Blepharoplasty: reviews, photos before and after

Blepharoplasty: reviews, photos before and after
Blepharoplasty: reviews, photos before and after

They say the eyes are the window to the soul. So it happens that this very mirror distorts reality. In the soul, a person is still 18, and bags under the eyes, wrinkles and transparent skin speak of old age. Many do not notice these changes until some kind of turning point. This may be a careless remark of a friend, a place that a girl will give up in transport, indifference in the eyes of a potential boyfriend. Can blepharoplasty be an option? Reviews encourage believing this option.

blepharoplasty reviews operated
blepharoplasty reviews operated

The core of the problem

Bags under the eyes, or eyelid hernia, are a concern for both men and women. Moreover, this is not even an age-related problem, but rather a consequence of hard work, improper drinking regimen, chronic fatigue and other unpleasant moments. It is good if the problem is detected at an early stage. Then they canhelp lotions from tea, creams and masks. If the diagnosis is late, then it's time to think about medical manipulations.

Blepharoplasty has become quite a popular procedure. Reviews about it are left by people of different incomes and social status. In fact, this procedure solves the problem of a tired look and significantly prolongs the youthfulness of the skin. The manipulation itself is simple, but still requires local anesthesia. In time, it takes several hours.

Of course, it's scary to trust the doctor with the most vulnerable part of your body - your eyes. But the promised results beckon with their proximity. The skin around the eyes is the most delicate and thin, and therefore it ages faster. But what a shame if her condition worsened due to her own careless attitude towards herself, and not from age!

blepharoplasty of the eyelids before and after photos reviews
blepharoplasty of the eyelids before and after photos reviews

Procedure in all its glory

So, what is blepharoplasty? Photos "before" and "after", reviews and availability of the procedure in clinics - all these are arguments in favor of such an experience. But what lies in the process of the operation itself? To begin with, this is the most requested procedure in aesthetic plastic surgery.

The skin around the eyes is thin and highly vulnerable, as it does not have a fatty layer. Due to this anatomical structure, there is no possibility of accumulation of fluid under the skin, which entails the drooping of the upper eyelid. As a result, small, but very noticeable wrinkles appear. It is almost impossible to remove them with cosmetics, so blepharoplasty of the eyelids comes to the rescue. Reviewshelp to classify the types of procedures. This is a lift of the upper eyelid, expanding the field of vision of a person; this is a correction of the lower eyelid; this is a lift of the upper and lower eyelids together or the so-called circular lift; this is a change in the shape of the eyes.

Starting from the top

Upper eyelid surgery is performed under local anesthesia, so you won't feel pain, but you won't be able to switch off. This procedure is indicated for skin rejuvenation, as over time it loses collagen and elastin. In what cases is this option relevant?

Firstly, in cases where skin bags hang over the eyes, which gives a tired look, ages and really disfigures. Secondly, when there are tangible problems with applying make-up. That is, you make up your eyes, and during the day the makeup is erased and rolls into folds. Finally, thirdly, when hernias or so-called bags appear due to abundant fluid intake at night.

blepharoplasty photo before and after reviews
blepharoplasty photo before and after reviews

Lower eyelid problems

Surely you noted the fact that the skin of the lower eyelid is even thinner than that of the upper eyelid. It is closer to the center of the eye, and touching it should be very accurate. The muscle layer is located just under the skin and is separated by a membrane from the fat layer.

If you abuse makeup, do not follow the drinking regime and rub your eyes when tired, then the muscle tissue and orbital septa will quickly lose their tone and sag. When tissues are weakened, fat accumulations can appear in their place, leading to puffiness andbags under the eyes.

Lower eyelid surgery is suitable for potential patients with excess skin under the eyes. The operation takes place by cutting the outer edge of the lower eyelid. Together with fatty deposits, excess skin and sometimes a fragment of muscle tissue are removed. An internal lower eyelid lift is indicated in the presence of fatty deposits, but without excess skin. The technique involves a single incision on the thin shell of the surface of the eyelid.

lower blepharoplasty reviews
lower blepharoplasty reviews

Special Occasion

Very often, people who want to correct Asian eyes turn to clinics. Yet all over the world, the European type of face is considered the standard, so all over the world people change their appearance to look more like the Slavs.

Asian eye shape has a feature in which the fibers are attached to the cartilage, but not to the skin. Therefore, there are no natural lines that make the look open. During the operation, the doctor artificially creates a crease on the eyelid, retreating a few mm from the edge of the eyelashes. At the same time, excess subcutaneous fat and circular muscle are removed. The shape of the eyes, however, does not change, so no change in appearance is foreseen.

blepharoplasty asian incision
blepharoplasty asian incision

In a circle

If the problem lies in the state of the upper and lower eyelids at the same time, then you should choose a circular type of correction. For such an operation, general anesthesia is required, in which the patient is immersed in sleep. The whole work takes about two hours, depending on the complexity of the defects to be fixed.

What indications does the circularblepharoplasty? Reviews about it are mostly positive, as the results are striking. A lift will help in the presence of excess skin folds both above and below the eye, with fatty hernias, bags and bruises under the eyes. As a result, the look becomes open, fresh and rested.

eyelid blepharoplasty reviews
eyelid blepharoplasty reviews

There is a method

Of course, before you decide on an operation, you should know in more detail what blepharoplasty is. Photos "before" and "after", reviews and other important aspects are of interest to both the potential client and his relatives. But the methods seem complicated to many. Is it really so?

Everything depends on the indications and desires of the patient choosing eyelid surgery. Methods differ in the nature of the intervention and, of course, in the end result. There are no right and wrong methods, since the goals and characteristics of the organism are individual in each case. Reviews after blepharoplasty in the classic version are quite positive, since the procedure itself is generally simple. The doctor makes an incision in the outer skin and through it removes excess fat or evenly distributes it throughout the level of the eyelid. As a result of the operation, overhanging and stretched skin is removed, plus, the surgeon can tighten the skin by fixing it at certain "anchors" and thus lifting the soft tissues of the lower eyelid.

There is a method of seamless correction, which is considered a recent discovery in plastic surgery. The technique has a number of advantages - surgical interventionis carried out through the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, there are no postoperative scars, the shape of the eyes does not change, and stitches are not needed. On the upper eyelid, this method does not work, as it is too mobile. When blinking, the skin folds, and after the age of 35, its elasticity decreases.

Also, without incisions, a laser correction method is performed, in which punctures are made on the conjunctiva, and hernias are removed through them. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, no traces remain and you can be discharged in a couple of hours.

Finally, the injection technique is relevant for people who are terribly afraid of surgeons. With its help, you can correct the upper and lower eyelids, getting rid of circles, wrinkles and bruises under the eyes. In the process, an injection is introduced that cancels or delays surgical measures. A cream with an anesthetic effect is applied beforehand, so that discomfort is excluded.

blepharoplasty reviews
blepharoplasty reviews

Who should try and who shouldn't?

Of course, first of all, blepharoplasty is indicated for patients with pronounced age-related changes. The reviews of those operated on are full of emotions, because after the operation, unsightly bags under the lower eyelids, overhanging folds over the cilia, dark circles and "chicken feet" at the outer edge disappear.

However, not everyone can resort to this method of rejuvenation. For example, menstruation will be a temporary contraindication, as it entails excess hemorrhage. Girls with eyelash tattoos should also refrain, as well as people with pronounced pigmentation around the eyes. If you are sickPostpone surgery until fully recovered.

Process started

How is the operation done? First, the doctor marks the skin with a pencil. This procedure is necessary for the correct course of the procedure. You are put under general anesthesia or local anesthesia is used to numb the tissues around the eyes. With the latter option, you will not fall asleep, but only relax. For those who like to control everything, this is the best option.

The doctor puts on the eye a protective plate that resembles a contact lens. Now an incision is made under the eyelashes of the eyelid. The surgeon exposes the muscle by lifting the orbital septum. So he opens the fat "pantries" and removes them or redistributes them to reduce swelling under the eyes. At the end of the operation, excess skin is removed and the incision is closed with special absorbable sutures.

To prevent swelling and reduce pain, the patient is put on a special drip and a cooling bandage is applied. The whole procedure takes a quarter of an hour. That's all blepharoplasty! Reviews, photos and further rehabilitation - a separate story for each patient. Still, no one canceled the possible pain, bruising and swelling after the operation. So painkillers and cold compresses may be needed for comfort.

Hematomas begin to pass only on the tenth day. And just after this period it is allowed to apply a make-up. But you can evaluate the full result only after a month. This time you need to follow the doctor's recommendations, that is, limit physical activity to a minimum, do not watch TV and do not strain your eyes. Plus needuse a special cream for speedy healing.

Fly in the ointment

It is impossible to ignore the possible complications that occur after the operation. In particular, lower blepharoplasty receives absolutely polar reviews, as some patients had to deal with detachment of the lower eyelid. In this case, there is no tight fit to the eyeball. Obviously, there is little visually pleasant here, but the phenomenon passes in a couple of weeks.

Also, with a poorly performed operation, there is an eversion of the lower eyelid and a change in the shape of the eye. Conjunctivitis can sometimes make you nervous, which, however, is treated with simple home care.
