Amosov's articular gymnastics: a set of exercises, features and reviews

Amosov's articular gymnastics: a set of exercises, features and reviews
Amosov's articular gymnastics: a set of exercises, features and reviews

Nikolay Amosov was an outstanding cardiac surgeon, scientist and writer, he was an academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a Hero of Socialist Labor. This wonderful person passed away on December 12, 16 years ago.

Nikolai Mikhailovich always believed that any self-respecting person should lead a he althy lifestyle, and he himself strictly adhered to this rule.

Morning running
Morning running

Gymnastics Amosov "1000 movements" and in our time is quite popular. The exercises from this complex are well known to any child.

A little about the life of an academician

Nikolai Mikhailovich had a difficult childhood, he grew up in a poor family, he was often sick due to malnutrition. This led to the fact that already in adulthood N. M. Amosov faced serious he alth problems. It was then that he had the idea to fight physical ailments through exercise.

How Amosov's gymnastics appeared

To begin with, Nikolai Mikhailovich began to make one hundred movements a day, but this did not bring the desired result. In order to increase the number of movements to a thousand, he began to walk.

Gymnastics at home
Gymnastics at home

Here it iseffect appeared. There were no interruptions in the heart, the back stopped hurting, and after that the body recovered completely. After many years of experiments on his own body, the final version of Amosov's gymnastics appeared.

What's the point

The most important thing in the life of any person is to decide on goals, gain courage and make a key decision. According to the academician, the physical he alth of a person completely depends on the mobility of the joints, weight, the quality of digestion, the ability to relax, the state of functional systems. Nikolai Mikhailovich believed that the end result of playing sports is not so much physical he alth as spiritual comfort.

Mahi hands
Mahi hands

Despite the fact that everyone knows about the benefits of physical education, many people avoid sports, everyone has their own reasons. Someone is shy, someone is lazy, someone is just bored, because gymnastics is a repetition of movements. Moreover, you will not become he althy if you do up to a dozen exercises and walk one kilometer a day. It is too little. Making a decision is not so difficult if you stop before a choice: continue to be sick or become completely he althy and happy. Amosov's gymnastics will help you take key steps towards your goal.

Why do we need physical education

In order to start doing physical exercises, most often you do not need a doctor's permission. Exercise has many benefits:

  • muscles are strengthened;
  • weight loss;
  • joints remain mobile;
  • improvingphysique;
  • lung tidal volume increases.

It is possible to list positive qualities for a very long time. But few of the people are engaged in physical education, and, according to N. M. Amosov, a considerable share of the blame for this lies precisely with the doctors. Since doctors are afraid of physical education. Nikolai Mikhailovich said that experienced medical specialists in a he althy lifestyle simply do not exist. All doctors are specialists in disease, not he alth.

Gymnastics by the sea
Gymnastics by the sea

If someone is afraid for their heart, then with a few rules it is quite possible to avoid them and calmly do physical education. Only people who have had a heart attack, and hypertensive patients with a pressure of 180/100, before starting even light physical activity, a specialist consultation is necessary. According to N. M. Amosov, those who suffer from rheumatism, pain in the heart, suspect angina pectoris, and mild hypertensive patients do not need to consult a doctor. This also includes people over 60. So what is the gymnastics of Academician Amosov?

Complex of exercises

  1. Comfortably lie on your back on the floor and raise your legs behind your head. You need to try to get your socks on the floor, but it will be difficult to do it right away. Then you should at least touch your forehead with your knees. Weight should be concentrated on the shoulders and upper back, neck stress should be avoided.
  2. Normal forward bends, but be sure to touch the floor with your fingers. Bend down as you inhale, rise as you exhale. You can do the same exercise while sitting.
  3. Circular movements of the hands will help stretchshoulder joints. From the “hands forward” position, you first need to raise them up, and then back. During this exercise, it is advisable to turn your head. Then the result can be achieved much faster.
  4. When performing tilts to the right and left, do not forget to work with your hands. With one hand you need to reach for the knee, and the other hand should be directed to the armpit.
  5. Reach your left hand to your right shoulder blade. At the same time, tilt your head down. Then with the right hand - to the left shoulder blade.
  6. Spread your arms and turn your torso either clockwise or counterclockwise. Strive to ensure that the amplitude is maximum, but it is important not to overdo it. Otherwise, you can damage the spine.
  7. Stand "feet shoulder width apart", alternately raise your knees as high as possible, trying to press them to your stomach.
  8. Pushups. The maximum effect can be achieved from a prone position. But if he alth does not allow, then you can also from the wall.
  9. One of the most difficult exercises is the Roman chair. You need to sit on a stool, and fix your legs under the couch. Slowly lower the torso back as much as possible, then return to the starting position, and then lower yourself down, trying to reach your toes. No need to try to immediately lean back strongly. Everything is done gradually.
  10. Squats can be started by holding onto a support. A doorknob or chair back will do. There are three rules for this exercise: the main weight must be transferred to the heels; you need to hold on to the support in order to keep the lower leg perpendicular to the floor; direct your knees towards your toes. During this exercise,pretend to sit on a chair. That is, start by pushing the pelvis back, and not bending the knees.
  11. Gymnastics near the river
    Gymnastics near the river

Start with a few reps. Gradually, their number must be increased to 100. For all 1000 movements, it took Amosov himself 25-30 minutes. The scientist also performed them outdoors.

Amosov's breathing exercises are based on the fact that the chest needs to shut off oxygen, and then it will begin to work to its fullest. That is, exhale all the oxygen from the lungs and endure as long as possible.


Feedback on Amosov's gymnastics is only positive. After a while, people begin to feel much better, so to speak, lighter. According to them, diseases recede. Reviews recommend not to be afraid of a large number of repetitions, start small and move to higher results.

What gymnastics is for

Amosov's gymnastics should not make a person stronger. It is aimed at strengthening the joints, muscles and ligaments. That is why it is recommended to everyone. Of course, age-related changes will still occur, but s alt and calcium will not be deposited in the tissues.
