Treatment of otitis in a child: basic methods

Treatment of otitis in a child: basic methods
Treatment of otitis in a child: basic methods

Otitis is an inflammatory process localized in the middle ear. It is more common in children, which is associated with the anatomical features of the structure of the hearing organ in babies. Moreover, as a rule, the disease is accompanied by a significant rise in temperature. Treatment of otitis in a child must begin with pain relief - the main cause of concern for young patients and their parents, which is the main reason for contacting a specialist.

Treatment of otitis in a child
Treatment of otitis in a child

For this purpose, the drug "Paracetamol" or "Nurofen" is prescribed (it has a more pronounced analgesic effect). The dosage is selected based on the body weight of the child. Many talk about a serious side effect of this drug - hepatotoxicity, but its metabolism in the body of children goes without liver damage, which allows you to safely use the drug in pediatric practice. In addition to it, when treating otitis media in a child, the drug "Meloxicam" can be used for analgesic purposes (it belongs to selective COX-2 blockers, therefore it does not have an ulcerogenic effect), and for children from 12 years oldallowed to receive the means "Nimesulide". In addition, these drugs have an antipyretic effect, which increases their effectiveness in case of a rise in temperature in a child. For the same purpose, ear drops "Otipax", "Cafradex", "Otinum" are also prescribed. They must be instilled into the affected ear two to three times a day, four drops at a time. In addition, compresses (for example, alcohol) can be used to relieve pain, but they can only be used after the severity of the process subsides (that is, when the child's temperature has already subsided). And it must be borne in mind that compresses are contraindicated when it comes to the treatment of purulent otitis media. Before applying the compress, check the temperature of the surface by applying gauze to the palm of your hand. Do not leave it for a long time, otherwise you risk getting a chemical burn in addition to otitis media. To reduce inflammation, improve the outflow of inflammatory fluid from the ear, and, accordingly, for analgesic purposes, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are prescribed: "Nafthyzin", "Galazolin", "Xylmetazoline", "Xilen", "Dlyanos", "Nazol", " Otrivin". It is important to change the nasal drops every three days to avoid diminishing the effectiveness of the treatment.

Treatment of purulent otitis media
Treatment of purulent otitis media

Pain removed. What's next? And then the treatment of otitis in a child continues by influencing the cause of the disease. For this, antibiotics are prescribed. And they begin etiotropic therapy with penicillins: drugs "Augmentin" and "Amoxiclav" in the form of a powderfor the preparation of suspensions, the remedy "Lemoklav" in the form of tablets for older children. The dosage is prescribed based on the instructions. Macrolide preparations are also effective: Sumamed (Azithromycin), Vilprafen. Previously, macrolides were considered the drugs of choice in the treatment of otitis media, but at present they have been supplanted in this field by antibiotics of the penicillin series.

Effective are also such procedures as blowing the ear, pneumomassage of the eardrum. They help to improve the outflow of inflammatory fluid, which is the prevention of complications.

Surgical treatment is prescribed in case of development of purulent otitis media. At the same time, attention is paid to such basic signs of otitis media in a child as temperature, pain and the condition of the eardrum. It is believed that the presence of its bulging (this symptom is detected during otoscopy) is a direct indication for paracentesis, i.e., opening the tympanic membrane, followed by drainage for the outflow of pus.

After suffering from otitis media, the child may be prescribed physiotherapy - UHF, UVI, electropheresis, the use of vitamins.

Signs of otitis in a child
Signs of otitis in a child

Formidable complications caused by otitis media include meningitis, mastoiditis - inflammation of the mastoid process, hearing loss. Perforation of the tympanic membrane threatens children who often have purulent otitis media. Therefore, the treatment of otitis in a child should be carried out by an ENT doctor. And in no case should this business be launched.
