Cytolytic syndrome is a fairly common liver pathology. This name is generalized and implies only dystrophic or necrotic changes in the organ. But the exact designation of the disease depends on the etiology and causes that provoked the damage: problems with the immune system, alcohol intoxication, the appearance of parasites, or other conditions.
Depending on the form of the disease, in the future it may progress or the tissues will begin to regenerate. In the first case, only properly selected drug therapy can stop the pathological process of liver destruction.
General information
Cytolytic syndrome - a phenomenon in which liver cells are adversely affected by conditions that destroy its protective shell. Then active enzymes penetrate outside and disrupt the structure of the entire organ, thus provoking dystrophic changes and necrosis.
Due to a variety of conditions, the disease appears at any time in life. For example, an autoimmune variety can occur in infancy, and fatty degeneration in people over 50 years old. cytolytic syndromeis the main indicator of liver damage, its structure and functionality.
Signs of pathology
Depending on the degree of tissue damage, the stage of the disease, hepatic cytolytic syndrome may not manifest itself and show absolutely no symptoms for a long time. Total or partial destructive changes usually manifest themselves in the form of yellowing of the skin and eye proteins. This phenomenon is explained by the release of bilirubin into the systemic circulation. That is why jaundice is considered an informative symptom of metabolic disorders.

Digestion disorders are also characteristic of cytolytic liver syndrome: increased acidity of the gastric environment, frequent belching, discomfort after eating, a bitter taste in the mouth after eating or in the morning on an empty stomach. In the later stages of the pathology, there are signs of a cytolytic syndrome in the form of an increase in the organ, pain in the right hypochondrium. To obtain a complete clinical picture, diagnostics are needed to help determine the degree of liver damage.
Organ examinations
In the event of a clinical picture characteristic of cytolysis, specialists carry out a comprehensive biochemical examination.
- The main laboratory criteria for cytolytic syndrome are special markers of hepatocytes asta, alta and LDH. Also, with this method of examination, the patient's level of iron and bilirubin in the blood is checked. Normal indicators of markers for women are 31 g / l, formen - 41 g / l, LDH - up to 260 units / l. An elevated level indicates a disorder of protein metabolism, as well as the start of liver necrosis. To determine these data, a complete blood count is carried out.
- Histological examination. During a biopsy, a piece of the liver is taken from the patient. When diagnosing, cellular material is selected and the content of helminths, the degree of cell injury and the presence of necrotization are determined.

Ultrasound and MRI. With this technique, a specialist can examine the damaged organ in various projections. Detailing of the picture is also acceptable. These techniques make it possible to detect changes in the parameters and structure of an organ, as well as the presence of helminths and tumors
Causes of occurrence
A variety of conditions lead to liver injury and the onset of cytolytic syndrome. As a rule, the functions and structure of the organ suffer against the background of:
- alcohol abuse and exceeding the permissible dose of ethyl alcohol - the norm is 40-80 ml, depending on the characteristics of the person and his metabolic rate;
- incorrect drug therapy, combination of several drugs with hepatotoxic potential;
- hepatitis virus penetration;
- worms in the liver;
- disorders in humoral and cellular immunity.

The real cause of the cytolytic syndrome can only be determined by determining the numberenzymes, viruses in the bloodstream, histological examination of tissues and etiological questioning of the patient.
The acute and chronic form of the disease has certain symptoms: jaundice, liver enlargement, pain in the damaged area, enlargement of the spleen, disruption of the digestive tract.
Alcoholic pathology
Alcohol often becomes the causative agent of the cytolytic syndrome. With the daily use of alcoholic beverages, a low-quality product or a surrogate, a pathological reaction appears: the activity of organ enzymes increases, the density of hepatocytes decreases. Already at this stage, the lysis mechanism starts. Only 40-80 ml of undiluted ethyl alcohol has a toxic effect on the structure of the liver.
Cytolytic syndrome with alcohol abuse for a long time may not manifest itself. However, gradually bitterness in the oral cavity and other digestive disorders will tell the patient about the pathological processes developing in his body. Cytolysis of this type is easily corrected with the help of certain medications. Hepatocytes have high elasticity and ability to recover. Due to this, with a complete rejection of alcohol and adherence to the treatment regimen, the patient can very soon notice the positive effect of therapy, being at any stage of the disease.
Autoimmune disease
Congenital anomalies of immunity in some cases lead to the onset of cytolytic syndrome. In autoimmune type hepatitis, the lining of the liver is damaged by humoral orcellular defense of the body for unknown reasons. Young children most often suffer from this type of disease. Pronounced signs of organ dysfunction can occur even in the first days after the birth of the baby.
Cytolytic syndrome in autoimmune hepatitis develops very rapidly. Only donor liver transplantation can save the little patient's he alth and life.

This pathology is characterized by the absence of bile duct injuries. At the same time, the bubble does not change its shape and does not undergo abnormal changes.
Medication effects
Uncontrolled and prolonged use of pharmaceuticals most often causes cytolysis. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are used by the patient without prior testing and consultation with a specialist are considered especially dangerous.
Powerful antibiotics and antifungal drugs also pose a threat. In case of violation of the treatment regimen or self-administration, the medication may not lead to recovery, but to the development of liver failure. The dosage of the drug also plays an important role. The insert for any drug indicates the maximum allowable daily amount of the drug, the excess of which entails the destruction of the cells of the organ.
The fairer sex exposes themselves to the risk of cytolytic syndrome when taking hormonal contraceptives in any form. Such drugs lead toimpaired blood flow in the gallbladder and liver. The blood itself becomes more viscous, toxins are more and more difficult to remove from it, the size of the organ increases. All kinds of hormonal drugs have a toxic effect on the liver. And at the same time, it does not matter at all for what purpose the drug is taken: therapeutic or contraceptive.

During pregnancy, cytolytic syndrome can significantly harm not only the expectant mother, but also the fetus. That is why pregnant women should be especially careful about drug therapy. The placenta collects incoming medicinal substances and transfers them to the fetus. As a result, the child may develop congenital anomalies of the liver. To prevent this phenomenon in the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman should abandon pharmaceuticals. If this is not possible, the doctor must select the most gentle medicines for the patient.
Cytolytic syndrome in chronic hepatitis
Pathology is transmitted by viruses of types D, E, A, B, C. Some of them enter the body in case of violation of personal hygiene rules, others - in the absence of contraception during intercourse or when using non-sterile cosmetic and medical devices. If there are symptoms of cytolysis, then a biopsy will accurately determine the type of virus.
Antiviral treatment with the help of modern drugs can stop the progression of the disease, activate the restoration of injured organ structures. Viral cytolysis in the initial stages is much faster to treat.
The body is able to independently provoke the development of the disease in case of impaired fat metabolism. This can happen for several reasons. For example, in diabetes and obesity, metabolic disorders occur. Instead of hepatocytes, fatty deposits form in the liver. Over time, acids and glycerol, which are part of lipids, interfere with the work of enzymes, destroying the protective membrane of the liver.

Presence of parasites
Increased blood flow, glucose and glycogen content make the liver one of the most attractive places for helminths. Various parasites can injure the structure of an organ.
- Ameba. Able to form abscesses and accumulations. The pathological process involving helminths injures the structure of the liver and leads to the development of choleostasis in both adults and children.
- Echinococcus. They are able to block the bile ducts, due to which they become the cause of cytolysis. The pathological process needs not only drug therapy, but also surgical intervention.
- Lamblia. Toxic products of its vital activity provoke the pathogenesis of cytolysis. A decrease in local immunity equips a favorable flora for viruses and microbes to enter the liver.
- Ascariasis. It leads to the destruction of cells and necrosis of the organ. This phenomenon is almost always accompanied by choleostatic syndrome. Treatment in this case involves the drug component anduse of folk recipes.
Prevention of cytolysis
In order to prevent the development of such an unpleasant process as cytolytic syndrome, simple rules should be followed.
- Eat a balanced diet. Spicy, fatty, fried foods provoke the destruction of the shell of the organ. And in order for the structure of the liver to remain unchanged, you should eat delicately cooked food, as well as introduce a lot of vegetables, fruits and greens into the diet.
- Detox treatment after taking aggressive drugs is a prerequisite for successful recovery of the body. This is necessary after the use of antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

- Rejection of alcohol. Ethyl alcohol and its derivatives adversely affect the condition of the liver. Of course, no one has yet suffered from a glass of good wine, but everyday use, for example, beer, should definitely be avoided.
- Observe the rules of hygiene. It is very important to control the sterility of all devices used.
- Periodic prevention of helminthiasis. Folk recipes suggest taking pumpkin seeds, garlic and pine nuts for this.