Vitamins "Pentovit": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues

Vitamins "Pentovit": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues
Vitamins "Pentovit": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues

In case of disorders of the nervous system and a decrease in immunity, doctors prescribe a complex vitamin preparation "Pentovit". Instructions for use also reports on the effectiveness of this remedy in poor condition of the skin, hair and nails. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on the heart, blood vessels and metabolism in the body. This complex tool can be easily purchased in pharmacy chains, it is dispensed without a prescription. However, it should be taken strictly according to the instructions, as an overdose of vitamins can adversely affect the state of the body.

Composition and action of the drug

Pentovit contains 5 B vitamins. Their content is balanced. All components of the drug complement each other and have a complex positive effect on the body. The vitamin complex contains the following beneficial substances:

  1. Vitamin B6. This substance contributes to the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. It is involved in education andmetabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, the vitamin acts as an enzyme. Not a single biochemical reaction in the body takes place without its participation. This beneficial substance is also necessary for the regulation of skeletal muscle and myocardial contraction.
  2. Vitamin B12. This element is necessary for the body for the proper functioning of the liver and nervous system. It contributes to the production of beneficial amino acids, which are responsible for the mental activity of the brain and positive emotions. The vitamin also stimulates the formation of blood cells in the bone marrow. Maintaining the proper balance of this substance in the body helps prevent stroke and heart attack.
  3. Vitamin B1. This substance is otherwise called thiamine. It is responsible for transmitting signals from the nervous system to the muscles. This allows the use of the vitamin complex in the treatment of neuralgia and polyneuritis. The vitamin also has an effect on the brain. Thiamine improves memory, normalizes mood, and has a calming effect on the psyche. It reduces nervous excitement, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. In addition, thiamine helps to improve tissue regeneration and rapid recovery of the skin in case of damage.
  4. Vitamin B9 (folic acid). This beneficial substance has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. It also strengthens the immune system, improves memory and increases efficiency. Together with vitamin B12, folic acid is a good prophylactic to prevent heart disease andvessels.
  5. Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). This element lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. In addition, nicotinic acid has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. This vitamin is especially useful for migraines, it reduces headaches and prevents an attack.
B vitamins
B vitamins

The drug is available in the form of coated tablets. The composition of "Pentovita" also includes auxiliary ingredients. These are calcium compounds, talc, sucrose and starch. They aid in the absorption of vitamins.

Tablets "Pentovit"
Tablets "Pentovit"


This multivitamin is available from pharmacies without a prescription. Each person for prevention can take this drug in the absence of contraindications. However, there are categories of patients who are especially recommended for the appointment of Pentovit. Indications for the use of the drug are as follows:

  1. B vitamins are necessary for those who have had infections. This will help the body recover.
  2. People with vitamin B deficiencies, this complex will help make up for the lack of nutrients. It is also useful to take it with seasonal beriberi.
  3. Doctors prescribe a multivitamin for underweight patients.
  4. Dermatologists advise taking this remedy for skin diseases.
  5. Vitamins are used as part of the complex therapy of neuralgia and polyneuritis.
  6. Vitamin preparation increases resistance to stress, eliminates excessive nervous excitement.
  7. Whenin asthenic conditions, this remedy helps to increase efficiency.
Image "Pentavit" for neuralgia
Image "Pentavit" for neuralgia

B vitamins are also useful for acne and cracks in the corners of the mouth. This drug has a positive effect on the appearance of a person, so the medication is also taken for cosmetic purposes. After a course of treatment, the condition of hair and nails improves significantly in patients.

Image"Pentavit" improves hair condition
Image"Pentavit" improves hair condition


Not all patients can take Pentovit. Contraindications to the use of the vitamin complex are as follows:

  1. Allergy to components. If a person has previously experienced hypersensitivity to B vitamins or to the auxiliary ingredients of tablets, then the drug should not be taken.
  2. Age up to 12 years old. The drug "Pentovit" for younger children is not prescribed. Its effect on the body of a small child is not fully understood.
  3. Pregnancy. Currently, there are no studies confirming the safety of the vitamin complex for the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid taking the drug.
  4. Lactation. B vitamins pass into milk. Therefore, nursing mothers should not take this drug. If there is a need to prescribe Pentovit during lactation, then breastfeeding should be interrupted.
Blisters with "Pentovit"
Blisters with "Pentovit"

Unwanted effects

Usuallythe multivitamin complex is well tolerated by patients. However, the instructions for the use of "Pentovita" warns of the following undesirable effects:

  1. In case of intolerance to the components of the drug, a skin allergy may develop.
  2. Tachycardia occurred in some patients while taking vitamins.
  3. In rare cases, nausea and dizziness have been reported.

This multivitamin complex is fairly safe. However, B vitamins have an active effect on the body. Therefore, the recommended dosage must be strictly observed. Otherwise, hypervitaminosis phenomena may occur. Exceeding the dose of each active component of the drug seriously disrupts the functioning of various organs. This is manifested by the following unpleasant symptoms:

  1. An overdose of vitamin B1 affects the functioning of the kidneys. A person has spastic pain in the abdomen, blood pressure decreases and body temperature rises. Flushing and migraine attacks may occur.
  2. Exceeding the allowable dose of vitamin B12 can lead to pulmonary edema, heart failure and the formation of blood clots in the vessels.
  3. Hypervitaminosis B6 leads to cold extremities due to impaired peripheral circulation.
  4. Excess folic acid causes irritability, insomnia and disruption of the digestive tract.
  5. An overdose of nicotinic acid can trigger an increase in blood glucose levels.

If there are signs of an overdose of vitamins "Pentovit", you must seek medical attentionhelp. The doctor will conduct symptomatic treatment of hypervitaminosis.

How to take a vitamin complex

Vitamins "Pentovit" is recommended to take 2-4 tablets three times a day. They are best taken with meals. This dosage is intended for adults and children over 12 years of age. The duration of the course of treatment is about 3-4 weeks.

Taking vitamins
Taking vitamins

Special Instructions

Instructions for use "Pentovita" reports that the tablets contain sugar. This should be taken into account by patients with diabetes.

B vitamins have an effect on the nervous system. However, this does not affect the concentration of attention and reaction speed. Therefore, during the course of treatment, patients are not prohibited from driving a car and performing complex work.

Interaction with other medicines

Instructions for the use of "Pentovita" informs about the inadmissibility of co-administration of the drug with "Levodopa". Vitamins reduce the effectiveness of Parkinson's drugs.

Also, while taking Pentovit, you should not use other B vitamins. Otherwise, hypervitaminosis and overdose are possible.

During the course of treatment, you should avoid drinking alcohol. Alcohol disrupts the absorption of B vitamins and reduces the effectiveness of therapy.

Storage, price and analogues

Vitamin packs should be stored in a cool place away from sunlight. The drug remains valid for 4 years.

The cost of the drug inpharmacy chains - from 120 to 170 rubles. Patients are often interested in analogues of Pentovit. Currently, there are several medicinal complexes with B vitamins. These include:

  • "Benfolipen";
  • "Neuromultivit";
  • "Peak".
Image"Neuromultivit" - analogue of "Pentavit"
Image"Neuromultivit" - analogue of "Pentavit"

These drugs also have a positive effect on the nervous system and improve the condition of the skin and hair. Their cost in pharmacies ranges from 100 to 250 rubles. However, these complexes are not complete structural analogues of "Pentovit". They do not contain folic and nicotinic acids.

Vitamin Reviews

You can find a lot of positive reviews about the Pentovit multivitamin complex. For many people, this drug helped to reduce pain in osteochondrosis and sciatica. In these cases, vitamins were used as part of complex treatment. Also, patients took this remedy for stress and neuroses. As a result, their irritability decreased, tearfulness disappeared and sleep returned to normal.

Patients also note the effectiveness of this drug for acne on the skin and poor hair condition. However, to achieve the full effect, they needed several courses of vitamin therapy. After the end of the treatment, the skin cleared up, and the hair acquired a he althy shine and began to fall out less.

The drug is well tolerated. There are almost no reports of side effects. You can find negative reviews in which patients complain,that taking vitamins did not improve their he alth. However, in these cases, the drug was taken as monotherapy for serious neurological diseases or a strong decrease in immunity. Such pathologies require complex treatment, and vitamins can only be an addition to taking basic drugs.
