Prevention of angina in children and adults

Prevention of angina in children and adults
Prevention of angina in children and adults

Angina is a dangerous viral disease that can lead to complications such as myocarditis, rheumatism, chronic tonsillitis and nephritis. Unlike other diseases? the disease affects the organs of the larynx, tongue, oral mucosa. In addition to temperature, it is characterized by unpleasant pain that occurs when swallowing, talking and eating. Therefore, it is better to prevent the disease than to deal with its consequences after some time. In this case, you just need the prevention of angina. What is it? When, how and from what age should it be done?

prevention of angina
prevention of angina

Proper nutrition is the key to your child's he alth

While still in the mother's belly, the baby is protected from disease by her immune system and placenta. Later, after cdjtuj birth, he draws protective functions from his mother's milk. When a newborn child abandons the breast and switches to good nutrition, his immune system begins to work independently, and the child himself gets used to the environment. It is at this stage that it is worth helping him improve his he alth.

At this time, the prevention of angina in children begins with the rightnutrition. This means that during the year your baby is simply obliged to receive the number of microelements, vitamins and minerals necessary for his age. The following foods should also be included in his daily diet:

  • porridge;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurts;
  • kefir;
  • hard cheese.

In addition, in the spring-autumn and winter period, children are additionally recommended to drink vitamin complexes purchased at a pharmacy. It is also worth more often to use juices, fruit and vegetable fruit drinks, compotes and jelly. This is the best prevention of angina in children.

prevention of angina in children
prevention of angina in children

What should parents do?

The body of an adult also needs to comply with nutritional standards. For preventive purposes, they do not need to abuse fatty, spicy, s alty, flour and sweet foods. Give preference to fruits, vegetables and dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes), eat foods rich in natural fiber. For example, a large amount of it is found in pears.

The second important point, which includes the prevention of angina in adults, is hardening. However, this does not mean at all that you immediately need to start dousing with ice water. Start doing it in stages: first take off your shoes and try (at least a week) to walk around the house without slippers, then gradually harden your throat by drinking cool drinks, and, of course, sleep at temperatures up to 18-19 ºС. Say yes to contrast showers, rubdowns and cool water douses.

preventive actions
preventive actions

Dress for the weather

Another important point: try to dress yourself and your child correctly. For example, in the cold season, you should not abuse warm clothes and wrap yourself up excessively. Otherwise, you and your baby will be sweating in three sweaters and two pairs of socks.

This condition is dangerous because the risk of contracting viral diseases increases. No wonder they say: “Your back is sweating. The slightest breeze and hello, cold. That is why the prevention of angina is so important.

In addition, it is worth considering that heat transfer in a child's body is much faster than in an adult. Therefore, do not wrap up babies and do not judge their condition by yourself. After all, if you are cold in a thin sweater, this does not mean at all that your child is experiencing the same discomfort.

However, here you should not get carried away and expose yourself and the baby too much. Remember that a freezing human body expends energy in order to keep warm. And then its protective functions weaken and are attacked by viruses. These are the main preventive measures.

prevention of angina in adults
prevention of angina in adults

Fresh air is the way to success

What could be better than walking outside? At this time, hardening and healing of your body takes place. Therefore, be in nature more often and do not hesitate to replace transport trips with walking. Also, keep an eye on the air quality in your home.

With the advent of cold weather, frequent guests of our apartments and office premises arekind of heaters. They are what cause the air to dry out. As a result, our breathing becomes more difficult, the nasopharynx dries up, and the body usually becomes the most vulnerable to various colds and viral diseases, including tonsillitis. Therefore, it is necessary to include daily humidification of the air in the house in your planned preventive measures.

To do this, you can buy specialized humidifiers or use folk advice, for example, moisten a rag abundantly throughout the day and put it on a hot radiator.

A sound mind in a he althy body

The best preventive measures are sports and proper physical education. Therefore, you and your baby should sign up for some kind of sports section, for example, dancing, yoga, or just doing evening jogging along the street. Morning exercises will be relevant and very useful. By the way, it can be done by the whole family.

And remember! Although you need to train every day, you should not overstrain and overwork the muscles. It is enough to do some of the simplest exercises so that your body draws its benefits from them.

basic preventive measures
basic preventive measures

Personal hygiene and timely treatment

Prevention of sore throats will not be effective if you do not want to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene. This means that you and your child should have personal toothbrushes, towels, soap, etc. Teach your little one to wash his hands and wash his face more often.

It will be useful and timely to treat the diseases of the oral cavity that have arisen,including stomatitis, candidiasis and even caries. Do not forget that an untimely filled tooth will become the gap through which viruses enter the body.

In addition, without waiting for negative consequences, immediately treat the first signs of helminthiases and eliminate foci of chronic infections:

  • pyelonephritis (inflammatory process associated with lesions of the renal system);
  • sinusitis;
  • furunculosis (skin inflammation).

Slightly less often, the prevention of angina also involves surgery, for example, with inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis).

folk remedies for prevention
folk remedies for prevention

Healing Gargle

Another simple but very effective method of fighting viruses is gargling and then hardening it. To do this, you need to prepare a light saline solution (half a teaspoon of table or sea s alt per glass of plain water) and rinse daily, gradually lowering the temperature of the water. By the way, such procedures, but with the use of a warm s alt solution, will also help with the primary symptoms of the disease (when the throat just starts to get sick).

How not to get infected from a sick relative?

In the fight against sore throat, it is very important to observe safety precautions. In particular, caution should be exercised with an already ill person entering your environment (home, work, study). For this it is necessary to isolate the patient. For example, you can transfer it to another room. If this is not possible, try to fence off the locationsuch a person screen.

The second thing to do is to use a disposable gauze bandage. But remember, it will be relevant and effective for only two hours. After this time, the bandage must be replaced. Ventilate and humidify the room where the patient is located more often. Now you know how not to catch a sore throat when there is an already sick person next to you.

how not to get angina
how not to get angina

Basic folk remedies for prevention

Traditional medicine also offers its advice on the prevention of sore throats. For example, the easiest way to avoid getting sick is to drink herbal tea regularly. Rosehip broth with honey can also be used as a drink. In spring and autumn, it makes sense to lubricate the tonsils with a special mixture made from honey and aloe juice (from accounting 2: 1). It is recommended to apply it for five weeks (the first three weeks - daily and the next two - every other day).

And, of course, always eat onions and garlic, lemons with meals. This will strengthen your immunity and protect against viral diseases.
