Dysentery is the most common intestinal infection. Its causative agents are bacteria of the genus Shigella. But in medicine, a form of dysentery is also known, which is caused by the simplest amoeba. It's called amoebiasis.

Dysentery, like most intestinal infections, is characterized by symptoms of intoxication (headache, weakness) and dyspeptic disorders (dehydration, vomiting and loose stools). The disease is most common among children. In infants, it is extremely rare, since during this period the baby receives strong immune protection from the mother with breast milk. If the disease is diagnosed in a child under one year old, then in most cases it is due to infected dairy products or poor quality water.
Dysentery is a seasonal infection. Its outbreaks are recorded in the summer, during the recreation season on the reservoirs. The main route of infection is water. But do not forget that a child can become infected while playing in sandboxes, from other kids through toys. This way of transmission of the disease is called contact-household. To prevent infection, it is enough to follow the rules of personalhygiene.
It can be argued that dysentery is a disease of dirty hands. As a rule, its sources are sick people or bacteria carriers who have no symptoms of infection. Pathogenic microbes enter the environment with feces. This disease is an anthroponosis, that is, it is impossible to get infected from animals. Allocate acute and chronic dysentery. In chronic carriers, clinical symptoms may be vague. In this case, only laboratory tests can reveal the disease.

Dysentery can be severe, causing dystrophic changes caused by loss of fluid and important nutrients. This infection causes damage to the intestinal mucosa - hemorrhagic, catarrhal, ulcerative processes are formed, as a result of which microscars remain. A person becomes infected after the penetration of dysentery bacteria into the large intestine. Having reached this section, microbes attach to the cells of the mucous membrane with the help of cilia. Most often, the pathological process extends to the lower part of the intestine, affecting the sigmoid region. Dysentery is a toxicological infection. The toxin causes a number of pathological changes. An imbalance of water-s alt metabolism appears, which leads to symptoms such as dehydration and loose stools.

In order to protect your baby from infection, you must follow the basic rules of personal hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly after every walk. You can not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables bought in the market. Drink only boiled water and milk. Prevention of dysentery does not require any special measures. Do not swim in dirty waters. During outdoor recreation, make sure that children do not swallow river or lake water. After swimming in the ponds, you should definitely take a shower upon returning home.