Asperger's disease is a distinct form of autism that is not characterized by mental retardation. Pathology is expressed by disturbances in the perception of the surrounding world, a clear lack of communication, a limitation in interaction with society. The first symptoms of the disease begin to appear in children from the age of six. A timely diagnosis is the key to adequate psychological assistance, which helps to improve the quality of human life in the future.
The essence of the disease
In 1944, an English scientist, by whose name the disease was later named, began to observe children of different ages. During the study, Hans Asperger described the signs of behavior that distinguished children from their peers. The scientist was able to identify a number of specific patterns. For example, children with autistic psychopathy have a complete lack of interest in the surrounding reality. They try to live in their own world. Sparing speech and facial expressions do not allow understanding what such children think and feel. All these symptoms became the basis for the perception of the disease or Asperger's syndrome as a separate form of autism.

Scientists have not been able to pinpoint whether the pathology is a distinct neurological disorder or a specific behavior. Why? The thing is that Asperger's disease (syndrome) is not accompanied by mental disorders. Later, psychologists developed a unique test to determine the level of intelligence. Its first results added to the controversy among scientists. In 90 children out of 100, high mental abilities were observed. They could build undeniable logical chains, solve serious mathematical problems in their minds. On the other hand, little patients were deprived of creativity, sense of humor, and imagination. As a result, there were difficulties in interacting with society.
Causes of occurrence
Asperger's disease attracts the attention of scientists from all over the world. However, they still cannot name the exact reasons that trigger the mechanism of its development. Most experts adhere to the version of an etiology similar to autism. Therefore, among the main causes of Asperger's disease, it is customary to single out the following:
- hereditary-genetic predisposition;
- injuries sustained during childbirth;
- fetal intoxication during fetal development.
Modern methods of computer diagnostics and special testing allow us to more accurately determine the causes of neurological dysfunction.

Classic triad of symptoms
In Asperger's psychiatry, it is customary to view illness through the prism of a triad of symptoms:
- communicativeproblems;
- lack of creativity, emotions and experiences;
- difficulties in spatial perception of the world.
What other symptoms does Asperger's Syndrome have? Photos of small patients with such a diagnosis give a complete picture of the pathology. Its first symptoms begin to appear at an early age. For example, small children are annoyed by any harsh sound or strong smell. Many parents do not understand this reaction of the child, so it is rarely correlated specifically with Asperger's disease. With age, it is replaced by a non-standard understanding of the world around. Smooth and pleasant to the touch objects seem prickly, and a tasty dish is disgusting. The clinical picture is complemented by a clumsy gait, some physical awkwardness. Experts explain this phenomenon by excessive self-absorption.

Signs of the syndrome in children
In small patients up to six years, the pathology is practically not manifested. On the contrary, such children develop fully. They start talking and walking early, easily memorize new words. Sometimes they show amazing abilities for counting or foreign languages.
The main problem of children with Asperger's disease is communication disorders. Manifestations of social disability begin after six years. Usually this period coincides with the time when the child is sent to school. Among the main symptoms of pathology in young patients, the following can be distinguished:
- reluctance to participate in active play with other children;
- strong passiona quiet hobby that requires perseverance;
- dislike for funny cartoons due to loud sounds and music;
- lack of contact with new people and children.
A child with Asperger's is very attached to home and parents. A change in familiar surroundings can scare him. Such children feel comfortable only if household items always lie in their places. With minor changes in the daily routine, they literally fall into hysterics. For example, if the mother always picks up the child from school, but then the father arrives, an attack of uncontrollable hysteria may occur.

Adult Asperger's Syndrome
Treatment of this disease begins with the appearance of the first symptoms. If, from an early age, parents, together with specialists, did not adjust communication skills, the pathology can progress. In adulthood, patients experience acute social isolation. They find it difficult to find a common language in a team, cannot maintain friendly relations, experience problems in their personal lives.
Among people with Asperger's Syndrome, there are never managers or big leaders. They may know the enterprise thoroughly, have a high level of intelligence, but prefer the usual routine work. Career success does not bother them at all. Moreover, often such people become real social outcasts due to seeming impoliteness. They refuse to follow the rules of etiquette when they do not see the point in them. often dotactless remarks and interrupt the conversation, immersed in their own thoughts.

How dangerous is Asperger's disease?
Symptoms of neurological dysfunction, detected at an early stage, allow timely psychological correction. The disease practically does not pose a threat to human life. Children gradually adapt to the surrounding reality, many of them make progress in science. However, positive dynamics is not observed in all patients. Some find it difficult to find their purpose in adulthood, while others develop phobias. Therefore, parents should instill communication skills in the child from an early age so that in the future he can fully exist in harmony with the outside world.
Diagnostic Methods
An experienced psychologist can confirm Asperger's disease based on observation of the patient's behavior and history. However, it is not always possible to determine the cause of the pathology solely by external characteristics. Often the clinical picture of the disease is similar to the character traits of an ordinary introvert. Therefore, in modern psychiatry, various tests are used to diagnose the syndrome. They allow to identify neurological disorders. Tests for adults and children with Asperger's disease vary in the complexity of the questions. In addition, they are conventionally divided into groups according to purpose:
- assessment of the level of intelligence;
- characteristic of creative imagination;
- determining touch sensitivity.
Modern testing methodshelp to identify Asperger's disease at an early stage through questions and image interpretation. Based on the results, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.

Therapeutic techniques
First of all, patients suffering from manifestations of Asperger's syndrome require the advice of a qualified psychiatrist. The basis of treatment is the competent adaptation of children and adults to constantly changing living conditions. To combat nervous disorders, sedatives are additionally prescribed. In especially serious cases, treatment is not complete without the use of antidepressants. It is impossible to completely change the attitude of patients to society, but their behavior can be corrected and adapted. People diagnosed with Asperger's disease have extraordinary thinking, so they need to be explained in detail. Only then will they strive to overcome difficulties on their own.