Graphite is a homeopathic remedy, a kind of carbon. Moreover, even the purest samples of the substance contain iron. Depending on the quality of the material, its concentration ranges from 0.4% to 4%.
General data
In homeopathy, graphite ointment is prepared by rubbing ordinary drawing pencils. The original idea to use graphite as a drug belonged to S. Weinhold. It was he who noted the fact that workers from the graphite factory used this raw material as an external remedy for eczema. His follower is Ruggiere, it is from him that the internal use of the remedy begins.
Soon Graphite was used in homeopathy for a variety of conditions. Like other drugs that affect the skin, this mineral has become the best remedy for psora. Through research and many observations, Hahnemann has compiled a description of exactly how graphite materials affect the skin. The main characteristic of the reaction is "a rash with a thick, like honey, liquid." And no matter where such manifestations occur, graphite will be a sure remedy in any case.
Description of patients
Most often, patients have a dense physique, they are slow. Usually in the instructions for graphite in homeopathy there are recommendations for the use of this material for people of a full physique. Patients are characterized by a lack of animal heat due to the fact that their blood has undergone insufficient oxygenation. Such a person is often cold indoors, outdoors. Patients using the chemical properties of graphite are usually not overly sensitive.
The main feature of this remedy is to provide a rush of blood to the head, face. Pain in the throat is characteristic, a “lump” is formed in it, in addition, there is a “lump” in the gastrointestinal tract. Constipation, scanty discharge during menstruation are the most important symptoms, which also serve as a pointer to graphite in homeopathy when combined with other manifestations - migraines, skin lesions.

Sick people are in sadness, deep melancholy, often shed a lot of tears. They are filled with many bad forebodings, they feel unhappy. Sometimes they get excited, their heart muscle instantly contracts. They feel melancholy, as if they are on the verge of terrifying events. This condition is accompanied by migraine, nausea, and a lot of sweat.
Graphite in homeopathy is associated with anxious excitement, chagrin about future events. Sometimes it comes to light in the course of work, and sometimes in a dream, when suddenly the desire to get out of bed seizes.
Most often, patients who needuse of graphite, show restlessness in the morning.
But they can get upset in the evening, despite the fact that during the day they laughed at everything around, which is often unusual for such people. They feel everything very sharply, and even a simple melody can provoke crying. Often people who need to use graphite can't stand the floral scent.
They often get upset for no reason. Patients are characterized by shyness of character. They are indecisive, too cautious, often doubtful. Usually such persons are characterized by impressionability, fearfulness, irascibility. They may experience fear of work, it is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing. Due to absent-mindedness, they may incorrectly use a word in writing or in speech. All these are signs of hysterical melancholy. Patients often suffer from pain in the back of the head.
General symptoms
The patient may suffer from severe discomfort, but in fact not experience serious pain. His internal organs are sensitive, his limbs may become numb, and all the symptoms are sometimes accompanied by pain throughout the body.

The heart may pulsate, pulsations are sometimes manifested throughout the body, and they can become more intense with any movement. Often, patients experience a strong desire to stretch out, trembling, twitching may be noted. Patients are emaciated, easily get colds, and are afraid of drafts.
Their weakness is pronounced, their strength ends quickly enough,fatigue comes very quickly. Convulsions throughout the body, cramping pain syndrome may begin. At night, they sometimes do not pass even in a dream. An indication for the use of graphite in homeopathy is the presence of fetid secretions, secrets. The body is tense.
The skin is unhe althy, often ulcers appear at the site of the slightest damage. According to reviews of graphite in homeopathy, the skin becomes coarse, becomes excessively dense, dry. There is no sweat, but there are freckles.
Skin may have freckles, red spots like flea bites. Sometimes there are eczema, herpes. Scars often become inflamed, and this can happen repeatedly. They can cause unbearable pain. There are abrasions, itchy veins, enlarged by varicose type. There is a burning sensation of birthmarks. Pus appears in the ulcers, which is accompanied by pain and intense burning.
Graphite in homeopathy is used when a person is constantly sleepy during the daytime. He may fall asleep early in the evening, having difficulty going to sleep. His sleep will not be strong, he may doze a little. At night, many thoughts begin to haunt him, they are very disturbing. In addition, he can be very excited at night, which is accompanied by terrible dreams. It is also noted that sweat appears on the head when falling asleep. At night, blood can also flow; in a dream, conversations with oneself are possible. In some cases, there is urination in bed.
The pulse is usually full and firm, it is notis accelerating. This phenomenon is accompanied by trembling, fever. Chills usually begin around 4 p.m. Often the sweat is offensive and the patient may sweat profusely. Malaria is showing signs and attacks occur every day.
With graphite in homeopathy, fatigue from mental work, numbness in the head, relaxation of the brain is noted. Often the head seems to “boil”, which is accompanied by a buzzing. In this case, suppression of menstruation is often detected. Thoughts are confused, the patient suffers from belching and nausea during menstruation. Severe migraine occurs in the morning, fainting may occur. Headache in the part that was in contact with the pillow at night.

The pain can be severe, it can press on the back of the head, accompanied by a feeling that someone is pulling the head back. With migraine, the patient, according to the description of graphite in homeopathy, is unable to work. There are dizziness, poisoning in the morning. The patient will want to lie down again and again.
Tension can manifest itself in the back of the head, usually when the head is rotated, a pressing pain syndrome appears in the crown area. There is also noise in the head. The patient also often wants to lie down.
Head outside
There are signs of erythema on the skin of the face, severe itching of the head may begin, a crust may appear on the skin. It is not uncommon for rashes on the scalp to be difficult to touch and may smell unpleasant. These eruptions move to the lower part of the head, from where liquid begins to ooze. Passing, rashes leave behindwhite peels. The head begins to sweat during outdoor walks.
Sweat smells foul and can stain clothes yellowish. The head may be covered in sweat, which appears at the slightest movement, even during ordinary conversations. This situation will improve during walks.
Wens appear on the head, the head can be extremely hot, peeling is a common symptom. Hair begins to fall out even on the sides and from the mustache. Rheumatic pain syndrome occurs on the sides of the skin of the skull, it goes to the teeth, cervical lymph nodes. The situation worsens when walking, freezing negatively affects. Saves in this case warming up. Hair is starting to turn gray.
The complexion is yellowish, while the circles under the eyes become gray or blue. There are inflammatory processes in this area, which will be accompanied by vesicles - specific rashes. In some cases, a tumor develops on one of the cheeks.
Constantly haunted by the feeling that the face is covered with cobweb threads. Sometimes there is unilateral paralysis of the face. The bones of the face may suffer, articulation may be difficult. Sometimes the patient suffers from a feeling that his skin is going into folds.
May twitch, which feels like something heavy. They can sink down as if paralyzed. There is a feeling as if there was sand in the eye, pain shooting. Inflammation in the eyes is a fairly common occurrence. Barley sometimes provokes a pulling pain.
The patient is haunted by a feeling of dryness around the eyes, the eyelids maybegin to stick together, dry mucus will form on the eyelashes. If a person bends down, it will darken in his eyes. If he reads, symptoms of myopia will appear - a phenomenon in which he will confuse the characters. Increased manifestations of photophobia. It is especially pronounced in the daytime.
There are also diseases of the ears, they can manifest as a shooting pain syndrome. The inner ear will be dry. Unpleasant odors, bloody discharge, pus in the ears may be present.

Eczema occurs on the skin in the ear area, hearing is reduced. Noise, crackling, buzzing, and sometimes whistling can often seem. The ears will appear to be filled with water, stuffed up, or hardened.
Respiratory system
Breathing will be difficult, there will be a feeling of tightness in the sternum. Suffocation will torment a person at night. This symptomatology is more pronounced after midnight. Due to this, the patient can wake up sharply jumping out of bed, trying to eat something, after which relief will be noted. This is a symptom of asthma.
The breath of such a person will be wheezing, whistling. Pain in the sternum will increase when climbing stairs, while riding horses, yawning. Every day, the chest will sweat a lot, spasms will occur here. There may be shooting pain in the chest area. The larynx will be especially sensitive. Sputum will accumulate and gradually stand out. After that, as a rule, a sore throat begins, and thenand cough.
On an ongoing basis, the patient is haunted by pain in the throat. Choking may begin when swallowing. In this case, the tonsils swell, and swallowing becomes simply painful. In the throat, along with scratching, scratching appears.
There are diseases in the nose. The sense of smell may be aggravated, black dots, dry crusts may appear. Dryness in the nose is often painful, pus may be released from it. In some cases, painful dryness of the nose is noted.

Graphite formula
Graphite is a natural non-metallic element. It is a native element, a modification of carbon. It has a layered structure. Available in black or dark gray.
In fact, the formula of graphite is carbon, whose structure is different in that the crystal lattice consists of parallel layers. They are represented by hexagons.
The composition of graphite C 6 in homeopathy directly affects the s alt and carbohydrate metabolism in the body. There are other compositions and tools based on graphite. It is used for many conditions and diseases.
Graphite C 30 in homeopathy is most often prescribed according to the scheme of use once every 10 days.
According to reviews, graphite is used in cases where a person suffers from eczema, chronic ulcers, inflammation, liver disease, fistulas, which are located in various places. It is useful to use this substance in the treatment of eye diseases. He easily copes with the therapy of the cornea, barley. cold barleywhen applied, it dissolves quite quickly. And often this is very surprising for patients.
Homeopaths note that graphite is a medicine that can cope with congenital ailments that provoke metabolic disorders. Often, graphite does not completely save a person from the disease. At the same time, the use of this remedy serves as a favorable background for healing.
Heart and circulation
The heartbeat increases with any movement. Often the patient's life is accompanied by a feeling of emptiness, coldness in the chest area. In this case, the pain syndrome is compressive, pressing, penetrating. Sometimes it feels like an electric shock. It comes from the heart muscle, passing to the neck. Blood pulsates strongly throughout the body, especially touching the heart. The pulsation will be stronger if the patient moves. Also, this negative manifestation will intensify closer to the evening time, immediately after the person goes to bed. It is also felt when a person lies on his left side. The pulsation disappears when the patient rolls over in bed.

There is a dry mouth, bad breath. It can also come from the gums, from the nasal region. This will be accompanied by a pain syndrome, reminiscent of the consequences of abrasions, vesicles, ulcers. The tongue is covered with a dense layer of plaque. Saliva is especially active. There are cracks on the lips.
The taste is bitter, sour. Often in the morning, immediately after waking up, there is a taste of rotten eggs inmouth. Toothache can torment in the evenings or at night. It will become more intense when a person is warm. Pain will be excruciating. The gums will stink.
It does not do without special syndromes in the gastrointestinal tract. Here a person will be haunted by a burp with bitterness in the mouth. He may regurgitate sour food. Often he will feel sick immediately after eating breakfast. If the patient does not like the taste, he may be tormented by compressive pain in the abdomen.
Vomit is most often sour in this case. This is accompanied by colic, heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract.
At night, all these symptoms are accompanied by boring pains in the chest area. There are burning pains in the stomach, cramps occur immediately after eating. Most often, a person tends to quickly eat something to calm the pain in the abdomen. Thanks to the effect of food, pain will recede quickly enough. Digestion will remain weak, a person may suffer from drowsiness, migraines, and bloating. But at the same time, hot food will affect the stomach negatively. Often, patients suffer from unbearable thirst in the morning and immediately after eating.

Often there is aversion to boiled food, to meat, to excessively s alty or sweet foods. There is a pain syndrome of a shooting character in the abdomen. In the liver, pain will occur after breakfast, which will encourage the patient to lie down as quickly as possible. belly alwayscrowded, heavy.