In this article we will try to describe all the medicinal properties of horsetail. To date, there are several species of this plant (many of them are very poisonous), but only horsetail is absolutely safe and, in addition, it is also healing.
This plant can be found in a wide variety of places, it grows near roads, on slopes, in clearings in the forest and even as a weed in summer cottages.

From time immemorial to the present day
Since ancient times, people have used the medicinal properties of horsetail. The herb helped to get rid of dropsy, it was treated with a liver tumor, and it also ideally solved problems with the intestines. There was a time when the medicinal properties of horsetail were forgotten, it was used only to clean pewter, which at that time was very expensive. But, despite all this, after a while they remembered the miracle plant, and it again became widely used. Today, horsetail is used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking.
What contains
The chemical composition of this plant includes silicic acid(about 25%), organic acids, proteins (about 16%), carotene (about 4.7%), copper, calcium, vitamin C (0.19%), etc.

List of diseases
The medicinal properties of horsetail help to remove lead from the body, it is used to treat diseases of the heart and kidneys. This plant has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties. It is also impossible not to recall that thanks to the horsetail, some forms of tuberculosis can be cured. Often, various decoctions and tinctures are made from this plant, which help well in the treatment of chronic cough, diarrhea, bronchitis, swelling of the legs and jaundice. From horsetail you can make a "miracle lotion", which perfectly helps to cure lichen or gout. In addition, powders are made from the plant, which act as a good weapon in the fight against various ulcers and wounds. Horsetail treats many diseases, for example, you can simply rinse your mouth with it and thus get rid of stomatitis or other inflammatory diseases.
The juice of this plant is widely used and is ideal for treating bladder problems. If you have dandruff, baldness or heavy sweating, then horsetail is here to help.
When not allowed
But we must not forget that, like any other medicinal product, this plant has its own contraindications. It should not be used by women during pregnancy and by people who suffer from kidney disease (nephritis or nephrosis).
The medicinal properties of horsetail are unique, but before ituse, be sure to consult your doctor.

Be careful
Horsetail, which has so many medicinal properties, is an excellent medicine that fights a wide variety of diseases. Thanks to this beautiful plant, many people once and for all got rid of the ailments that tormented them and prevented them from living for a long time. But be sure to remember that a consultation with a doctor is a guarantee that your treatment with horsetail will be successful, as this plant can irritate the kidneys.