"Klimafit 911": reviews of doctors, composition, instructions

"Klimafit 911": reviews of doctors, composition, instructions
"Klimafit 911": reviews of doctors, composition, instructions

Is the drug "Klimafit 911" effective? Reviews of doctors about this remedy will be presented below. We will also tell you about what substances are included in the mentioned medication, in what form it goes on sale, how it should be taken correctly, and so on.

klimafit 911 reviews of doctors
klimafit 911 reviews of doctors

Packaging, shape, composition

The drug "Klimafit 911" is available in the form of capsules. It goes on sale in cell packs, which are placed in a cardboard box.

The active ingredients of this medication are: horsetail extract, calcium triphosphate, L-phenylalanine, L-tryptophan, fruteks-B (boron), magnesium oxide, vitamin E, hawthorn fruit extract, vitamin B5, valerian extract, vitamin B6, damiana, dioscorea extract, vitamin D3, soy isoflavone extract, vitamin B3, zinc citrate, indigal-veles and black cohosh extract.

In addition to the listed components, "Klimafit 911" also contains excipients in the form of microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide and talc.


What is the drug "Klimafit 911"? Reviews of doctors indicate that this is a herbal remedy. It is not a medicine, but is part of a group of homeopathic medicines used to treat vegetative-vascular disorders and severe psycho-emotional disorders in women during menopause.

In addition to isoflavones (that is, estrogen-like substances of animal and vegetable origin), the composition of the drug in question includes vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Product features

How does the drug "Klimafit 911" work? Reviews (the composition was presented above) say that the effectiveness of this remedy is due to the estrogen-like effect that the active ingredients have.

climafit 911
climafit 911

Description of the therapeutic effect of capsules can be expressed as follows:

  • The complex of vitamins E, A and C has a pronounced antioxidant effect. It normalizes the metabolism in the body, and also slows down the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Isoflavones, which are part of the drug, are able to regulate the hormonal chain "ovaries-pituitary-hypothalamus", thereby normalizing the secretion and level of estrogens. They can also act on hormone receptors on their own.
  • The combination of vitamin D3 and a complex of isoflavones contributes to the normalization of calcium metabolism in the female body, preventing the occurrence of menopausal osteoporosis.

Product properties

What properties do Klimafit 911 capsules have? The composition of thisthe drug is such that it is able to normalize the hormonal status of a woman and eliminate all the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

This remedy is recommended for the prevention of hormonal imbalance, as well as for the prevention of osteoporosis. The effectiveness of the drug is completely due to its composition. Consider the properties of plant substances in more detail.


This plant is able to stimulate metabolic processes and improve blood circulation. It also normalizes the activity of mucous membranes, connective tissue and blood vessel walls.

klimafit 911 negative reviews
klimafit 911 negative reviews

Damiana leaf

This substance stimulates the reproductive system and contributes to the normalization of hormonal status. Damian leaf enhances sexual desire, restores the vitality of sexual functions that have been lost with age or due to fatigue. In addition, it significantly improves blood flow in the genitals.


It's no secret that this substance has cardiotonic, sedative, anti-sclerotic and hypotensive effects. Hawthorn regulates fat metabolism, lowers cholesterol levels, and also reduces the permeability of the walls of capillaries and blood vessels. This component is especially effective in circulatory failure in the elderly, including menopause.

Black cohosh extract

This component contains estrogen-like substances. Therebythe drug "Klimafit 911", reviews of which are positive, interacts with estrogen-sensitive cells, having a beneficial effect on the hormonal status of a woman.


Valerian extract has a regulating effect on the nervous system and neuromuscular fibers of the heart. It dilates the coronary vessels, has antispasmodic and hypotensive effects and enhances intestinal motility. What role does this component play in the preparation "Klimafit 911"? Doctors say that valerian can enhance the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex, as well as reduce reflex excitability, relax spasms of smooth muscles, suppress fermentation processes in the intestines, reduce flatulence, stimulate the secretion of digestive glands and bile secretion.

climafit 911 reviews
climafit 911 reviews


Dioscorea extract lowers cholesterol levels. It is especially effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis. This substance prevents the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, regulates the function of the gonads and normalizes blood pressure. It should also be noted that Dioscorea has a choleretic, diuretic and laxative effect.

Soy Isoflavones

By its structure, this component belongs to bioflavonoids. It has a weak estrogen-like and pronounced antioxidant effect. A feature of this substance is its osteogenic activity, which helps to weaken the processes of bone resorption and increase their mineral density.

Indications forapplication

For what purposes can the drug "Klimafit 911" be prescribed? Doctors' reviews inform patients that this is a dietary supplement, which is used as an additional source of macro- and microelements, vitamins, isoflavones, etc.

This remedy supports the functional activity of a woman's body, reduces the frequency of hot flashes and headaches, and also eliminates dizziness, anxiety, depression and normalizes blood pressure.

Regular intake of capsules improves the quality of life of women during menopause. Also, the drug is used in complex therapy and for the prevention of menopausal syndrome.

climafit 911 reviews of women
climafit 911 reviews of women

Contraindications for use

What are the contraindications of the drug in question? It should not be given to children and males. It is also forbidden to take this remedy in the presence of individual intolerance to the components, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, with phenylketonuria, acute and chronic kidney diseases.

Preparation "Klimafit 911": instructions for use

Despite the fact that the drug in question is not a drug, it should be taken only as directed by a doctor. Adult women are advised to take one capsule twice daily with meals, according to the directions.

Duration of therapy is 1 month. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated, but only after 90 days.

Overdose cases and side effects

For everythingwhile using the drug "Klimafit 911" cases of overdose have not been described.

There are no side effects when taken in the right doses. However, in rare cases, the patient may be disturbed by such dyspeptic disorders as nausea, upset stool, heaviness in the stomach, and so on. As a rule, these symptoms resolve on their own and do not require discontinuation of the drug.

Reviews of doctors

The drug "Klimafit 911" is a fairly popular remedy that is used by the fairer sex during menopause. According to doctors, this dietary supplement is very effective. It contains not only herbal ingredients, but also vitamins, macro- and microelements.

climafit 911 reviews composition
climafit 911 reviews composition

As practice shows, the combination of all the substances that make up the drug in question supports the physical and emotional he alth of a woman. Vitamins help strengthen the immune system, and minerals improve the condition of bones, nails and hair, which allows the fairer sex to look good even in the climatic period.

Many experts say that "Klimafit 911" is a unique tool that has no analogues in the world. Thanks to him, women tolerate menopause well. They have reduced hot flashes, as well as disappearing irritability, nervous tension and depression.

The drug "Klimafit 911": reviews of women

No one is immune from age-related changes. And today almost every womancan find a suitable drug for himself, which will minimize all the symptoms of menopause. Most of the fairer sex choose "Klimafit 911".

According to patients, this drug significantly improves well-being. As practice shows, two weeks after the start of taking the capsules, hot flashes completely disappear.

According to reviews, thanks to this remedy, too thin women gain weight, and too full women lose weight. This effect is explained by the fact that "Klimafit 911" is able to normalize metabolism.

Many patients also note that this drug improves not only the emotional state of women, but also their appearance. After completing the course, the representatives of the weaker sex note that their nails have noticeably strengthened, their complexion has improved, and their hair has also stopped falling out.

climafit 911 instruction
climafit 911 instruction

What else do patients say about Klimafit 911? This drug has no negative reviews. However, some women complain that such capsules are quite difficult to find in a pharmacy. In this regard, most of them are forced to order the drug through online stores. Experts warn that in this case you can buy a fake that will not have any effect. Therefore, you should buy "Klimafit 911" only from trusted suppliers.
