Climacteric neurosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Climacteric neurosis: causes, symptoms and treatment
Climacteric neurosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Climacteric neurosis is a common problem faced by a woman of Balzac age. This is an unpleasant period in life, but, alas, inevitable. Changes occur not only at the hormonal level, but also at the mental level. They are observed in more than half of the patients. What to do with it? Let's figure it out in the article.

Feature of neurosis in menopause

Climacteric neurosis is a state of a woman's psyche, in which changes in the vegetative-nervous nature occur. To a greater extent, such transformations are associated with metamorphoses of the hormonal background. Pathological changes occur during the functioning of the hypothalamic centers of the nervous system.

grandaxin with menopausal neurosis reviews of doctors
grandaxin with menopausal neurosis reviews of doctors

This is a rather serious disease that needs timely attention and treatment. In the early stages, this disease manifests itself poorly, but in a neglected form, serious consequences are possible. Changes in the structure of a woman's personality are not excluded.


According to statistics, almost 60% of women who have menopause develop menopausal neurosis. Previously, doctors associated the disease with a lack of hormones. However, modern medicine is reflected in age-related changes in the work of the hypothalamus.

The causes of neurosis during menopause lie in changes in the hormonal background. These transformations affect the psychological state of a woman. Such changes increase the symptoms of the pathological process.

External factors play an important role:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • features of a person's character;
  • stress situations (past and present);
  • weak immune system;
  • overstrain of the body;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • lack of useful elements in the body;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • systematic lack of sleep (sleep disturbance).

Climacteric neurosis can be caused by one or more causes. Only a doctor can determine the specific origin of the disease. He will be able to adequately assess the situation and prescribe the necessary therapy. Under the seemingly harmless symptoms, serious mental disorders or disorders of metabolic and vegetovascular processes can be hidden.

Signs of neurosis during menopause

The described condition during menopause is manifested vividly. Its main characteristics are:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • profuse sweating;
  • sudden awakenings in the middle of the night (difficulty falling asleep);
  • development of hypertension;
  • sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • heart ailments;
  • mood swings;
  • tinnitus;
  • unstable emotional background;
  • apathy;
  • negative perception of one's appearance;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of appetite.

In some cases menopause and neurosis are not interrelated concepts. In some women, neurosis does not manifest itself against the background of menopause. However, there are changes in behavior. The perception of the surrounding world is changing.

Neurosis in menopause as a mental disorder

Neurosis in menopause may include one type of disorder or a combination of them. There are 4 types of such disorders:

  1. Asthenic appearance (memory deteriorates, fatigue occurs, efficiency drops sharply).
  2. Depressive appearance (mood changes in a negative direction).
  3. Hypochondriacal appearance (obsessive anxiety, panic attacks during menopause, attributing unnecessary diseases to oneself, excessive concern about one's state of he alth).
  4. Hysterical look (instability in stressful situations, even at the slightest trouble, touchiness, capriciousness, tearfulness).
climacteric neurosis with vegetative-vascular disorders
climacteric neurosis with vegetative-vascular disorders

Stages of development of neurosis in menopause

Climacteric neurosis during menopause develops gradually. Doctors distinguish three stages of its development:

  • The first stage. The first signs of the disease appear, which, as a rule, are unstable. Because of this, a woman can attribute the changes in behavior to ordinary fatigue.
  • The second stage is the height of the disease. At this stage, a woman is already seriously starting to worry about her he alth. If the disease is not treated at this stage, it will gradually take on a chronic form.
  • The third stage is a chronic disease. During its course, changes in the structure of personality are observed. In this case, even with the right therapy, it will be difficult to correct the situation.

The stability of metabolic processes is affected by the hypothalamus, and during menopause, their violation can cause such a serious disease as osteoporosis. Usually in the third stage of the disease, the hypothalamus especially affects the emotional state of a woman. Neurosis and menopause, the symptoms, age and treatment of which will be covered later, are the consequences of the work of the brain. And the changes are dictated by age.

Scientists are constantly arguing about how common neurotic disorders are among menopausal women. Many endocrinologists, gynecologists, psychotherapists came to the same conclusion: neurosis with menopause appears in almost half of women.

Symptoms of climacteric neurosis

This disease manifests itself both at the physical and vegetative levels. Main symptoms:

hot flashes (face, neck, shoulders redden);

menopause symptoms age treatment
menopause symptoms age treatment
  • pain in the heart;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased sweat production;
  • dizziness, tinnitus;
  • constipation or flatulence;
  • pain when urinating and itching in the genital area;
  • fatigue;
  • paresthesia - "goosebumps";
  • Increased bone fragility;
  • cardiovascular disease.

Additional symptoms include:

  • insomnia;
  • fatigue;
  • nervousness;
  • touchiness;
  • sharp changes in emotional background and mood;
  • tearfulness;
  • distrust;
  • headache;
  • indifference to or excessive attention to one's own appearance.

A dangerous complication of climacteric neurosis manifests itself in the form of depression, apathy and isolation in oneself. The reason for such a depressed internal state is that a woman feels "unfit" because her reproductive function has faded away.

causes of neurosis during menopause
causes of neurosis during menopause

Depression, although it is treated with medication, is very weak. Often a woman who suffers from climacteric neurosis develops suicidal tendencies. Mania, panic attacks and depressive states may alternate.

Changes in hormonal levels have consequences. Among the severe complications are cancer of the mammary glands and female genital organs, mastopathy, osteoporosis.

The appearance of wrinkles is the main symptom of climacteric neurosis. Weight, shape and posture may change.

climacteric neurosis
climacteric neurosis

How does VSD manifest itself in menopausal neurosis?

With menopause it is difficult to diagnose vegetovascular dystonia. Menopausal neurosis with vegetative-vascular disorders is similar in symptoms. The main difference is that neurosis during menopause affects the level of sex hormones, and with VVD - on the features of the autonomic system. It is more difficult if both diseases occur simultaneously in a woman's body. In this case, the following symptoms occur:

  • pressure jumps;
  • bad taste in mouth;
  • frequent urination;
  • severe headache;
  • fear accompanied by panic and hysteria;
  • pain in the region of the heart.

Most often, the culprit of this condition is the psyche of patients. Because they set themselves up for constant negativity. In this case, the work of the heart accelerates, blood pressure jumps and general malaise occurs. If you feel these symptoms, you should consult a doctor who specializes in psychotherapy for vegetovascular dystonia.


In menopausal neurosis, symptoms and treatment are interrelated concepts. So, with a weak clinical picture, the signs of neurosis will eventually disappear on their own. There will be no mental consequences during menopause.

Serious treatment is needed for those women whose symptoms of neurosis significantly affect normal life, causing maladaptation in society.

Treatment should be comprehensive. These basicprinciples:

  • observe diet, sleep and wakefulness;
  • give up tea, coffee, hot spices and foods rich in cholesterol;
  • the diet should include dairy products, vegetables and fruits;
  • sleep is the main component of treatment (if insomnia, it is better to take sleeping pills);
  • treatment in sanatoriums and frequent walks in the fresh air are indicated;
  • massage, herbal medicine, hydrotherapy;
  • exercise therapy;
  • regular visits to a psychologist.

In particularly difficult cases, the doctor prescribes medications that help restore hormonal levels.


To restore the hormonal background in the fight against neurosis, hormonal drugs are prescribed. They are usually classified into two categories:

  • artificial (synthetic);
  • homeopathic (phytohormones that have a mild effect).

Klimadinon is especially popular and in demand. This is a kind of sedative for menopause, which affects the vegetative system. However, this drug has a number of contraindications. You should not start taking it on your own. By prescription only.


Doctors recommend the drug "Grandaxin" for menopausal neurosis. Reviews of doctors and patients about him are mostly positive. Doctors prescribe this drug during nervous exacerbations in autumn and spring. According to experts, due to the positive effects of the drug, effective support for the nervous system is carried out. This medicine is a powerful tranquilizer with a pronounced sedative effect.


This is another recommended remedy that will help you survive menopause. So says about the "Klimaktoplan" instructions for use. The price and reviews of the drug are more than acceptable. This homeopathic remedy includes substances that modulate estrogen activity.

Responses claim that thanks to this medicine, anxiety, anxiety, panic attacks go away. This is due to the normalization of the autonomic functions of the central nervous system. In particular, the state of the endocrine, cardiovascular system, as well as the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal glands is stabilized.

The drug should not be taken in case of individual sensitivity to the components, it is also prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. So it is said about "Klimaktoplan" in the instructions for use. The price (reviews say that the cost of the drug is quite reasonable) is 608 rubles. Dissolve tablets three times a day, 1-2 pieces on an empty stomach.

If a woman accepts hormonal changes, puts up with them, then this is half the success of therapy. The main thing is to resort to the treatment of the first symptoms in a timely manner.

panic attacks with menopause menopausal neurosis symptoms and treatment
panic attacks with menopause menopausal neurosis symptoms and treatment

Proper nutrition, a he althy lifestyle, stable sleep and a positive attitude towards the world around us are the components of the fight against menopausal neurosis.