Not so long ago, a new fermented milk drink appeared on the shelves of stores - ayran. How useful is this product, what properties does it have and how does it differ from traditional kefir? This is our article. First, a little about the history of this product.

Sour milk drink came to us from Central Asia, Bashkiria, the Caucasus. Where exactly - is unknown, because the drink was invented by nomads 15 centuries ago, and due to their way of life they moved from place to place. However, it was they who gave us the drink of centenarians. The beneficial properties of ayran are not in doubt either among doctors or among lovers of this fermented milk product.
The traditional historical recipe for making the drink is to use a special starter for milk, which gives a certain taste to the drink and ensures long-term preservation of the product. Milk can be cow, goat, camel, mare, sheep. They made it in wineskins, now they use other dishes, but the leaven has remained the same. This is thermophilic streptococcus in combination with yeast and Bulgarian bacillus, which contributes to the start of alcoholic fermentation of the product and acts asnatural preservative. Then the fermented milk is diluted with water and spices are added. The composition of the ingredients in the product is different, which is why each nation tries to claim its copyright for the ayran drink. And additives in the form of dill, basil, spices not only make the drink tasty and varied, but also enhance the beneficial properties of ayran.

Like any other fermented milk product, the drink stimulates and normalizes the natural intestinal microflora, improves the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and restores metabolism. Prevents constipation, neutralizes intestinal disorders, enhancing the excretion of decay products from the body. But the beneficial properties of ayran are not limited to a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It stimulates the respiratory system, increasing the flow of oxygen to the lungs, and has a great effect on the nervous system. At the same time, drinking the drink in the morning will invigorate. And by drinking the product at night, you will thereby ensure a restful sleep.
In emergency situations, the beneficial properties of ayran can be used to relieve hangover, dehydration, and restore water-s alt balance. For people leading a he althy lifestyle, ayran is an indispensable assistant. It actively fights fat deposits, is used as a dietary product, helps to restore muscle tone. But with its qualities, ayran has contraindications. These are gastritis, erosion, stomach ulcers, lactose allergy.

Some try to makeayran at home, adding sourdough for kefir, yogurt to pre-boiled milk, use a silver coin or black bread. Then put for fermentation for 5-6 hours in glassware. Dilute with mineral or s alted water. But you will not get the beneficial properties of ayran, which are formed from real sourdough, and you can only prepare a product that tastes like ayran.
In such cases, if you like kefir, then by adding spices, dill, parsley, cilantro and diluting it with mineral water, you will have a homemade fermented milk product with additives, but with the properties of kefir, the beneficial effect of which on the body is no one does not dispute. Ayran has some useful properties, and kefir has completely different ones. Both products have an equally positive effect on the body, but the starters involved in the fermentation process give different healing qualities to the drinks. Drink the product you like best and stay he althy!