Cedar resin, the use of which, as well as its preparation, is carried out according to an old recipe, is a cedar resin in vegetable oil, or turpentine balm (10% -50%). Today it is a very popular drug.

Since ancient times, cedar resin in cedar oil has been used by healers to cure various diseases. Its flame has always been considered a holy means, expelling evil spirits and evil spirits. Incense was made from cedar resin. When collecting it, the tree was never injured. People believed that if the cedar was harmed, then all the beneficial effects of the resin would immediately disappear. The healers took from the trees only what they gave them themselves.
Zhivitsa oil is a unique product that has no analogues in the world. Its effect on the human body cannot be compared with any pills.
cedar resin: application

With the help of this remedy, you can permanently end such diseases:
• colds;
• diseases associated with the stomach and intestines;
• ENT diseases, pulmonary, bronchial;
•disorders of the cardiovascular system, kidney disease;
• skin and dental;• diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
In fact, the list is endless.
Siberian Purge
During this procedure, the liver is cleansed, the vessels become more elastic, self-regulation of pressure resumes in most people, pain in the joints disappears completely. This is how cedar resin helps. Its use is also justified in diseases such as gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis. What is there to say! She treats absolutely all diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract! After

"Siberian cleansing" normalizes the body's metabolism and restores intestinal microflora. This is because this procedure starts the restoration of the body at the cellular level. Such a colossal effect on the body will never be achieved with antibiotics and other systems of cure. This is done only by cedar resin! Its use significantly improves immunity, it is a surprisingly powerful antiseptic. Also, the use of resin causes a significant increase in phagocytes, human blood cells, which destroy all harmful foreign bodies that enter the body. From this it follows that with the help of resin we get rid of most parasites. All organs and vessels begin to work much more confidently, toxins are completely removed. In the body, old cells are replaced with new ones thanks to such a tool as pine oleoresin. Its use is often due to the physiological characteristics of a person. If aduring the treatment it became bad, it is better to stop it for a couple of months, and then you can start all over again. In many cases, the effectiveness of Siberian cleansing also depends on how well a person eats. It is recommended to consume as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. If possible, it is necessary to reduce, and it is better to completely eliminate food of animal origin from the diet. Your cells, being cleansed, should receive he althy and pure material for subsequent restoration.