Papillomas are small tumors on the skin of a benign nature. They cause significant inconvenience to a person, look quite unaesthetic and can be very numerous. It is not so easy to get rid of them, many practice traditional medicine recipes for this purpose, but it is really possible to achieve the greatest effectiveness with the help of special medical treatment. On the shelves of pharmacies you can find various ointments for papilloma, each of which has special properties.
On the nature of skin formations
Before touching on possible therapeutic measures, let's talk about the very nature of formations. So, in appearance, they resemble minor skin processes, most often affected areas such as the armpits, skin of the eyelids, neck and chest. As for the color scheme of papilloma, it can range from a light shade to a rich dark brown color. Some growths are congenital, others are formed over time due to exposureviruses or infections. Unfortunately, warts or papillomas are not as harmless as they might seem at first glance. In some cases, they are able to degenerate into malignant tumors.

Recipes of traditional medicine
Quite a lot of people practice home treatment of formations. So, instead of a pharmacy ointment for papilloma, you can try the following simple and affordable recipes:
- Potato juice. It is used for internal use, it is made from the gruel of red varieties of potatoes. The duration of therapy is 60 days, the dose is 100 ml per day, some time before meals.
- Tea tree essential oil. It is applied directly to the tumor twice a day until positive changes are obtained. Castor oil can be used in a similar way.
- Acetic acid. Applied to papillomas once a day, one drop with a pipette, it is a rather aggressive product and can provoke complications.
- Celandine juice. It is squeezed out of the plant, applied to the tumor in the morning and before going to bed. Duration of treatment - until the onset of positive changes.

Homemade composition for treatment
Homemade ointment for warts and papillomas can be made on the basis of garlic and face cream. To do this, one medium-sized clove is crushed to a state of homogeneous gruel (using a press), which is then added to a teaspoon of any usualhuman cream adapted to normal skin. All components should be thoroughly mixed and applied to the problem area in a small amount. The therapeutic composition is fixed with cotton wool and a plaster. The duration of the compress is at least 4-5 hours, do not forget to remove the remnants of the product from the skin. Manipulations are repeated daily for 30 days.
Salicylic ointment and scheme of its application
One of the simplest and most affordable means to solve the problem is salicylic ointment for papillomas. Unfortunately, this drug is considered very controversial, as its use can provoke local unpleasant reactions. For the treatment of tumors, a composition with a 60% concentration is used. When applied, there is a burning sensation, and sometimes moderate pain.

How exactly is this ointment used for papillomas? Feedback from many people indicates the need to follow a certain pattern:
- Steam and dry problem area.
- Apply a thin layer of salicylic ointment.
- Fix the treatment composition on the affected area with a sterile bandage.
- After 10-12 hours, remove the application and treat the formation with pumice without disturbing its structure.
Manipulations are recommended to be carried out daily, until the desired results. If you are afraid of injury to adjacent he althy areas of the skin, carefully cover them with adhesive tape.
Finnish "Veruksin"
Ointments for papilloma are produced not only in our country, butand beyond. So, good results can be achieved with the help of the Finnish drug Veruksin. The basis of this product is also the salicylic acid described above. Reviews about the drug contain information about its high efficiency and the quality of the components used for its manufacture.

Oxolinic ointment
Oxolinic ointment can also be used to treat papillomas. The price is one of the main advantages of this drug. For only 90 rubles, you get a good tool for self-therapy, which does not provoke significant complications. To get rid of mini-tumors on the skin, you will need to purchase a 3% composition, which is used according to this scheme: three times a day for 60 days. There are reviews that oxolinic ointment really helps to reduce formations, but it must be remembered that it is recommended to use it exclusively as part of complex therapy.
"Viferon" - a complex effect
Another popular solution to this problem is Viferon ointment for papillomas. Its main active ingredient is human interferon; lanolin, petroleum jelly, and vitamin E are used as auxiliary components. The white-yellow viscous composition has antiviral and immunomodulating properties.

"Viferon" is applied to the formation of a thin layer every 6-7 hours, no more than 4 times in one day, despite the fact thatwhen used externally, the absorption of the components is minimal. The maximum duration of such treatment is one week. The effectiveness of therapy directly depends on the efficiency of its implementation. It is generally accepted that the best results are manifested when the treatment is carried out at the stage of formation of the primary signs of education (redness, intolerable itching).
The main plus of "Viferon" is the absence of complications from the use of the ointment (allergic reactions are rarely possible) and a minimum of contraindications. The composition is allowed to be used for the treatment of the skin of newborn babies and women during pregnancy. The only limitation is the individual intolerance of the ingredients used to make the medicinal ointment.

Other drugs
The list of ointments for papillomas is quite extensive. So, it can be supplemented with the following drugs:
- "Verrukacid". It has a powerful effect, but often provokes skin burns.
- "Dermavit". It is applied to the formation and fixed with a bandage, it is recommended to repeat the compresses no more than 5 times in a row.
- "Podofilox". The principle of action is to kill the cells of the wart.
- "Podophyllin". The main task is to prevent the division of the affected cells, it also contributes to the destruction of the existing tumor.
- "Solcoderma". The composition of the drug contains a number of acids, which destroy the formation.
- "Ferezol". Used to cauterize warts, has significant bactericidal properties.
General recommendations
Before choosing ointments for papilloma yourself, remember a few simple but extremely important recommendations:
- Treatment should be comprehensive, aimed not only at eliminating external manifestations, but also at strengthening the immune system.
- Seeing a doctor is highly recommended.
- Formations on the genitals caused by infections can degenerate into malignant tumors.
- General contraindications to the use of any ointment are diabetes and metabolic disorders in the body.
- Do not use products to treat leather surfaces larger than 20 square centimeters.