What does an MRI of the brain show?

What does an MRI of the brain show?
What does an MRI of the brain show?

The human brain is a complex organ, with limited ability to study and diagnose pathologies. One of the most effective and demonstrative methods of brain research is magnetic resonance imaging. This type of diagnostic measures is prescribed most often for the primary determination of violations of the functionality of the organ.

Indications for prescription

MRI of the brain and head is a key study in a series of diagnostic measures that determine the causes of dysfunction of the main human organ. This diagnostic method is prescribed for the initial diagnosis, as well as for clarifying the verdict, tracking the course of therapy, and is used as a tool in preparation for surgical interventions.

For the study, there are direct indications when the patient needs to be diagnosed. Brain MRI is prescribed for these symptoms or conditions:

  • Strong headspain, often occurring suddenly or with a certain frequency, while the causes of their occurrence have not been clarified by other research methods.
  • When a tumor is suspected, as well as in cases where a tumor has been previously diagnosed and its development needs to be monitored.
  • MRI of the brain should be systematically performed in patients with epilepsy at any stage of development or form of the disease (single attacks, chronic course).
  • A sharp decrease in acuity or sudden loss of hearing, vision for unexplained reasons, impaired coordination of movements.
  • Monitoring the patient's condition after stroke or myocardial infarction, as well as in the pre-stroke, pre-infarction period.
  • Loss of consciousness, fainting, convulsions, trouble concentrating, sudden impairment of speech and memory.
  • Meningitis of any form and stage of development, osteochondrosis of the spine in the cervical region.
  • Craniocerebral injuries, infection, inflammatory processes.
  • To monitor the condition of patients suffering from Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis
  • Perform MRI of the brain in patients with ENT pathologies (sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis media, etc.) to determine the causes and tactics of treating the pathology.
  • To study the state of the vessels of the neck, brain (blockages, aneurysms, atherosclerotic plaques, etc.).
  • Diagnostics before surgical interventions on the brain, blood vessels. Scanning in the postoperative period.
brain mri
brain mri


MRI of the brain is a safe procedure that does not pose a threat to the he alth of the patient. But there are contraindications for conducting:

  • It is strictly forbidden to diagnose if there are metal objects in the patient's body. These include - an implanted pacemaker or other implants, a metal prosthesis, tattoos, which were applied with paints with natural pigments made from metal oxides, an insulin pump, etc.
  • When pregnant in the first trimester. Doctors advise against MRI at any stage of pregnancy, if there is no threat to the life of the mother or child.
  • Contraindicated for pathologies of the pituitary gland, cardiovascular insufficiency.
  • MRI with contrast is not recommended for people with allergies and children under 6.
  • Pathologies of blood circulation in the brain are an absolute contraindication to magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Children under 6 years of age should only have a brain MRI if there is a strong indication.
  • Do not carry out this type of diagnosis in patients with artificial heart valves.
  • It is recommended to avoid this type of diagnosis for people with a fear of enclosed spaces (relative contraindication).

Diagnostic Methods

During the MRI of the brain, various techniques are used, the choice of each of them is determined by the area under study or indications. A general survey study allows you to get a branched image of the entire organ, its individual parts, trackblood flow and movement of intracerebral fluid.

where to get an mri of the brain
where to get an mri of the brain

In the study of stroke conditions, a functional technique is used that allows visually, on the monitor screen, to see a kind of map of the brain areas responsible for certain functions - centers of speech, vision, and others.

During an MRI of the brain, the operator may ask the patient to perform certain tests that stimulate blood flow to certain centers to identify possible violations in their functionality.

If neoplasms are suspected, contrast is used. MRI of the brain with contrast allows you to determine the nature of the tumor - benign or malignant, to identify the size of the neoplasm, lesions, inflammation, developmental anomalies of a congenital or acquired nature. Contrast agents are also injected to examine the blood vessels.

MRI of cerebral vessels

Diagnosis of cerebral vessels by means of magnetic resonance imaging takes place in the angiography mode. The study is used in cases where it is necessary to visualize the causes of blood flow disorders. Symptoms of vascular pathologies are often fainting, dizziness, impaired coordination, pre-syncope, loss of consciousness, etc.

Plane angiography visualizes in real time the movement of blood through the vessels, allows you to clarify functional indicators - the speed of blood movement, spasms, the lumen of blood vessels. Also available for review are pathologies of the circulatory system - blood clots,narrowing of the veins, stratification of the walls of blood vessels, organic lesions, blockages and other pathologies.

child brain mri
child brain mri

Indications for angiography are:

  • Vascular malformation (interpenetration of vessels).
  • Vascular aneurysms.
  • Atherosclerotic deposits.
  • Vascular vasculitis.
  • Preoperative examinations to reveal the picture of the location of the vessels.

Types of brain vascular studies

Impaired blood supply to the brain leads to various pathological consequences of the whole organism and affects many human functions, so the vessels are examined carefully and using several methods:

  • Arteriography (diagnostics of arteries).
  • Venography (visualization and examination of the venous system).
  • Angiography (examination of veins and arteries).

Research of the venous system of the brain is indicated for patients with craniocerebral injuries (fresh, old), stroke, thrombosis, anomalies in the location and development of veins. Arteriography is carried out with the introduction of special compounds - contrast agents, such a step visualizes the smallest capillaries and leading arteries. Any changes and defects in blood vessels, atherosclerotic lesions, neoplasms in brain tissues are fully visible on the monitor.

General angiography is indicated for unexplained vascular lesions for primary diagnosis. It is recommended in pre- and postoperative periods to assess the condition and location of the vascular system, and is also carried out to monitor the coursetherapy to correct prescriptions.

mri in moscow addresses
mri in moscow addresses

What an MRI will show

Until recently, it was possible to obtain not too informative visualization of organs only with the help of X-rays, cardinal changes in diagnostic capabilities have changed with the advent of MRI of the brain. Where can research be done? Almost all major diagnostic clinics in the public and private sector of medicine have devices for conducting research using several methods.

Make magnetic resonance scanning affordable both in price and in geography. Any regional medical center has the necessary technical equipment, and sometimes several devices with advanced capabilities or improved basic characteristics.

MRI of the brain. What research shows:

  • Structural changes, disorders of brain tissues, blood vessels.
  • Reveals signs of a stroke.
  • Determines the presence of hematomas, blood clots, hemorrhages, contusion deformities with the exact location of their location.
  • States the threat of multiple sclerosis, demonstrates the location and size of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Malformation, ruptures, vascular aneurysms.
  • Reveal possible inflammation in the tissues or vessels of the brain.
  • In the angiography mode, the specialist will determine blood flow parameters, vascular changes, etc.

Plane MRI of the brain gives the doctor the opportunity to determine how the structure of the patient's organ differs from the norm. Visualization confirms or refutes suspicions of impaired functionality, brain activity, and demonstrates changes after traumatic brain injury. Today, the question of where to do an MRI of the brain is no longer relevant, due to the availability of devices in almost all clinics and hospitals. It becomes more relevant to choose an experienced specialist to read the results.

brain mri with contrast
brain mri with contrast

The role of MRI in diagnostics

The doctor's accurate and correct verdict, working with large amounts of MRI data, determines the disease and its methods of treatment, which greatly facilitates the patient's path to a quick recovery. Tomography is effective not only for diagnosing diseases, but is also an indispensable tool in preparation for operations on the brain and blood vessels. In the postoperative period, it gives the specialist an informative picture of the changes that have occurred and the dynamics of recovery, restoration of functions.

Today, the availability of MRI of the brain in Moscow and in all regions of the Russian Federation has enabled doctors to work more efficiently and accurately, which has a positive effect on the he alth of patients, plays an important role in the prevention of many diseases. Identification of the prerequisites for microstrokes, which are often not noticeable to the patient, has become an available option with the advent of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. This allows you to take preventive measures and prevent pathological developments, avoid harmful consequences.

brain mri in moscow
brain mri in moscow

MRI of the brain in Moscow and other cities of Russia in the handsan experienced doctor helps to quickly, with an accuracy of a millimeter, determine the size, location of a tumor, a hematoma resulting from a traumatic brain injury, identify aneurysms or blood clots in the bloodstream of a vessel. Examining the brain after a concussion is an easy way to see the extent of the injury and avoid complications.

Scanning children's brains

MRI of the child's brain is recommended after he reaches the age of six. After a series of studies, specialists came to the conclusion that radio waves do not harm not only an adult, but also a child's body. If there are indications for research at an earlier age, then the diagnosis by this method is acceptable from infancy.

A feature of the procedure is the immobile position of the body for quite a long time (at least 25 minutes), but more often it takes about 40 minutes, it is difficult for the child to withstand the monotony and static position. Parents come to the rescue by negotiating with their child via a communication channel, and in some cases they involve an anesthesiologist.

In the case of immersing a child in an artificial sleep, a series of preliminary consultations with an anesthesiologist and his mandatory presence at the MRI diagnostic procedure are required. Brain studies using contrast agents do not harm the child's body, but the possibility of allergic reactions must be taken into account, for this reason, a series of allergy tests for contrast agents used in brain MRI is carried out beforehand.

Addresses of diagnostic centers, state medicalinstitutions where you can undergo magnetic resonance imaging can tell the attending physician. Most often, a specialist gives a referral to the center, the diagnosticians of which inspire his confidence and are satisfied with the level of professional competence.

brain mri where
brain mri where

Transcript of results

The results are deciphered immediately after the procedure. The radiologist usually takes 30 minutes to do this. Pictures, along with a transcript, are given to the patient for further transfer to the attending physician.

What's in the accompanying description:

  • The speed and nature of the movement of blood (blood flow).
  • Cerebrospinal fluid movement (major characteristics unless otherwise noted).
  • Activity of the cerebral cortex (determined by testing).
  • Degree of brain tissue diffusion.
  • Confirmation or refutation of suspicions about the disease about which the patient applied.

According to the results of the study, the following diagnoses can be established or refuted:

  • Cerebral ischemia.
  • Presence of neoplasms, their location, size, character.
  • Cystic formations.
  • Hypoxia, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy.
  • Pathologies in the development of brain structures, etc.

Scanning the brain using magnetic resonance imaging allows you to determine functional disorders, features of blood flow, structural changes, signs of the onset of a number of diseases. The advantages of the method are high information content,painlessness, lack of preparatory and recovery periods, the ability to conduct research as often as necessary.

brain mri what does it show
brain mri what does it show

Useful information

Technically and medically rich city, where the largest number of well-equipped clinics is concentrated, is the capital. It offers a wide range of techniques for conducting MRI of the brain. There are more than 250 clinics in Moscow that offer magnetic resonance imaging. The cost of the procedure varies from 1300 to 13500 rubles.

TOP 5 highly rated clinics according to patient reviews:

  • European MRI Diagnostic Center, address: Nagatinskaya street, building 25, building 1.
  • "MRT-Biryulyovo", address: Zagorevsky passage, building 1.
  • Moscow MRI Center, address: Nizhegorodskaya street, building 32.
  • "Treatment and diagnostic center", address: avenue im. Vernadsky, building 5, building 1.
  • MRT-24, address: Ordzhonikidze street, building 10.

MRI of the brain is the best method for obtaining complete information about the state of the organ. Thanks to this diagnostic procedure, specialists have full access to the assessment of the functionality of each area of the brain, and patients are spared the need to undergo X-rays or traumatic punctures.
