Vollen nipple: causes and symptoms

Vollen nipple: causes and symptoms
Vollen nipple: causes and symptoms

The female body is very susceptible to any changes that occur in the body, and the breast is the most sensitive part. Any woman will notice when her breasts change shape, become different from what they used to be, especially sunken nipples should not be missed.

sunken nipple
sunken nipple

Deviation in the structure causes a lot of complexes in a woman. She becomes withdrawn, tends to hide her breasts. Of course, this condition negatively affects intimate life. A sunken nipple of the breast is not only aesthetically disliked, this condition brings a lot of discomfort and can cause serious pathologies. The pain may go away on its own for a while, but sometimes it is so strong and unbearable that you have to call an ambulance.

What causes pain

Unfortunately, today one in three women seek help from a breast he alth specialist. The disease of the mammary glands has become very common, and this is due primarily to hormonal disruptions, an unhe althy lifestyle. Because the breast reacts to any most insignificant changes in the body.

sunken breast nipple
sunken breast nipple

Nipple pain is usually accompanied bygeneral malaise and discomfort in the entire chest. The first thing a woman of reproductive age might think about is approaching her period (very rarely). Therefore, it is very important to monitor your cycle in order to exclude a symptom tied specifically to this condition.

Why do sunken nipples need an urgent mammological examination, because such a phenomenon occurs from the usual use of hormonal drugs, antidepressants, antibiotics, and also during pregnancy? Unfortunately, sometimes the clinical picture can be more dangerous, and such changes in the chest are a sign:

  • mastopathy;
  • breast cysts;
  • oncology.

Causes for the development of pathology

Deformation of the juice is a feature of the structure of the mammary gland. The reason for rejection can be:

  • heredity;
  • underdevelopment of the genital organs and hypofunction;
  • underdeveloped lactiferous ducts;
  • breast disease;
  • wrong underwear.

Usually changes happen from both sides at the same time. If the nipple on one breast has fallen, you need to urgently go to a mammologist - this is one of the first signs of cancer. It is important to understand that such negative factors as alcohol consumption, smoking, drugs, poor environmental conditions, greatly affect he alth and can affect the condition of the breast.

why did the nipple sag
why did the nipple sag

The female nipple has a rather complex structure. On its surface there are up to 25 milk ducts that go to the mammary gland. In morethe deep layers are connected by connective tissue strands located between the small lactiferous ducts. Insufficiently long threads of these launches draw the nipple inward. In some cases, breastfeeding promotes the return of the normal shape due to the stretching of the tufts.


Inverted nipples do not rise above the areola, they become flat, as if pressed into the chest. The woman herself may not notice such a flaw until she becomes pregnant, or the moment of breastfeeding comes. During this period, the deformation of the nipple is very noticeable. It may look like this:

  • medium retraction;
  • short and flat;
  • long and strong retraction.

Outwardly sunken nipples look different. The photo may not show serious differences, only the doctor will notice this when examining the patient.

Plastic surgeons identify 2 types of sunken nipples:

  • lurking;
  • inverted.

The former return to position when breastfeeding or sexual arousal. The latter do not protrude beyond the halo during any manipulations. Often this condition is accompanied by pain in the entire chest.

sunken nipples photo
sunken nipples photo

If the nipple fell, it causes a lot of problems when feeding the baby. It is inconvenient for him to grab the breast, which is why the child cannot eat normally. Numerous attempts to cope with this process lead to the fact that the areola is injured, painful cracks and abrasions appear, into which the infection can penetrate, which will lead to the development of mastitis. With purulent mastitisfeeding stops abruptly, and mom undergoes surgery.

Such a defect can cause the following complications:

  • accumulation of foreign particles or fat in the cavity;
  • halo maceration;
  • milk leaks from breasts during pregnancy.

How to deal with pathology?

Many women, noticing such a pathology in themselves and not realizing the seriousness of the problem, try to “solve the problem” themselves: they pull out the nipples with their hands, various objects, rub them, massage them. When a sunken nipple is diagnosed, it is absolutely impossible to do this. Firstly, the effect will not be accurate, and secondly, the nipples have a close relationship with the entire neuroendocrine system, which provides support for the body during pregnancy. And such irritation stimulates the production of hormones that tone the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage.

It doesn't matter at what period of her life (during pregnancy or just in the process of preparing for it, while breastfeeding) a woman noticed that her nipple had fallen. Be sure to visit a mammologist at the first symptoms. After the examination, the doctor will advise how to restore the previous appearance of the breast.

sunken nipple do
sunken nipple do

Produced special overlays designed to stretch the connective tissue bridges. The device for sunken nipples Brava has proven itself well. However, conservative treatment does not always help, in some cases surgery is required.

Surgical correction

Nipple correction is performed with a minor surgical intervention under the localanesthesia. Such procedures may be contraindicated if a woman plans to give birth and breastfeed a child in the future. An accurate diagnosis is made after the examination. Such an anomaly is a purely individual problem.

Any intervention in the body has certain consequences, complications and discomfort. But in some cases, this procedure saves a person's life, normalizes his psychological state and returns him to his former existence. During the operation, all attention is paid to maintaining the integrity of the milk ducts. A small incision is made under the microscope at the base of the halo, and the cords are cut, pulling the nipple inward, after which it is pulled forward.

Rehabilitation after surgery

During this period, hematomas, swelling and pain in the chest area will be observed. The full rehabilitation period is 6 weeks. At this time, you need to give up heavy physical exertion, avoid stressful situations, spend more time outdoors and wear comfortable underwear.

why nipples are sunken
why nipples are sunken

After this time, you need to continue to adhere to all recommendations and accept them as a way of life. Sensitivity will gradually return to the woman, the nipples will become elongated.


Diagnosis is carried out by a highly qualified mammologist or gynecologist, who prescribes an examination to understand why the nipple has fallen. To do this, you need to pass:

  • general analysis of urine, feces and blood;
  • nipple culture;
  • scraping;
  • an ultrasound ormammography.

Prevention measures

Every woman should monitor her he alth and pay attention to any changes in the body. It is necessary to periodically examine the mammary glands. It is worth alerting and taking urgent measures if the nipple fell on one breast. And even in the absence of soreness and other unpleasant symptoms, an urgent need to visit a specialist's office.