"My tooth": reviews, finding the right solution

"My tooth": reviews, finding the right solution
"My tooth": reviews, finding the right solution

Human he alth is one of the most important values in his life. Having lost their he alth, they do not cry over their career and position. Numerous medical institutions, resorts, preventive centers contribute to the preservation of the body's work in the optimal mode. The old saying: "He alth cannot be bought with money" has long lost its relevance. Everyone has already understood that the most important value cannot be obtained for free. But if you have to pay for good he alth, then to whom?

my dental reviews
my dental reviews

The right choice

In all life situations, there are main, correct, fundamental criteria and secondary ones, only assimilated to the first ones. So it is in medicine. Under the bright, "screaming" signs and the cover of a violent advertising campaign, mediocre doctors and medical staff may be hiding. In the vast ocean of offers of help and treatment, you need to choose the right experts in their field, doctors "from God".

The benefits of feedback

There are always several paths to the truth. You can just start bypassing all the establishments in a row in the hope that you are lucky. Can be studiedmonths of PR moves by hired freelancers to promote various institutions.

A little more effective would be to ask friends and relatives for their personal experience in this matter. But diseases and their various variants are innumerable, and what helped them may not suit you at all.

The surest way to find the right solution is to read the reviews of patients who have symptoms similar to yours. No one will ever give a 100% guarantee, but in this case, the chance of finding a good clinic for, for example, dental treatment increases.


OτόΜα and λογος - "mouth" and "word", as exactly the ancient Greek language characterized dentistry. The science of the structure, development and treatment of the oral cavity, the definition of all diseases of the teeth, jaws and adjacent areas. Teeth play the primary role in preparing food for digestion, improve or, conversely, worsen our appearance, can cause an unpleasant odor, which makes communication very difficult. And how they hurt…

By looking at many sources, one way or another related to medicine, you will get the first understanding of the situation. Among the obviously biased judgments, a real picture emerges: the first place in many respects is occupied by the clinic "Moy Zubnoy". Reviews about the treatment in it are positive, contain correct descriptions and similar facts. Now you can take a closer look at your choice.

Attractive sides

my dental dentistry spb reviews
my dental dentistry spb reviews

Affordable prices here. Nothing can replace your own experience - you need to personally find out what kind of clinic it is - "My Dentist" (dentistry, St. Petersburg). Reviews are good, but trusting - check. We find on the website of the clinic a list of the cost of various procedures and compare it with information from other dental centers. Pleasantly surprised at the affordability of prices, we move on.

In terms of the number of types of dental services, the "My Tooth" clinic is ahead again. Reviews in the "Book of Complaints and Suggestions" are written by different people, different age groups and financial status. It does not look like a falsification, too realistic descriptions come across. In the clinic, you can cure caries, periodontal disease, get services for prosthetics, implantation, correction of malocclusion and even professional cleaning of tartar from the entire oral cavity.

The clinic's specialists guarantee the painlessness of all procedures. What methods does "My Dentist" dentistry offer? The answer is clear: the use of the latest ultra-fine needles makes drug injections completely invisible to the patient, and anesthesia makes the intervention of a specialist painless. It is not surprising that patients' reviews of the clinic "My Dentist" are positive.

The number of branches and branches is simply amazing and at the same time pleases. In terms of the availability of information, the clinic "My Dentist" also does not give up its position. Customer reviews are full of gratitude - for information about the nearest metro stations and convenient access routes. This also indirectly confirms the professional approach to their work of doctors.

Availabilityown laboratory guarantees timely production of prostheses.

dentistry my dental reviews
dentistry my dental reviews

Register for an appointment

Everything is simple here: just make a phone call, choose the most suitable territorial branch, and the appointment itself takes a few minutes. At the same time, in addition to easy registration and the ability to leave reviews about the clinic "My Dental" you get a qualified free consultation of the administrator of the institution.

Opening hours

Unbelievable: all branches of the clinic "My Dentist" work from 9 am to 9 pm, without lunch and days off. That is all the time! And how important it is for the patient to know that at any moment he will be assisted by a professional.


clinic my dental reviews
clinic my dental reviews

Good about the clinic "My Dental" reviews, useful. You can find one more, very interesting information. These are the types of specializations in the context of which the specialists of the institution work: the areas of therapy, orthopedics, surgery, prosthetics, pediatric dentistry and radiology. Agree, because the coverage of various areas in periodontics and dentistry is almost complete!
