Since ancient times, folk healers have been using special herbal infusions and preparations for treatment. Clary sage also belongs to the number of plants with healing properties. To date, about 900 varieties of sage are known, but not all of them are used in traditional medicine.
General Description

Sage is an unpretentious plant that grows on stony, sandy and clay soils. It is distributed in the countries of Central Asia and in the south of Europe, and in Russia it is found in the Caucasus - a wild species. Clary sage can reach 80 cm in height. It has large green leaves, pink or lilac inflorescences, the fruits resemble small nuts.
The composition of the plant includes unique components:
- essential oils;
- vitamins A, groups B, K, PP;
- mineral s alts;
- folic and ascorbic acids;
- micronutrients: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, selenium, manganese, copper;
- choline;
- flavonoids.

In medicine, the upper part of the plant is used, collected at the stage of bud formation, dried in a dark place. The leaves contain a huge amount of essential oils, organic acids, resins. Due to its bitter-spicy taste and strong aroma, the herb can be used as a seasoning for some dishes and snacks.
Useful properties and contraindications
This plant can be considered universal. Due to the beneficial properties that clary sage has, its use is possible in the treatment of many diseases. The plant can cope with the following problems:
- stops bleeding;
- restores immunity;
- improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
- used in the treatment of female diseases;
- has antiseptic properties.
But if we talk about the plant as a medicine, then it has a number of contraindications. It is highly undesirable to use clary sage for people suffering from hypertension, patients with thyroid disorders, pregnant women and those who are allergic to this herb.
It is also important to observe the dosage, not to allow too much concentration, because as a result this can lead to severe intoxication of the whole organism and cause a headache. With regular treatment, it is mandatory to take a break every three months for about three weeks.
What ailments does sage help to overcome
There is a fairly long list of diseases that are treated with clary sage. The medicinal properties of the plant are able to save a woman from infertility, this was known even in ancient Egypt. Herbal collection has a positive effect on the nervous system, thereby relieving a person of atherosclerosis.

Sage infusions are widely used for internal and external inflammations. The solution well relieves itching, which accompanies infectious diseases of the genital organs. Clary sage can be used to gargle a sore throat, gum disease, and stomatitis. They wash wounds, treat herpes and dermatitis. The list of its features also includes the ability to relieve swelling and bruising from bruises. Sage can cheer up and improve the digestive process, it is indispensable in the treatment of hemorrhoids and is widely used in cosmetology.