Neuroendocrine syndrome: description, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Neuroendocrine syndrome: description, causes, diagnosis and treatment
Neuroendocrine syndrome: description, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Neuroendocrine diseases in gynecology often occur due to dysfunction of the pituitary or hypothalamus. In a state of premenstrual, menopausal, post-castration, hypothalamic syndrome of puberty, premature sexual development, neuroendocrine uterine bleeding, sexual hermaphroditism and hypertrichosis, a person's general condition worsens. Each syndrome is characterized by the presence of certain symptoms that cause a lot of problems and inconvenience

Syndromes of neuroendocrine disorders
Syndromes of neuroendocrine disorders

Characteristics of syndromes

Many women are interested in the classification of neuroendocrine syndromes in gynecology. There are several neuroendocrine disorders. Each has its own characteristics:

  1. During premenstrual syndrome, a woman feels worse. A few days before the onset of menstruation, discomfort manifests itself in the form of aching pain in the lower abdomen, problems arise with metabolism and the nervous system. Many meetthis syndrome, but over time it passes. The doctor makes a diagnosis, taking into account the classification of neuroendocrine syndromes in gynecology. The latest recommendations of doctors are to ensure that the patient carries out treatment according to the specified instructions. Only if there is unbearable pain, pressure rises, edema appears, problems arise with emptying the bladder, therapy is carried out in a hospital. To temporarily eliminate pain, doctors often prescribe the drug "No-shpa". Tablets rarely cause side effects, effectively relieve pain and relieve spasms.
  2. When menopause or climacteric neuroendocrine syndrome often observed headache, disturbances in the cardiovascular system. Under such conditions, it is not recommended to self-medicate. Only a gynecologist should prescribe a course of therapy, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.
  3. There is the concept of "complicated menopause". With such a diagnosis, a woman's general he alth deteriorates significantly. In this regard, she can not lead a full life. For this reason, it is important to immediately visit a gynecologist in order to carry out a thorough diagnosis.
  4. With post-castration endocrine syndrome, a woman has the same symptoms as with uncomplicated menopause. If you feel worse, it is important to consult a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe effective medications. You should know that taking painkillers is not a treatment. It is important to eliminate the cause that provokes the occurrencediscomfort.
  5. Hypothalamic syndrome is characterized by early puberty, which manifests itself in 11-14 years. In the process of developing such a syndrome, serious problems arise in the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The child should be taken to see a pediatrician as home treatment can be harmful and cause complications.
  6. As medical practice shows, premature sexual development is diagnosed in rare cases. Such a diagnosis is made by a doctor if there is a sign of puberty in children under 8 years of age. Such a disease disrupts the work of many organs and systems that control the pituitary gland.
  7. Uterine bleeding can occur due to a sharp drop in oxytocin levels. If the tone of the organs decreases, a similar pathology is observed. If one of the signs of uterine bleeding appears, it is important to immediately call an ambulance, since this condition can be fatal. It is forbidden to use traditional methods of treatment and systematically take painkillers, as this will only aggravate the patient's condition.
  8. Hermaphroditism is characterized by the presence of both female and male reproductive organs. After a thorough examination of the patient, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

At home it is impossible to make a reliable diagnosis of neuroendocrine syndromes, so it is important to seek help from medical personnel.

What unites all neuroendocrine syndromes
What unites all neuroendocrine syndromes


In the process of studying neuroendocrine diseases, it is important to diagnose the hormonal spectrum. The doctor without fail prescribes ultrasound, KTR, doppler, general clinical analysis of blood and urine. Depending on the general he alth of the patient, additional measures are prescribed. An x-ray will help to identify the pathology of sexual development. A snapshot of the hands will help determine the biological development of the patient's body. Based on the results of the study, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment that will help restore a he althy state to the patient. Medicines are prescribed by a specialist, taking into account the age of the patient, the presence of other diseases and the physiological characteristics of the body. The duration of treatment is determined strictly by the doctor (much depends on the severity of the disease).

Pills in hand
Pills in hand

Treatment process

In frequent cases, the treatment of hypothalamic neuroendocrine syndrome includes replacement therapy, that is, taking a synthetic analogue of a deficient hormone. It is equally important to carry out symptomatic treatment if the disease is associated with any somatic disorder. Under such conditions, it is important to correct blood pressure, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and eliminate pain. Medications should be prescribed strictly by a doctor, depending on the identified syndrome.

Hypothalamic syndrome: symptoms

This pathology includes endocrine, vegetative and metabolic disorders that have arisen due to inadequate functioninghypothalamus. According to the ICD-10, the neuroendocrine syndrome has the code E23.3, which indicates dysfunction of the hypothalamus. Among the main symptoms of this pathology are:

  • Increase or decrease in body weight.
  • Headache.
  • Feeling apathetic.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Feeling thirsty.
  • Increased appetite.
Neuroendocrine syndrome in adolescents
Neuroendocrine syndrome in adolescents

When one of the symptoms of the disease appears, it is important to consult a doctor and carry out a thorough medical diagnosis. Self-medication can harm and aggravate the course of the pathology. The severity of the symptoms of neuroendocrine disorder syndrome depends on how affected the hypothalamus is. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, treatment is much more effective. Methods of therapy are prescribed depending on the biological characteristics of the patient's body. With untimely treatment, there are:

  • Rapid weight gain.
  • Serious blood pressure problems.
  • Infertility.

Most often the disease appears in adolescence and in people after 35 years. The disease is more common in women than in men. Pathology is dangerous because it can actively develop and go into more severe forms.

Classification of neuroendocrine syndromes in gynecology
Classification of neuroendocrine syndromes in gynecology

Causes of occurrence

There are a number of reasons that can provoke the development of the disease. These include the following:

  • Brain disorders.
  • Infectious disease.
  • Intoxication of the body.
  • Psychological trauma.
  • Head injury.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Endocrine disease.
  • Has had a stroke.
  • Advanced diseases of internal organs.
  • Pregnancy.

When a disease occurs, a neurologist and an endocrinologist treat the patient.

postpartum neuroendocrine syndrome
postpartum neuroendocrine syndrome

What causes postpartum syndrome

As medical practice shows, it is almost impossible to unambiguously answer this question. Medical workers claim that the clinical picture of such a syndrome can appear if there is no normalization of homeostasis during the period of bearing a baby. In the process of treating postpartum neuroendocrine syndrome, the doctor focuses on weight loss and restoration of the menstrual cycle. It is important to follow a diet and follow all the doctor's recommendations. If, after weight loss and the elimination of metabolic disorders, the menstrual cycle is not restored, the doctor performs a resection of the ovaries and prescribes drugs that will stimulate ovulation.

What's in common

What do all neuroendocrine syndromes have in common? Doctors say that neuroendocrine disorders are diseases that are based on the occurrence of disorders in the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

Hypothalamic syndrome in children

Neuroendocrine syndrome in adolescents occurs most often during a hormonal surge. ATduring the development of the disease, vegetative and endocrine disorders occur. Due to the defective functioning of the hypothalamus, the level of hormones that stimulate the pituitary gland increases. Excessive release of growth hormone is the reason for the rapid development of the body in patients with this disease. As a result, the period of puberty is shortened or lengthened. Patients with this diagnosis often experience mood swings as there are problems with dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin levels.

Neuroendocrine syndrome ICD - 10
Neuroendocrine syndrome ICD - 10

Consequences of violation

Excessive levels of insulin and glucocorticoids cause obesity. Due to excessive weight gain and increased prolactin levels in boys, the mammary glands swell, the pelvis expands and grows rapidly. Girls quickly develop secondary sexual characteristics, weight gain occurs. Patients are usually between 11 and 17 years of age.

Main causes of hypothalamic syndrome

There are a number of reasons that can provoke such a state. Among them are:

  • Constitutional insufficiency of the hypothalamus.
  • Poisoning of the mother and exacerbation of a chronic illness during the period of bearing a baby.
  • Birth trauma.
  • Severe toxicosis of the mother during childbearing.
  • Brain diseases.
  • Tranio-cerebral injury.
  • Transferred neuroinfection.
  • Neurointoxication.
  • Autoimmune disease.
  • Thyroid dysfunction.
  • Systematic stress.
  • Using an anabolic steroid.
  • Viral or bacterial disease.
  • Bad environmental situation.
  • Early pregnancy and oral contraceptive use.

Note to patient

To reveal the true cause that provoked the development of the disease, only a doctor is able after a thorough examination of the patient. If one of the signs of the disease occurs, you should seek help from a specialist. Self-medication often provokes the development of complications.
