Most recently it was believed that the cerebellum is responsible only for balance and coordination of movements of various parts of the body. Scientists have proven that this small part of the brain, which contains many neurons, is also responsible for the intelligence, development of the emotional background and speech of the child. Cerebellar stimulation is a specially designed set of exercises that allows you to develop areas of the brain that form various skills.
The stimulation program is implemented using special equipment "Balametrics", it is based on the theory of Dr. Bilgow, on thirty years of experience in its application. It forms memory and understanding, skills of writing, speech, information processing, mathematical abilities. The training is effective for children with specific diseases, as well as for those who experience certain learning difficulties.

What iscerebellum
The part of the brain called the cerebellum consists of the ancient part - the worm and small hemispheres, which, according to scientists, were formed as a result of human evolution. For many years, there was a belief that this department is solely responsible for the functions of the vestibular apparatus, and only at the end of the last century, American researchers discovered the unique properties of the cerebellum. The worm of this part of the brain really provides a person with the opportunity to coordinate actions, emotions, and maintain balance. But the two hemispheres of the cerebellum take an active part in the development and development of mental abilities. More than 50% of all nerve cells are concentrated here, in relation to other departments. The cerebellum is closely connected with the frontal lobes, respectively, controls sensory perception and movement. This became the basis of the cerebellar stimulation technique, which allows you to develop these functions.

Quick action mechanism
Now it is known that the cerebellum with the frontal lobes has a feedback. It integrates movement and sensory perception, which in turn produces emotional responses, action planning, and language ability. What is a cerebellum? This is a fast-acting mechanism, a significant part of the brain in its role. It processes all the information that comes from other departments. Thanks to the cerebellum, the average speed of the brain as a whole is determined. The technique of cerebellar stimulation perfectly stimulates long-term and operationalmemory.

The origins of the program
In the 60s of the last century, American Frank Bilgow, working with children who could not read well, noticed the relationship between their physical activity and changes in reading skills. This was the beginning of the development of the cerebellar stimulation technique, a concept for working with children with sensory integration disorders.
Bilgow based his program on three main principles:
- Stimulation of sensory integration.
- Sense of balance and spatial imagination.
- Proprioceptive learning.
Naturally, the scientist could not foresee all the nuances in the formation of the methodology thirty years ago. Other specialists, who applied the developments of the scientist with interest, in the course of practice supplemented two more important principles:
- Personal, individual learning.
- Building skills in stages.

Areas of application of the program
Cerebellar stimulation in its work relies on three main aspects: didactic, psychological and technical (instrumental). These factors together act on the work of the cerebellum to perfection, form new neural connections, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the level of the child's learning.
Classes provide an opportunity to increase the plasticity of the brain, fill in the gaps, compensate for shortcomings in the functionality of the basic structure. This stimulation method ispositive dynamics when working with children with such disorders:
- hyperactivity;
- problems in mastering skills;
- dyslexia, dysgraphia;
- attention disorder;
- motor clumsiness;
- discoordination;
- violation of written, oral speech;
- autism spectrum disorder.

Equipment "Belametrics"
The equipment is fully consistent with the developmental corrective principle of stimulating the function of the vestibular apparatus. It is quite varied. The technique has its advantages in use:
- variability;
- manufacturability;
- compactness.
The following are equipment accessories that are used in sequence for cerebellar stimulation:
- Balancing board for cerebellar stimulation. On it, the child begins to learn to keep balance. Later, other exercises are performed while standing on the board. The level of difficulty can be adjusted by changing the angle of the rollers, the position of the legs on the markings.
- Balance bags. The three cloth pouches have different colors, weights and sizes. Inside, well-washed and fried cereals. The teacher gives a task for each of the bags, while movements are coordinated.
- Pendulum ball: attached to an elastic band or string.
- A plank with colored sectors or markings with numbers.
- A board with numbers, it serves to ensure that the child can hit the target,answering math questions. Allows you to train accuracy and eye.
- Target shield. A table where the cells show geometric shapes (rhombus, star, triangle, square, circle).
- Accuracy items. Ball with rubber band, batting racket, target with arrows.
- Banks, bowling, cups, pillows - something to knock down.
- Set of balls.

The role of the teacher
Educator-psychologist plays a huge role in the correct use of the technique of cerebellar stimulation. His main actions are the following:
- Manage the sequence, the sequence of exercises that the child performs.
- Strict adherence to safety regulations when using equipment.
- Compliance with attendance rules.
- The psychologist gives the easiest tasks first, gradually moving towards more difficult ones.
- Selects the optimal level of difficulty.
- Additionally motivates to complete tasks.
Study results
The complex method has a wide range of applications, the results of the classes are indicators such as:
- development of coordination of movements;
- development of spatial, visual representations;
- stabilization of the functions of the vestibular apparatus;
- interhemispheric development;
- personal change;
- development of concentration of attention, memory;
- stimulation of mental development.
Main tasksstimulation is the ability to master various cerebellar disorders: attention deficit, writing and reading problems, dyslexia, school failure. Dr. Bilgow's methodology and special equipment have been enabling psychologists to deal with such problems for many years.

List of exercises
You can do cerebellar stimulation exercises at home. Here are the simplest ones:
- Exercise with pouches. Bags, different in weight, are thrown to the child. He accepts them from the leader with one or two hands.
- Tossing bags up first with one hand, then with two, alternately.
- Ball. The suspended ball is beaten off with the right, then with the left, then with both hands.
- Target. Marksmanship exercise - target for bags on the floor or on the wall. Try to hit the target.
- Bouncing a ball on an elastic band from an inclined board.
- Bouncing a flying ball with a racket or a stick.
- Balance board. Get on and off the board from different sides: from the back, front, side.
- Sit down with legs folded "Turkish style", try to keep the balance on the board.
- Sitting on the board, make movements imitating swimming - with both hands, alternately right, left.
- The child squats, makes circular rotations of the head, better to the music. Then hand rotation.
- Standing or sitting position. Fold your arms over your chest, then raise them above your head, arms to the sides, bend down, reach the floor.
Bilgou's method provedits efficiency. Performing the simplest exercises, using equipment, educational psychologists achieve amazing results. After completing the course, the children are fully prepared and adapted to life.