you should get 2 tablespoons. Mix them with fresh butter, add a teaspoon of honey. It is recommended to lubricate with such an ointment burn, purulent and inflamed wounds. The optimal number of procedures is 3-4 times a day. The pre-treated area should be washed with hydrogen peroxideor manganese solution.
Decoction of leaves
This medicine, which is easy to prepare at home, has a number of medicinal properties. Herb plantain in a decoction reveals all its strength. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of the following pathologies and conditions:
- Gum inflammation and periodontal disease.
- Diseases of the respiratory system and throat. Most effective in bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, whooping cough and pleurisy.
- Dysentery.
- Diseases of the stomach, provoked by low acidity.
- Colitis, hemorrhoids, increased gas formation.
- Diseases of the gallbladder.
- Hypertension of the initial stage.
- Headaches, arrhythmias, problems with blood vessels.
- Eye inflammation.
- Acne, rashes and inflammatory skin processes.
- Parametritis and inflammation related to the genitourinary system.
- Dermatitis and urticaria.
- Insomnia, neurasthenia and exhaustion.
- Lymphostasis and swelling.
- Leukemia, malignant skin ulcers, cancer.
In general, there can be a lot of indications for taking a decoction. Plantain herb is really effective, the main thing is not to forget to drink this healing medicine and follow the measure.

How to make a decoction?
There are two great recipes, and both are easy.
- 10 grams of plantain leaves pour hot water (250 ml).
- Send the container to the water bath and keep it underlid half an hour.
- Strain.
- 5 grams of plantain pour a liter of boiling water.
- Simmer on low heat for 10 minutes.
- Leave covered for a day.
- Strain.
To prepare a decoction, you can use not only dry plantain bought at a pharmacy, but also natural. But it will have to be finely chopped. And it is better to take 2-3 times more raw materials, taking into account the fact of shrinkage.

Seed decoction
The use of plantain herb is quite wide. Its seeds, in addition to the listed actions, also have additional ones. A decoction based on them is capable of:
- Normalize the female hormonal background.
- Relieve diabetes.
- Calm the stomach lining, protect it from irritants, relieve inflammation.
- Establish intestinal motility, promote the removal of toxins.
- Positive effect on potency.
How to prepare such a decoction? There are also two recipes here.
- Pour the seeds (1 tbsp.) into an enamel container.
- Pour a glass of water.
- Boil for one minute.
- Infuse for 30 minutes covered.
- Strain.
- Seeds (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (350 ml).
- Simmer on low heat for 15 minutes.
- Strain.
Drink this volume per day in three doses at equal time intervalsbetween them.

Could there be harm?
Yes, just like any other product or medicine. And it is necessary to mention contraindications. Plantain grass is far from harmless. And a person, out of ignorance, can harm himself. Contraindications are as follows:
- High stomach acid.
- Ulcer.
- Hyperacid gastritis.
- Increased concentration of gastric juice.
- Thrombophlebitis.
- Increased blood clotting.
- Individual intolerance.
So there are not only medicinal properties in the herb plantain. And, as you can see, there are contraindications. Therefore, before you start taking any remedy based on it, you should consult your doctor. Or at least start with small doses. In the absence of a negative reaction, you can increase the dose to normal.
Much has been said above about the medicinal properties, benefits and harms of plantain herb. It should also be noted that excellent cosmetics are made on its basis that contribute to:
- Smoothing wrinkles of any type.
- Elimination of purulent inflammation.
- Traceless healing of cracks and wounds.
- Softening the epidermis.
Regular use of psyllium-based products really gives a wonderful effect. No wonder, because it contains organic acids, flavonoids, tannins and the listed vitamins, which are simply necessary for the skin.
Cosmetics inat home
If you want to help your skin, you can make ice from plantain. Cryomassage improves lymphatic drainage, strengthens blood vessels, works against wrinkles.

You will need:
- Plantain dry, chopped - 8 grams.
- Filtered water - 80 ml.
- Wheat oil - 5 ml.
Water must be heated, then pour dry grass into it and cover with a lid. Stir and leave for 2 hours, covered with a lid. After the time has passed, strain and add the oil. Pour into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. With frozen cubes, you need to wipe the previously cleansed skin of the face before going to bed and apply moisturizing cocoa butter to it after the procedure.
You can also make a lotion that effectively tightens pores, soothes pustules and treats a purulent rash. Required:
- Dry plantain - 12g
- Cognac - 50 ml.
- Water - 90 ml.
- Peach oil - 6 ml.
What do you need? Insist plantain in cognac for a week. Then strain the liquid and add oil and water to it. Pour the resulting composition into a bottle, install a spray nozzle on it. Shake before each use. Can be applied to the skin either with a cotton pad or just like that.
Well, plantain is indeed a real natural healer. Once again, this is evidenced by the fact that many medical preparations are also made on its basis.