Any person who plays sports professionally knows perfectly well that his body needs to be provided with protein. Protein helps muscles recover during hard workouts. The most important function of this element is to build muscle fibers.
There are a huge number of types of protein powders on the market at the moment. Experienced specialists in each sports supplement store will help you understand their differences and advantages. Let's take a look at the ranking of the best proteins for gaining muscle mass. Our list includes both isolates and regular whey powders.
Whey Isolate Features
The main thing to remember before buying sports supplements is that some of them can adversely affect your he alth. A separate category is whey isolates, which differ from other proteins in that their production occurs during the manufacture of cheese. This explains the presence of 98% protein in the composition, which makes it the best protein for muscle growth. Therefore, such protein supplements are consideredthe most harmless, but it is worth remembering the individual characteristics of the body, which may not tolerate some components of the powder.
Protein properties
When compiling this list of the best proteins, we chose only whey concentrates (their ratio of quality and price is optimal). The main components of protein supplements for athletes are eggs, dairy and meat products and fish. Isolates contain a large amount of amino acids, which is why they are very popular. The protein in these concentrates acts as a synthesizing substance, the main task of which is to preserve and restore muscle tissue.
Features of the use of the isolate
The best protein isolate, requires the right application to fully perform its task. The optimal time for taking this supplement is within 30-40 minutes after the end of your workout. The powder must be mixed with a liquid (milk, water or juice), resulting in a highly nutritious vitamin mixture. Post-workout supplementation will provide a better stimulation of the synthesis of amino acids in the body, while accelerating muscle growth and reducing the stress hormone in the blood.
The second option for the best protein for growth is before breakfast, after waking up. This method is needed in the case when your day will be filled with activity, and the isolate will replenish the supply of polypeptides in the body. This amino acid is in great deficit when the body is stressed.
So what's the best protein? Let's take a closer look.
Opens the list of the world's best proteins with Muscle Meds Carnivor. This protein is one of the rarest used by athletes - beef isolate. The difference from other competitors in our ranking is the presence of creatine in the serum. Due to this, the athlete's power abilities increase, resulting in a qualitative growth of muscle tissue.

The use of this supplement guarantees a high level of training even among beginner athletes who are involved in weightlifting. A nice addition will be the presence of BCAA amino acids, which contribute to a better course of physical training.
The cost of this product is approximately 210-250 rubles for 100 grams of beef isolate (as you can see, this mixture is not very cheap).
Ninth ranked
Isolate ISO 100 ranked 9th among the best proteins for gaining muscle mass. The main component of the sports supplement is a hydrolyzed isolate. It works much better and promotes mass gain. The main advantage of ISO 100 is its help in burning subcutaneous fat deposits, as well as the exclusion of the catalytic process in the athlete's body.

Thanks to these virtues, this sports supplement made it to our list. Ready mixtures are quickly absorbed due to the presence of a large number of amino acids and the complete absence of harmful impurities. Due to the presence of some useful additives, the cost of protein is not small - 270 rubles per 100 grams (26 servings- about 2000 rubles)
Eighth line in the list
The BSN protein Syntha 6 got into the ranking of the best proteins. It is in great demand among professional athletes. This is ensured by the presence of a large number of components in the composition of whey powder. The sports supplement is very effective during "drying". Due to the minimum amount of carbohydrates and sugar, the BSN product protects the athlete from an excess of calories, and the body's relief is built quite quickly.

Athletes have not disregarded the aspect that whey mixtures have several flavors. Biscuit, strawberry and mochachino flavored proteins are popular. The popularity of this protein is also due to its excellent price - 180 rubles per 100 grams of isolate, which allows it to compete with many eminent manufacturers of sports nutrition.
Top 7
Number seven on our list is Olimp Labs' Pure Whey Isolate 95 powder blend. This isolate contains 95% protein. Its distinctive feature is the high content of BCAA and glutamine, which allows the most optimal recovery after a long workout. Thanks to these components, Olim Labs opens our ranking of the best proteins for muscle growth. Thanks to the additional amino acids that are in the composition of the isolate, the athlete will be able to recover very quickly after strength training.

Protein is in the middle pricecategories (approximately 200 rubles per 100 grams of powder mixture).
Complex protein
Let's move on to the next sports supplement on our list. Dymatize's Elite Whey Protein ranked sixth among the best proteins for mass gain. Its components are whey protein concentrate and isolate, the percentage of which is approximately 90% per serving.

The average price for this supplement on the sports nutrition market is 110 rubles per 100 grams of protein. The optimal ratio of quality and price of the mixture is the main feature of the Dymatize complex protein. The result is popularity among a large number of professional weightlifters.
Fifth place
The fifth line among the best proteins for mass is occupied by the manufacturer SAN with the product - Platinum Isolate Supreme. One serving of the mixture contains 27 grams of protein. It should be noted that this protein supplement contains flavors (artificially created in the company's laboratory) and food colorings, which are safe for the athlete's body. Also, this sports supplement will allow the athlete to recover as soon as possible after heavy loads. Remarkable taste qualities will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious people.

Step to the winners
The well-known American mixture from Weider is a little short of the "prizing places" of our ranking of the best proteins for gaining muscle massGold Whey. This product made our list due to its unique composition, which includes not only whey isolate, but a large number of amino acids that contribute to the synthesis and absorption of a sports supplement. The low content of carbohydrates and fatty acids is the main advantage of this protein. Many athletes note the great taste of the cocktail and the absence of sweeteners and sugar substitutes.

3rd place
The honorable bronze line among the best proteins is occupied by the famous Syntrax Matrix. Unique taste qualities and excellent performance when using this whey concentrate. The dissolution of the powder occurs quickly, and when shaken, lumps are not formed, typical for other protein mixtures. Only whey, egg and milk proteins are used in the production.

Perhaps some may think that the cost of one of our sets of the best proteins is a bit overpriced (about 170 rubles per 100 grams of powder concentrate). By purchasing it, you will get the optimal ratio of quality indicators, and thanks to a large selection of flavors, you can find the one that suits you best.
Top 2
Entered our list and the best protein company Optimum Nutrition - Whey Gold Standard 100%. This protein has been at the top of various ratings for several years. To date, this concentrate has taken second place. It containsexclusively whey protein isolate, and the percentage is relatively high - 80%.

Mixing with liquid is fast and without the use of mixers. Taste qualities are on top and a bit like milk powder or cream. The price range is not large from 1500 to 1800 rubles for 900 grams of the product.
Top rated
The leader of our list is a unique whey blend - Binasport Supreme Protein. The neutral taste of the finished mixture will not cause any disgust among the athletes taking it. The use of the best products in the production process of this protein ensures excellent digestibility by the stomach. The isolate complies with all accepted international GMP standards, therefore it is the best among all analogues. Accordingly, the cost of this protein is high, but this does not prevent it from occupying the highest line in our ranking of the best proteins.

According to many surveys among athletes, this product has taken the lead due to the neutral taste and quick results from the use of this sports nutrition.
Benefits of Dietary Supplement
The main task of protein in the life of every athlete is to help in recovery after training. When using protein supplements that contain amino acids that are indispensable in the body, the muscles regenerate damaged fibers very quickly. Another benefit of using whey proteins is tissue building, increase in pure muscle mass.
Protein powders, when used correctly, will help the athlete achieve a perfect figure with a minimum amount of body fat. Accordingly, the relief of the muscles will not disregard the opposite sex.

The choice of isolates and serums must be approached responsibly, because if you choose the wrong biological sports supplement, you can harm your body. Also, a lot depends on training, they must be systematic and without them the desired result cannot be achieved. Accordingly, no changes will occur in the body, with the exception of the possible obesity.
In modern times, the number of brands producing high-quality whey concentrates is numerous. Therefore, it is very difficult to answer the question of what is the best protein in the world. In most cases, athletes should be guided by their requirements, as well as the desired result. It is worth remembering the individual intolerance of some components that make up the mixture. Our opinion may not reflect consumer feedback. Everyone has their own preferences and taste preferences.
Exercise and do not overuse sports supplements, as improper use can harm your he alth.