ADS-anatoxin: instructions for use, contraindications, consequences

ADS-anatoxin: instructions for use, contraindications, consequences
ADS-anatoxin: instructions for use, contraindications, consequences

Diphtheria and tetanus are extremely dangerous pathologies, the course of which often ends in death. In order to form stable immunity in children and adults, the ADS-anatoxin vaccine was developed. Diphtheria-tetanus purified adsorbed toxoid is first introduced in infancy. The vaccine has a high degree of protection against pathologies of the same name. In this regard, doctors do not recommend ignoring the need to administer the drug.

Composition, release form

ADS-anatoxin is a drug designed to form a strong immunity to diphtheria and tetanus. Some confuse it with the DTP vaccine. However, these are different drugs, in addition, ADS-anatoxin does not contain a pertussis component.

There are 2 doses per 1 ml of the vaccine. Ingredients:

  • Diphtheria toxoid - 10 flocculating units.
  • Tetanus toxoid binding units - 10 units.
  • Merthiolate - 60 mcg. This substance is a preservative.
  • Aluminum hydroxide - 0.55 mg. Acts as a sorbent.

The ADS-toxoid vaccine is a suspension that has a yellowish-white tint. When shaking, the drug has a homogeneous consistency. When settling, the separation into a liquid and a white precipitate is clearly visualized.

General immunization
General immunization

Pharmacological action

According to the instructions, ADS-anatoxin contributes only to the formation of stable immunity. The vaccine cannot provoke the development of mild forms of pathologies and bacterial carriage.

A feature of toxoids is that they provide the formation of immune memory. But in order to protect the body from diphtheria and tetanus, it is necessary to inject the drug several times, observing certain time intervals. In the future, you need to do revaccination with ADS-anatoxin. With repeated administration of the drug, the process of enhanced production of antibodies starts. But this only happens if the person is fully vaccinated and has never missed an injection.


ADS-anatoxin is designed to activate and strengthen the body's defenses. The vaccine reliably protects against the development of diphtheria and tetanus, even when pathogens penetrate tissues.

Indications for planned drug administration:

  • Vaccination is given to children who have previously had whooping cough.
  • The vaccine is administered to babies and adults who have absolute contraindications to DTP.
  • The vaccine is given to children aged 4-5 who have neverwere vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus.

Planned vaccination is carried out according to the national vaccination schedule.

Diphtheria-tetanus toxoid
Diphtheria-tetanus toxoid

Emergency drug administration

Vaccination with ADS-toxoid is also carried out if there is a risk of penetration into the body through an open wound of the causative agent of tetanus.

Indications for emergency drug administration:

  • Injuries to the skin caused by the negative effects of low or very high temperatures (burns and frostbite).
  • Non-drug abortion.
  • Open wounds.
  • Births that took place outside a medical facility.
  • Injuries to the gastrointestinal tract of a penetrating nature.
  • Jagged wounds resulting from bites from domestic or wild animals.
  • Gangrenes and abscesses that do not respond to treatment for a long time.
  • Diphtheria or tetanus epidemics in any region. In this case, the entire population is vaccinated.

In order to prevent the development of dangerous diseases, ADS-anatoxin must be administered no later than 20 days after the injury.



Like any other vaccine, the drug has a number of restrictions on its use.

Main contraindications:

  • Severe reaction to previous vaccination.
  • Development of post-vaccination complications after the last administration of the drug.
  • Presence of any diseases inacute phase. The vaccination is given at least 2 weeks after recovery or the onset of a stable remission in case of pathologies of a chronic nature. In mild forms of the disease (for example, with rhinitis), vaccination is carried out after the disappearance of clinical manifestations.
  • Pathologies of a neurological nature. Vaccination is given only if the disease does not progress.
  • Diseases of an allergic nature. Vaccination is carried out at least 2 weeks after the relief of the acute phase. However, the clinical manifestations of the disease may persist.

The use of ADS-toxoid during pregnancy and lactation is unacceptable.

HIV infection and immunodeficiency states are not contraindications to vaccination.

In order to identify restrictions, the doctor first interviews the patient and without fail measures his body temperature. If contraindications are found, a person is registered, after a few weeks he is reminded of the need to administer the drug.

Instructions for use

The vaccine is injected into the anterior-outer part of the thigh (i.e. intramuscularly). Algorithm of actions of a medical worker:

  • Wash hands thoroughly, dry them.
  • Put on disposable sterile gloves.
  • Pick up the packaging and take out the ampoule with the vaccine. Wipe the neck with a cotton swab, abundantly dipped in alcohol. Cut the ampoule with a special emery disc.
  • Cover the tip with an alcohol wipe. Break the top of the ampoule.
  • Placeused cotton products in a tray with a disinfectant solution.
  • Put the opened ampoule into the beaker.
  • Take a sterile disposable syringe by opening the package.
  • Put a needle on the medical device, fix it well on the cannula.
  • Remove cap.
  • Fill the syringe with vaccine in the amount of 0.5 ml. Place an empty ampoule in a container with disinfectant.
  • Take a sterile napkin and release air from the syringe into it.
  • Put the filled medical device inside the sterile table.
  • Treat the skin in the intended injection area with 70% alcohol.
  • Inject the vaccine intramuscularly.
  • Remove the needle and re-treat the injection site with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  • Remove gloves and place all waste materials in a container with disinfectant.

After the introduction of the vaccine, it is necessary to register the fact of vaccination. In addition, the medical institution keeps a record of the complications that have arisen.

Action algorithm
Action algorithm

Vaccination schedule

Vaccinations are given according to the national calendar. But the scheme for different people may be different.

If DTP is considered by the doctor as an alternative to DTP, the drug is administered twice. Between injections it is necessary to maintain a period of 45 days. Revaccination in this case is shown in a year (once). The next vaccination is given at 6 or 7 years old, and then at 14.

Children who have had whooping cough can be given the drug at any age instead of DPT. adults to maintainpermanent immunity vaccination is given every 10 years.

If a child has received the first DTP vaccine (usually at 3 months old) and has serious side effects (convulsions, encephalopathy, etc.), the next time a DTP is given. The vaccine is administered once at monthly intervals. Revaccination is indicated after 9 months. It can also be carried out after 1-1.5 years, but only if the child has been given DPT all previous times.

If an adult has never been vaccinated, he is also given the drug. Mandatory vaccination (every 10 years) is for persons whose professional activities are related to food and work with children.

The introduction of the drug
The introduction of the drug

Recommendations after drug administration

Doctors advise not to wait for side effects to develop and to take some kind of antihistamine and antipyretic as soon as possible. In addition, experts do not recommend wetting the injection site. If necessary, you can take a shower, but very quickly. In this case, it is unacceptable to use a washcloth and other rough objects. This is fraught with infection.

Under the ban swimming pools, baths, saunas and baths. Against the background of these procedures, the risk of infection with pathogens and irritation of the skin is significantly increased.

Side effects

Vaccines containing pertussis component have the highest degree of reactogenicity. It is not present in ADS-toxoid. Therefore, the vaccine is much better tolerated than DPT. According to statisticalAccording to data, cases of development of undesirable consequences occur rarely, but the possibility of their occurrence still cannot be ruled out.

The instructions for use of ADS-toxoid indicate the following side effects:

  • Local reactions. There may be swelling, redness, and induration at the injection site. In addition, painful sensations often occur in the area of administration of the drug. These conditions disappear on their own in 2-3 days after vaccination. Their appearance is not a reason to see a doctor. If the compaction of the child is very worried, you can make warm lotions. Painful sensations can be stopped with the help of any antipyretic drug suitable for age. Most often, doctors recommend offering children half a single dose of Nurofen. To speed up the process of resorption of the infiltrate, you can give the child a light massage. In addition, physical activity is shown.
  • Increased body temperature. Changes in this indicator are observed quite often. As a rule, the temperature rises on the day of administration of the drug and can last up to 3 days. If it is less than 37.5oC, it is not advisable to take antipyretics. At a high body temperature, "Nurofen" (or "Cefekon") and drinking plenty of water are shown. It is important to know that the change in the indicator is a natural consequence of the introduction of the vaccine. This is how the body reacts to the penetration of foreign agents.

In rare cases, severe complications develop. These include:

  • Encephalopathies.
  • Convulsions.
  • A disorder that manifests itself in the form of prolonged and continuous crying.
  • Impaired consciousness.
  • Collapse.
  • Anaphylactic shock.
  • Quincke's edema.

If any of the above complications occur, you must immediately call an ambulance. It is important to know that signs of an allergic reaction (Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock) appear half an hour after the administration of the drug. In this regard, doctors do not recommend leaving the clinic within 30 minutes after vaccination.

Side effects
Side effects

Drug Interactions

ADS toxoid can be administered at the same time as the polio drug. Both vaccines contain aluminum hydroxide. This is what allows you to halve the number of injections.

ADS-anatoxin can be administered together with other drugs. But mixing them is strictly prohibited. In addition, injections must be carried out in different places. The exception is vaccination against tuberculosis. It is unacceptable to put it simultaneously with the introduction of the drug.


Currently, this is the only analogue of the vaccine. ADS is a drug that is produced in Russia by the Microgen company. ADS-M-anatoxin is also a domestic vaccine. It is produced by OJSC "Biomed".

According to the instructions, ADS-M-anatoxin has the same composition. But the vaccine is somewhat weakened. As a rule, it is prescribed for children who have suffered not only DTP, but also ATP.

ADS-M-anatoxin - analogue
ADS-M-anatoxin - analogue

In closing

Diphtheria and tetanus are diseases that are often fatal. In order to form stable immunity in people, the ADS-toxoid vaccine was developed. It is well tolerated by most patients, as it does not contain a pertussis component. However, the risk of side effects remains. As a rule, they manifest themselves in the form of an increase in body temperature and changes in the skin at the injection site. These conditions pass on their own in 2-3 days.
