Currently, there are a large number of tests that can be used to assess the physical parameters of any person. An important indicator is the body mass index (BMI). It is used not only by fitness trainers, but also by doctors. The formula for calculating the indicator is very simple, in connection with which every woman will be able to determine her ideal body mass index and strive for it.
BMI: concept
This term was introduced at the end of the 19th century by the Belgian sociologist and statistician A. Quetelet. It was he who created the formula, based on the results of which one can conclude whether a person’s weight corresponds to his height.
This indicator is informative for doctors. This is due to the fact that it reflects the he alth status of patients. The formula can also be used by anyone. In addition, there is a WHO-developed BMI table for women and men. Based on the results, you canto conclude whether the body weight is within the normal range.
Method benefits:
- Sharp and pronounced fluctuations in weight can lead to the development of diseases that pose a danger not only to he alth, but also to life. Using the formula, you can determine the ideal body weight and understand if any changes are needed.
- To find out what a woman's BMI should be, you don't need to do a lot of math. It is enough to measure your height, weight and make just 2 easy calculations.
- For women, BMI is a clear indication of their success. Experts advise to calculate the index once a month. This allows you to evaluate the dynamics of changes, and also motivates for further achievements.
The only drawback of the index is that it cannot be used to assess the fitness of athletes. This is due to the fact that due to the developed muscles, the indicator will always be high. In addition, it is not practical to calculate BMI in pregnant women and children. Using the indicator, it is also impossible to assess the harmony of the figure.

BMI calculation formula
You only need to perform 2 arithmetic operations. To do this, you need to know your height and weight.
The formula looks like this: I=m/h2, where m is body weight in kilograms, h is height in meters.
For example, how to calculate BMI for a woman with the following data: 68 kg and 169 cm? According to the formula:
I=68 ÷ 1.69 x 1. 69=23.7. Round up to 24. This is the mass indexbody.
Interpretation of results:
- 18, 4 or less - underweight;
- from 18.5 to 24.99 - normal limits;
- 25 to 29, 99 - overweight, obese;
- from 30 to 34, 99 - I degree obesity;
- 35 to 39, 99 - II degree obesity;
- 40 or more - morbid obesity.
Thus, the ideal BMI for women can range from 18.5-24.99. If you get an “obese” result (of any degree), it is recommended to see a doctor. This is due to the fact that against the background of excess body weight, the risk of developing all kinds of diseases, especially pathologies of the cardiovascular system, increases significantly.

BMI chart for women
It was developed and approved by WHO. In the table for women, BMI is reflected in the main field, height - in the left column. The weights are shown in the top horizontal line. First you need to find your height. Then move horizontally and stop at the cell that corresponds to the weight. After that, you need to move your eyes on the BMI table for women to the colored cell of the main field. The value seen is the body mass index.

This table has been repeatedly questioned by scientists. This is due to the fact that the age of the person is not taken into account during the calculation. Naturally, for example, a 50-year-old woman has a different body mass index than a young girl. Nevertheless, the table is very widely and successfully used by doctors.

Lack of weight is as much a problem as obesity. According to statistics, patients who dream of losing weight come to nutritionists three times more often. However, there are also clients who need to gain weight. In both cases, it is necessary to carry out a long and serious work. And it should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
Initially, you need to calculate the BMI for a woman. If the indicator is less than 18.5, you should contact a nutritionist as soon as possible. During the initial appointment, the doctor finds out the causes of underweight.
Lack of weight may result from:
- Regular consumption of low-calorie meals. In other words, a person burns much more energy than it consumes.
- Unbalanced diet.
- Bad appetite.
- Fear of gaining weight.
- Professional sports. As a rule, trainers forbid gaining weight even minimally.
In this case, an additional consultation with a psychologist is required.
It is also important to know that low BMI can be the result of various diseases. The main causes of underweight in this case:
- Depression and other nervous disorders.
- Hyperthyroidism.
- Celiac disease.
- Type I diabetes.
- Malignant pathologies.
- Chronic diseases.
- Tuberculosis.
- Violation of the functioning of the digestive tract.
- Enzymatic pancreatic insufficiency.
- Worm infestations.
To confirm or exclude the presence of a particular disease, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. In addition, you need to adjust the diet. It should be balanced and high in calories.

BMI within normal limits
This result is perfect. He indicates that the woman is doing everything right. To maintain weight, you need to eat in the usual mode and expose the body to physical activity.
It is important for women to calculate BMI every month and evaluate any slightest changes. A visual schedule is the best motivation to continue following the principles of a he althy lifestyle.
Regarding food. The best option is one in which a woman eats up to 5 times a day. At the same time, the size of one serving should not exceed 200 g. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the calorie content of the diet. When extra pounds appear, it should be reduced by 200-300 kcal, or, on the contrary, increased if there is a decrease in body weight.

If the BMI is in the range of 25-29.99, you need to think about your he alth and adjust your lifestyle. In this case, you must first determine how much food is consumed per day and what should be the daily calorie content. If the first indicator is greater than the second, the cause of overweight is obvious.
How to calculate the daily calorie content for women: (9.99 x weight, kg) + (6.25 x height, cm) -(4, 92 x age, years) - 161. This is the Mifflin formula, which is used by the whole world.
For example, for a girl of 29 years old with a weight of 89 kg and a height of 169 cm, the daily calorie content will be:
(9, 99 x 89) + (6, 25 x 169) - (4, 92 x 29) - 161=889, 11 + 1056, 25 - 142, 68 - 161=1641, 68 kcal.
However, the degree of physical activity must also be taken into account. The indicator must be multiplied by one of the coefficients:
- 1, 2 - sedentary lifestyle;
- 1, 3 - the minimum number of exercises 1 time per week;
- 1, 4 - training every other day;
- 1, 5 - classes almost daily;
- 1, 7 - constant intensive training;
- 1, 9 - hard work.
The resulting value is the daily calorie intake needed to maintain physical fitness. To get rid of extra pounds, you need to reduce it by 200-300 kcal. This is the safest way to lose weight and change the BMI index down. In addition, we must not forget about the principles of proper nutrition.

This condition has several degrees of severity. Any of them require medical intervention. As practice shows, only 10% of women are able to cope with obesity on their own so that the lost kilograms do not return again.
Initially, you need to contact a nutritionist and an endocrinologist. Obesity is a condition that requires not only adjustments to the daily routine and diet, but also medication.
Ideal weight formula
Every woman wants to know the body weight indicator at which both she and the body will be as comfortable as possible. To calculate the ideal weight, it is recommended to use Brock's formula. It looks like this: (height, cm - 110) x 1, 15. For example, for a woman with a height of 170 cm, the ideal weight is 69 kg.
But you need to regularly calculate BMI. It is important to remember that a body mass index of less than 18.5 indicates a he alth risk.

In closing
BMI is a measure used by doctors and fitness trainers to monitor fitness. Each woman can calculate the body mass index on her own, the formula is simple and does not require complex mathematical calculations. A BMI of less than 18.5 indicates that a person is clearly underweight. A score over 30 indicates obesity. In both cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Both excessive thinness and obesity require a long and complex correction. After the conversation, the doctor will be able to calculate the BMI for the woman, after which he will issue a referral for a comprehensive examination and, based on its results, will draw up a diet, treatment regimen and training schedule.