In the article, we will consider the main functions of basophils, which are a type of leukocytes that help maintain immunity. Their role is to identify and destroy cancer at an early stage. White bodies also help heal cuts and wounds and prevent allergic reactions.
Describe the functions of basophils, eosinophils and neutrophils.

Basophiles: what is it?
The human body produces different types of white blood cells. Their job is to maintain he alth as well as protect against fungal infections, parasites, bacteria and viruses. Basophils are one of the types of such white bodies (about 0.5% of the total). They are formed in the bone marrow, but can sometimes be found in small concentrations in all tissues of the body.
Functions and features of basophil metabolism will be considered in more detail.
Allergic reaction
A low level of these cells indicates a significant allergic reaction. Elevated basophils in the blood, on the contrary,may be the result of the development of specific types of cancer. The peculiarity of the metabolism of basophils in the peripheral blood is that, after leaving the bone marrow, they circulate for several hours, then migrate to the tissues in which they function and live for 8–12 days.
Basic functions of basophils
The main function is to prevent the penetration of infections and harmful bacteria into the human body. These cells help heal cuts and wounds, forming a protective crust through lymphocytes. In the process of healing, white bodies are destroyed, irritation, itching occur, tissues around the wound may swell. But that is not all. In addition to the main function, basophils also have additional ones:

- They contain heparin, a substance that thins the blood and prevents blood from clotting.
- Removes poisons and toxins.
- Prevent the occurrence of anaphylactic shock and allergic reactions. If the immune system is exposed to excessive influence of antigens, then histamine is released by white cells. They also contribute to the production of special antibodies (agents) called immunoglobulin. This reduces itching.
- Kill parasites like ticks.
As you can see, the functions of basophils are unique.
Eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes
The content of basophils from all leukocytes is only 0.5%. In addition to this type of bodies, the following types can be found in the blood:
- Neutrophils. The largest group of leukocytes that fight againstsevere infectious conditions.
- Lymphocytes. They are part of the immune system, preventing the invasion of viruses and bacteria (pathogens).
- Eosinophils. They help fight parasitic infections. The functions of basophils and eosinophils play an important role in the body.
- Monocytes fight infections in the bloodstream, antigens, help repair damaged tissues, and destroy cancer cells.
Let's take a closer look at the functions of basophils in immunology.
Tissue basophils
Tissue basophils (mastocytes, mast cells, mast cells) are found in the subcutaneous fat and in all layers of the dermis. There is an opinion that tissue young basophils are formed in the papillary layer (their predecessors are evicted here from the microscopic part of the vascular bed), and then, as they mature, they move into the subcutaneous tissue and dermis layers lying below, while increasing in size.
For tissue basophils, the blood stem cell becomes the source of development, the later descendant of which is the same for them and for basophilic leukocytes in the blood. The concentration of mast cells in the skin in different mammalian species differs and is inversely proportional to the number of basophilic granulocytes in the blood. Tissue basophils are most often located perivascularly. Recently, information has appeared that such cells are able to enter the intact epidermis.

Their large-scale penetration into the epidermis is observed with skinmastocytomas. Mast cells have a clear polymorphism, which is manifested by the degree of filling with cytoplasmic granules, various cell shapes (from round to angular and elongated), and their size. Cells have a small oval or rounded, in some cases, hyperchromic nucleus. Their distinguishing feature is the presence of cytoplasmic granules, whose size is from 0.3 to 1 micron. Fanulae, when stained with certain dyes, are capable of showing metachromasia.
The cytoplasm of tissue basophils includes organelles: two types of endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, the Golgi complex, microfilaments, ribosomes, and in some cases centrioles. They are located near the nucleus, the degree of their development is determined by cellular maturity. In young cells, they are maximally developed, in mature cells they are almost invisible due to the concentration of a large number of granules. What are the main functions of tissue basophils?
Mast cells
The functional role of mast cells is determined by biologically active substances contained in granules. They regulate microvascular tone and permeability, the amount of water in the skin, maintain the colloidal state of the main component of the connective tissue. Mast cells play a significant role in maintaining normal metabolic levels in the skin. Simultaneously with fibroblasts, mast cells take part in the biosynthesis of intercellular substance, including glycosaminoglycans. They secrete several mediators that affect the division of epithelial cells and connective tissue, as well as regulate their activity.

Tissue basophils due to biologically active substances are often involved in skin pathological processes. At the same time, tissue edema and massive degranulation are noted in them, that is, the release of granules, whose contents can cause the expansion of microvessels, and the release of blood cells from them, primarily non-granular and granular leukocytes. Mediators regulate immune and inflammatory responses. A disease that is associated with blastoma lesions of tissue basophils is called mastocytosis. It is characterized by skin morphological changes.
The functions of basophils in the blood are now known. What are the norms?
The content of the level of basophils is determined by a clinical blood test. The concentration of such bodies is set as a percentage of the total number of lymphocytes in the form of absolute and relative values. The absolute amount, regardless of age, is from 0.01 to 0.065109 g / l, the relative one directly depends on the age of the person and has the following indicators: 0.75% - newborns; 0.5% - a baby from one month old; 0.6% - one-year-old children; 0.7% - two-year; 0.5-1% - adult category.

Reasons for increased basophil levels
When the inflammatory reaction continues for more than three days, increased production of new basophils occurs in the bone marrow above the norm. An increase in the number of these cells in the blood (over 0.2109 / l) is called basophilocytosis, or basophilia. The reason for this process maybe the final stage of acute inflammation or the presence of various pathologies.
Diseases and conditions that can increase basophils are as follows:
- allergic reactions to medicines, foods and other substances;
- blood pathologies (acute leukemia, myeloid leukemia, granulomatosis, etc.);
- chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- pathology of the thyroid gland;
- chronic sinusitis;
- viral infections;
- diabetes mellitus;
- hemolytic anemia;
- Hodgkin's disease;
- use of antithyroid drugs and estrogens;
- pre-menses and ovulation.
Basophilia is often caused by a lack of iron in the human body. Also, basophils can be elevated in people who have had surgery to remove the spleen. In any case, basophilocytosis shows ongoing changes in the body, leading to serious or minor consequences. That is why, when basophilia is detected, it is imperative to undergo a comprehensive examination so as not to miss the alarm signal and start treatment in a timely manner if any disease is detected.

Methods of lowering the content of basophils
To reduce the number of basophils, the cause of their increase should be eliminated. The specialist examines the patient and, based on the results of the tests, determines the therapy. But basophils can also rise in he althy people. This is most often due to a lack of iron. Forto replenish its reserves in the body, you should eat red meat, seafood, liver, vegetables, fatty fish and fruits. For better absorption of iron by the body, it is advisable to drink orange juice during meals. In some cases, experts prescribe preparations containing iron. Sometimes, to reduce basophils, it is enough to stop taking antithyroid drugs and estrogens. Vitamin B12 will help to normalize their content (most often in the form of injections). Its natural sources are yeast, eggs, milk, meat, etc.

Reasons for a decrease in basophils
If basophils are reduced, this is called basopenia. This state is difficult to assess due to their too low content. Basopenia may be in pregnant women, and this is most often the norm. Decreased concentrations are sometimes observed in acute infections and hyperthyroidism, and also as a result of the use of corticosteroids. Basophils can be completely absent in the blood during the treatment of oncology with serious drugs and chemotherapy. Basopenia in adults is not taken into account when making a diagnosis. In children, a decrease is more pronounced, it indicates a violation of the activity of the bone marrow or an endocrine disease.
Basophiles are inconspicuous and at the same time important participants in the hematopoietic process. They signal the first allergy, directing the actions of other blood cells. If a person knows his level of basophils, it is possible to draw conclusions about the state of his immune system. The article discussed the main functions of basophils.