When parents are thinking about the best way to boost their child's immunity, many moms are interested in trying vitamin supplements. "Vetoron" for children is an additive that positively affects the capabilities of the child's defenses. Let us study in more detail the benefits of such a drug, the features of its composition, the rules for taking the drug for children.
Good vitamin supplement
"Vetoron" for children is a source of components that help strengthen the immune system. Taking the remedy helps to restore the level of nutrients, strengthen the functions of the immune system, improve the body's defenses against the effects of various diseases.
You can prescribe Vetoron for children from a certain age. If the child is seven years old, he can already successfully take such a nutritional supplement. For babies from the age of three, specially designed Vetoron drops for children are suitable. The drug is also produced in tablet form.

When this complex is prescribed
The reason for taking the remedy is the need to eliminate the lack of substances, to maintain their content in such an amount that is considered the norm.
Also "Vetoron" for children is used to normalize the following conditions:
- To ensure the prevention of heart disease, to eliminate problems with the central nervous system.
- Speed up the recovery process after past illnesses, minimize possible manifestations of complications.
- Take as a support to keep eyes he althy, even if the child is actively studying and spends a lot of time in front of the TV or computer screen.
- Provide prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, defeat colds and infectious diseases.
- Fortify food if it lacks he althy ingredients.
- Protect if you live in areas with bad ecology.
The use of Vetoron by adults is practiced to reduce the impact of high physical exertion and stress, to alleviate the impact of harmful production if a person works there.
What the drug is made of
The usual fat-soluble form of a substance consists of water-soluble components. In order for the body to successfully assimilate these components, it is important not to abuse fats. It's harmful in any case. The water-soluble components of beta-carotene can be easily combined with liquid substances. This way they will digest much more efficiently.
So, as part of the drug beta-carotene complex and vitamins E, C,the number of which depends on the age group for which the drug is intended.
Varieties of "Vetoron" are designed in accordance with age characteristics:
- "Vetoron" - drops for children with β-carotene elements and vitamins E and C.
- Tablet preparation - chewable pills.
- Vetoron with Echinacea and Zinc. One effervescent tablet contains, in addition to the above ingredients, zinc and hydroxycinnamic acids.

Assessment of the therapeutic effect
The complex of active substances "Vetoron" is usually attributed to the types of synergists. In the case of joint action, they become more effective than if they were taken one at a time.
Beta-carotene vitamin supplement duo:
- Enhances defenses.
- Increases durability.
- Improves the quality of the skin, organs of vision.
- Promotes sleep quality.
- Helps improve appetite.

In what forms is the vitamin complex produced
"Vetoron" for immunity can be purchased in different editions:
- Solution. When diluted, the liquid will turn orange. Everything will depend on the dosage of Vetoron and how much water was used to prepare the solution. The product is poured into 20 ml bottles, equipped with a stopper-dropper. The carton contains instructions.
- "Vetoron" for children, the composition of which is described above, isdark bottles of 20 ml, placed in packs.
- The release of the children's drug is also represented by chewable tablets that have an orange flavor. The shape of the pills is biconvex, light beige in color, the capsules have a "marble" structure. The packaging is offered in the amount of thirty or thirty-six pieces.
- Complex with Echinacea and Zinc is an effervescent tablet. The pills have a large size, a flat-cylindrical shape, a beige tint, there are dark blotches. If you dissolve the tablets in water, the type of drink obtained will be yellow in color, abundant foam is characteristic.

Features of taking the drug
Vitamins "Vetoron" for children, instructions for use of which are in each package to the drug, should be taken every day in parallel with meals. It is important to follow the dosage that is provided depending on age.
The instructions for the vitamin complex contain the following recommendations:
- 3-6 years - 3-4 drops;
- 7-14 years - limited to 5-6 drops;
- From the age of 14 - in the amount of 7 drops.
The appointment of a tablet preparation also requires compliance with the dosage. "Vetoron" in chewable tablets for children should be given to the child, depending on the recommendations of the instructions:
- At 3-7 years - one tablet.
- At 7-14 years old - one or two tablets.
- From the age of 14 - two tablets.
It is recommended that the duration of the fortification course"Vetoron" is two months. If you want to repeat the course, you will need to consult with a pediatrician. The vitamin complex is safe for children. This is evidenced by the fact that the prescription of the drug is indicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

When not to use Vetoron
In most cases, this vitamin complex is well tolerated. But if the fact of individual intolerance is noted, then it will be necessary to abandon this substance. The presence of hypervitaminosis A can also become contraindications. Children under the age of seven years are a contraindication for the tablet type of vitamins. Babies will be given drops of Vetoron E.
Important Notes
High dosages of the drug cause undesirable effects. Sometimes the skin turns yellow, then it is necessary to stop drinking the vitamin. Resumption of reception is permissible only after clarifying the dosage recommended in the instructions.
If a child drank too much of a vitamin, swelling of the skin and other symptoms of intoxication may appear. It is important to get medical attention in the form of gastric lavage and other procedures as soon as possible.
It is also important to consider the compatibility of the vitamin product with other drugs. Caution is required due to the fact that β-carotene is poorly compatible with drugs:
- Containing calcium.
- In the presence of cholestyramine, which has hypocholesterolemic properties.
- Neomycin, which isantibiotic.
If you use drugs with an increased dose of tocopherol, there may be a negative reaction.

Manifestations of side effects
In some cases, an allergic reaction may occur. This is due to hypersensitivity to certain ingredients.
How to store the drug
All types of nutritional supplements have a shelf life of two years. If these are vitamins in the form of a drop, their shelf life will last up to three years. The product is stored in the original packaging material. It is necessary to protect "Vetoron" from sunlight, it does not react well to heat and moisture. The optimum temperature level should be 4-25 ° C. Children should not play with the product.
Similar drugs
Almost every drug has analogues. The Vetoron vitamin complex is no exception. To choose such a tool, you need to consult with pediatricians.
One of the analogues is "Geksavit", made at the Kiev Vitamin Plant. This tool is affordable and well tolerated. Taking this multivitamin preparation, which can successfully overcome the phenomenon of nutrient deficiency, is indicated for adults and children.

An analogue of Vetoron for children, Hexavit, is taken in the form of a dragee. It is packaged in a plastic jar.
For prophylactic purposes, you will need to take a vitamin complex in a course at a dosage of one tablet every day. For therapeutic purposes, the reception is indicatedone pill three times a day. The duration of the course of admission is 30 days, then pause. How quickly you can repeat the course will depend on the recommendations of the pediatrician.
The advantages of "Geksavit" are the characteristics of accessibility and efficiency. The disadvantages include the possibility of an allergic reaction.
What they say about Vetoron
Reviews about the children's Vetoron, which we will consider below, are in most cases positive. Children love such a drug both in the form of vitamin sweets, sweet in taste, and drops. Adults love that it contains he althy supplements that are effective.
Many mothers note that the vitamin complex protects children from colds in the off-season. This is very important, because in autumn and spring they get sick so often. There is also a speed of recovery against the background of taking a vitamin complex.
Some dissatisfaction is noted due to the use of aromatic additives in the composition of the product. Sometimes allergic reactions occur.
Children's "Vetoron" is a vitamin complex that helps to activate the strength of the body's protective capabilities. The drug is indicated for use in adults and children. For young patients, the remedy is made in the form of flavored drops and chewable tablets. Thanks to its pleasant taste characteristics, Vetoron is very fond of children.
If an allergic reaction to the drug is noted, you can replace it with an analogue, such as Hexavit. If the child is usingvitamin supplement, he will fully develop, be able to get sick less, become vigorous and active, to the delight of his parents.