Vestibular apparatus how to train at home?

Vestibular apparatus how to train at home?
Vestibular apparatus how to train at home?

Some people complain about feeling unwell in a moving vehicle. They get sick on the subway, on buses, on ships, and even in high-speed elevators. This is due to the malfunction of a special organ called the vestibular apparatus. How to train him and what you need for this, we will tell below.

What is the vestibular apparatus

vestibular apparatus: how to train
vestibular apparatus: how to train

The vestibular apparatus is an organ that perceives changes in the position of the head and body in space and the direction of movement of the body in vertebrates and humans, located inside the ear. It is filled with endolymph, through which it interacts with the sense organs, that is, the eyes, tactile areas and ears. Thanks to the vestibular apparatus, we are able to navigate in space and give our body the correct position.

Violation of the functioning of such an important organ is accompanied by dizziness and nausea, and in some cases can lead torather serious diseases of the brain and nervous system. To avoid such consequences, you should know how to train the vestibular apparatus. You can do this at home, without resorting to special simulators.

A set of exercises for training the vestibular apparatus

There is a special vestibular gymnastics that allows you to restore the activity of the mentioned organ. It consists of simple exercises that both an adult and a child can cope with. If you devote 20 minutes of your time to gymnastics every day, you can achieve noticeable improvements in just a couple of months. So, we will tell you how to train the vestibular apparatus at home.

how to train the vestibular apparatus
how to train the vestibular apparatus
  1. Stand up, lower your arms along your body and close your legs.
  2. Do 15 head tilts back and forth, inhaling and exhaling rhythmically.
  3. Do the same number of tilts to the right or left side.
  4. Finish the gymnastics with circular movements of the head, first in one direction and then in the opposite direction.

After 1, 5-2 weeks, you should continue to practice by adding two more exercises:

  1. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides, take a deep breath. Exhaling, bend to the right and stretch your hand to the floor. Repeat exercises 10 times with tilts to the right and left.
  2. Place your hands on your belt and turn your torso to the sides.

First time exercising may be accompanied by dizziness, but notyou should stop exercising. Within a week you will feel how your condition improves. Prolonged exercises will help to completely get rid of unpleasant consequences and restore the normal functioning of the organ of balance.

How to train the vestibular apparatus at home: help from available tools

If it is not possible to fully engage, you can train the vestibular apparatus with the help of any items that are at hand. Balancing with objects on the head is considered a great way. Once upon a time, ladies learned how to keep a royal posture (by the way, a beautiful straight back is an additional bonus). To do this, you need to take a book or any other object that is suitable in shape and weight, place it on the top of your head and walk around the apartment. You should start with straight trajectories of movement, gradually complicating the task with turns.

Which of us did not like spinning as a child? Remember, mothers or grandmothers even scolded you, they say, your head will spin, you will fall. But in vain! It turns out that such exercises help restore the proper functioning of the vestibular apparatus. Spin around your axis 10 times in each direction, and then walk in a straight line. At first, it will be difficult to cope with such a task, but regular training will help to quickly align the coordination of movements.

There is another method, so to speak, a practical answer to the question of how to train the vestibular apparatus in adults, however, it is suitable only for those people who do not have pressure problems. To perform the exercise, you need to lie on an inclined surface in such a way thatso that the legs are up and the head is down. Make a few turns with your head to the side.

how to train the vestibular apparatus at home
how to train the vestibular apparatus at home

Exercise in the air

Doctors recommend everyone to develop their vestibular apparatus. How to train him outdoors, we will tell in this chapter. Walking down the street, you can perform several exercises that help restore the good functioning of the organ we are considering.

If you notice a curb next to you, stand on it and try to walk as long as possible. By the way, this is another favorite fun for kids. Do not forbid them to do this, let them train, and you along with them. To maintain balance, spread your arms to the sides. Regular walking on the curb has a great effect on the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and corrects coordination.

Swinging is also a useful activity not only for children, but also for adults. Swing on them until you feel very dizzy. Instead of a swing, you can use a hammock. You need to lie on it with your back down and begin to swing monotonously. This exercise is good to perform on the site of a country house or cottage.


Regular sports also develop the vestibular apparatus. How to train him with physical activity? Jumping 180 degrees with the head turned in the opposite direction will help here best. At first, such an exercise will lead to dizziness, but after a while the brain gets used to it.load.

how to train the vestibular apparatus in adults
how to train the vestibular apparatus in adults

Those who have problems with the vestibular apparatus are advised to ride a bike, rollerblade, ski more often. Traveling with friends will not only allow you to have fun, but will also have a positive effect on the organ of balance.

How to train the vestibular apparatus in a child

Young children need to be picked up and rocked from birth. You can circle the child and throw it up, being careful. Dancing is also a good helper in the development of the vestibular apparatus in babies. Include tilts and turns of the head and torso in your daily gymnastics.

how to train the vestibular apparatus in a child
how to train the vestibular apparatus in a child

Teach your child to walk on a log and somersault. All these exercises must be performed under the strict supervision of the parents so that the child does not hurt himself. Ride your child on a swing, visit rides, take them to jump on a trampoline. All this childish play will teach him to keep his balance and get rid of problems with coordination of movements.

All of the above exercises perfectly relieve motion sickness. With the help of them you can restore the vestibular apparatus. How to train it yourself, you already know. The main thing is not to be lazy, and everything will work out!
