How to fall asleep if you can't sleep at night? A few simple ways

How to fall asleep if you can't sleep at night? A few simple ways
How to fall asleep if you can't sleep at night? A few simple ways

After a tiring day at work, sleep is often a real salvation from fatigue and bad mood. Yes, and after being in the sun, it would also not hurt to take a nap for an hour or two … A well-slept person gets out of bed in the morning in a great mood, he is full of energy and ready for any work. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to quickly fall asleep. You can toss and turn in bed for more than one hour, drearily counting the time remaining until the alarm goes off. What are the causes of insomnia, and how to fall asleep if you can't sleep? Let's try to figure it out.

Adequate sleep is the basis of excellent well-being

how to sleep if you can't sleep
how to sleep if you can't sleep

In order to sleep and feel good, a person must spend a certain amount of time in a dream. Usually it is about 8 hours. There are people who sleep 4 hours a day and at the same time are cheerful, full of strength and energy, but this is rather an exception.

In addition to the duration of sleep, its quality is of great importance. When a person rests calmly and in comfortable conditions, then in order to restore his strength,6 hours is enough.

Different and the biological rhythms of people's lives. Someone easily gets up with the first rays of the sun, for others, getting up before 10 am is a real disaster. In order not to be tormented by the question of how to fall asleep if you can’t sleep, you need to try to combine your biological clock with the daily routine. To do this, you can choose a suitable work schedule, postpone important things for that part of the day when the body does not feel tired.

Causes of insomnia

When a person really wants to sleep, then 10 minutes is enough for him to fall asleep soundly. If the process dragged on, most likely, an uninvited guest came - insomnia. Note that the reasons here can be completely different. And what if you can't sleep? First you need to determine what was the source of the problem. These include:

1. Serious emotional or physical stress. Going to bed in a state of severe stress, a person cannot get rid of obsessive thoughts about the events of the past day. As a result, sleep disappears completely.

what to do if you can't sleep
what to do if you can't sleep

2. Abrupt change in daily routine. Sometimes you have to stay up for a long time, although the time when a person usually does this is long gone. Such problems are faced by students preparing for exams, tourists who fall into a different time zone, people who work in shifts.

3. Bad feeling. Headache or toothache, stomach cramps are the real enemies of good sleep.

4. Uncomfortable conditions. Uncomfortable bed, stuffy air, new environment- all this prevents you from falling asleep quickly and having a good rest.

What gets in the way of a comfortable sleep?

Can't sleep at night, what should I do? This question torments many people. In this case, it is first better to deal with what cannot be done immediately before bedtime. After that, insomnia may go away on its own. So, shortly before bedtime, you can’t:

1. Dine hard. The last meal should be about two hours before bedtime. The gastrointestinal tract also needs rest. If the body is busy digesting food, then it will be difficult to fall asleep, and it will not work to fully relax.


can't sleep at night what to do
can't sleep at night what to do

Drink tea, coffee, other tonic drinks just before bedtime.

3. Take a hot bath. This procedure gives a feeling of relaxation, although the high temperature of the water will accelerate blood circulation, increase the pulse. Falling asleep after such a shake-up is quite difficult.

4. Watch horror movies or psychological thrillers. The strong emotional arousal that such viewing will lead to does not contribute to peace and falling asleep as soon as possible.

Sleep aids

How to fall asleep if you can't sleep? Some techniques can help in this matter, providing not only a quick fall asleep, but also a good rest for the whole body. Let's remember the most popular methods:

1. Before going to bed, you need to ventilate the room. Stuffy air and high temperatures not only prevent you from sleeping peacefully, but can also cause nightmares.

2. Correctlymake the bed. Linen should be made from natural materials, and it should be laid neatly, without folds and lumps. In such a clean and comfortable bed, you will want to fall asleep immediately!

3. You can listen to pleasant relaxing music, preferably classical. Helps to fall asleep quickly watching a calm movie that does not have a very exciting plot.

4. If you can't get rid of obsessive thoughts about various things and problems,

what do sheep think to sleep
what do sheep think to sleep

you can try to pronounce them in a whisper. This should be done slowly, all the while reducing the pace. Gradually your thoughts will become confused and you will fall asleep.

5. It is worth trying to follow a certain regimen. You need to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Even if you went to bed late or fell asleep, you need to get up at the usual time the next morning. It will be much easier to fall asleep in the evening.

6. Helps to fall asleep faster and a proven method of monotonous counting of imaginary objects. What do they consider? Sheep, to fall asleep faster, are best suited for counting. Many people fall asleep without having mastered the first hundred of these cute animals.


Many people, tormented by the question of how to fall asleep if they can't sleep, stop at the use of sleeping pills. This is not the best option, especially if the drugs are purchased without a doctor's prescription. But if nothing else helps, instead of potent drugs, you can try taking decoctions of soothing herbs at night: mint, lemon balm, thyme. Good for relaxing andvalerian tincture sets the mind in order.
