Panic attacks in children: symptoms, causes, treatment methods, prevention

Panic attacks in children: symptoms, causes, treatment methods, prevention
Panic attacks in children: symptoms, causes, treatment methods, prevention

The nature of such a phenomenon as panic attacks has not yet been clarified. In the scientific world, there are only hypotheses about the nature of this phenomenon. But what should parents do in case of panic attacks in children? How to identify such a condition? How to help the child himself? How to make a course of treatment? These questions will be answered later.

What is the phenomenon?

What is a panic attack in children? This is a sudden attack of strong (deep, animal) causeless fear, intensely growing. The mental state is supplemented by physical manifestations - the child has a rapid heartbeat, chest pain, he feels short of breath, a lump in his throat. A person can feel blurry and unreality of what is happening to him. On average, the condition lasts 10-30 minutes.

It is important to highlight that panic attacks in children and adults are not a single manifestation. A person experiences the state again and again. He develops phobias, he is afraid to relive this frightening sensation. The protracted form (more than a year) is calledpanic attack syndrome.

The peak incidence occurs at the age of 25-35 years. Mostly subject to the condition of a woman. Panic attacks in children against this background are rare. However, a child may well experience such seizures, starting from a conscious age (3-4 years).

Panic attacks themselves are not dangerous - no one has died from them. However, they can lead to stress, depression, suicide attempts, drug dependence. Often panic attacks were harbingers of a stroke, bleeding, bronchial asthma, thyrotoxicosis.

panic attacks in children
panic attacks in children

Nature of the phenomenon

Panic attacks in a 7 year old child. Why is this happening? The scientific world does not yet give an exact answer to the question. There are many hypotheses-explanations:

  • Increased production of catecholamines - adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine. These hormones are designed to mobilize the nervous system. They are developed in a state when you urgently need to run, fight. It is believed that excessive production of these highly activating hormones can manifest as a panic attack. By the way, with intravenous adrenaline, it will be a side effect.
  • Genetic hypothesis. A very curious statement: if an identical twin experiences anxiety, fear, then in 50% of cases this condition will overtake his brother or sister. Even if they are very far away. This is confirmed by 15-20% of the surveyed twins.
  • Psychoanalytic version. Z. Freud and his followers believed that panic attacks reveal a person withdeep intrapersonal conflict. A consequence of the suppression of states that require emotional discharge. Not really a good explanation for panic attacks in a 6 year old.
  • Cognitive hypothesis. The body misinterprets its sensations. For example, physical activity is perceived as a mortal threat. In response, he releases a powerful dose of adrenaline, which leads to a panic attack.
  • Inner fears. Human phobias (fear of heights, insects, darkness) in an appropriate situation can turn into such an attack. This is a good fit for the cause of a panic attack in a 5 year old.

What's going on with the baby?

At the time of a panic attack, something like this happens in the human body:

  1. A adrenaline rush.
  2. Consequence - vasoconstriction, increased respiration and heart rate.
  3. Increased blood pressure.
  4. Frequent breathing increases the release of carbon dioxide, which further increases anxiety.
  5. Carbon dioxide changes the pH of the blood. This leads to dizziness, numbness of the limbs.
  6. Vasospasm slows down the delivery of oxygen to the tissues: lactic acid accumulates, which intensifies the manifestation of an attack.
child has panic attacks what to do
child has panic attacks what to do

Psychological causes of the condition

Most cases of panic attacks in children are psychological:

  • Phobias.
  • Depression.
  • The accelerated pace of life.
  • Constant stress.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder after an accident,operation, morally difficult event, etc.
  • Early onset of sexual activity.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder - a constant fear of dangerous and unpleasant situations.
  • Schizotypal personality disorder.

Panic attacks can also be provoked by medications - glucocorticoids, anabolics, etc.

Pathological causes of the condition

A panic attack can also be a manifestation of one of the developing serious diseases:

  • Ischemic heart disease.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Tumor of the adrenal glands (characterized by excessive production of adrenaline).
  • Thyrotoxic crisis.
panic attacks in a 7 year old
panic attacks in a 7 year old

Risk groups

It is also important to highlight the categories of children who are more prone to such a disorder than others. The leading factors will be:

  • Inactive lifestyle. The child's body needs emotional release all the time - sports, noisy games, communication with peers. If not, then emotions come out through a panic attack.
  • Closeness, keeping feelings and emotions inside.
  • Lack of proper sleep. Lack of sleep leads to increased production of adrenaline and other hormones that trigger a panic attack.

Psychic manifestations

Design the psychological symptoms of panic attacks in children:

  • Fear of death. It can transform into a fear of getting sick, suffocating, falling from a height, etc.
  • Feeling of impending doom.
  • Fear of going crazy, losing your mind.
  • Permanent sensation of a non-existent coma in the throat.
  • Derealization of reality: the effect of slow motion, distortion of sounds, visual images. It seems to a person that the real world is fading into the background.
  • Depersonalization. It seems to the child that he sees his body from the side, he cannot control himself.
  • Pre-syncope, lightheadedness, feeling like he's about to pass out.
panic attacks in children symptoms
panic attacks in children symptoms

Physiological manifestations

The onset of a panic attack in a child can be recognized by the following signs:

  • Flashes of heat or cold.
  • High heart rate.
  • Increased breathing.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Pain in the left side of the chest.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Cold hands and feet.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Discomfort in the upper abdomen.
  • Chills and shivering.
  • Weakness.
  • Dizziness.

Symptoms between panic attacks

Panic attack syndrome can also be detected during calm periods:

  • The child is in an anxious state, anticipates a recurrence of the attack.
  • Fear of the situation or location where the previous seizure occurred.
  • Social maladjustment - a person is afraid to be alone, to ride in unaccompanied transport, etc.
  • Obvious manifestation of phobias: fear of open space, death, insanity,darkness, etc.
  • The so-called asthenodepressive syndrome: poor sleep, weakness, fatigue, tearfulness, bad mood, poor attention.
  • Depression.
  • Hysterical disorders.
  • Unpleasant intrusive thoughts, anxiety.
  • Fussy.
panic attacks in children symptoms and treatment
panic attacks in children symptoms and treatment

How to relieve the condition yourself?

Baby has panic attacks. What to do? First of all, teach him to cope with the condition on his own - in case you are not around:

  • Repeat to yourself that this condition is not dangerous, that it will pass soon.
  • Belly breathing, focus on breathing. Make sure that the exhalation is longer than the inhalation.
  • Massage thumbs, little fingers, ears, concentrating on my own sensations.
  • Take a contrast shower: 20-30 seconds - warm water, the same amount - cold.
  • Distract by something: view from the window, movie, music.
  • "Get angry" at the seizure.

How to help a child with a panic attack? We recommend the following:

  • Don't leave him alone during an attack. Calm down with a calm and quiet speech: "It's okay, hold on, it will pass soon."
  • Breathe deeply with your child, attracting him to repeat the breaths and exhalations behind you.
  • Massage your neck, shoulders, back.
  • Help me take a contrast shower.
  • Make chamomile, mint, lemon balm, linden tea.
  • Turn on music, movie, audiobook that can soothebaby.
  • Sing a song together, start counting cars, solve math problems, recite poems - you need to distract the child from this state.
  • Tingle lightly, pinch him.
  • Dilute 10 drops of peony tincture/valocordin/valerian tincture/motherwort tincture in a glass of water and offer to your child.
panic attacks in children treatment
panic attacks in children treatment


Treatment of panic attacks in children should only be prescribed by a qualified professional. An important component is drug therapy:

  • Tricyclic antidepressants.
  • Tranquilizers.
  • Antidepressant serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
  • Nootropics.

It is important to note that such serious drugs that directly affect the psyche and consciousness of a person can only be prescribed by the attending physician! Self-medication in this case is detrimental to the child's psyche. The specialist chooses the most suitable drug for the patient, his individual condition, prescribes a specific dosage, frequency of administration and duration of the course of treatment.

Psychotherapeutic methods are also widely used:

  • Body-oriented psychotherapy.
  • Psychoanalysis.
  • Hypnosis: Ericksonian and classical.
  • Gest alt therapy.
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming.
  • Family Systems Therapy.
  • Desensitization, etc.

Physiotherapeutic methods are also used. In particular, electrophoresis with magnesiumsulfate, bromoelectroson.

Preventive measures

To free the child from new attacks, you need to engage in full prevention of the condition:

  • Learn relaxing breathing exercises. It is important and simple to develop the habit of coping with stress with the help of "deep breath - deep breath".
  • Learn the simplest meditation exercises, pick up a collection of music for meditation.
  • Engage your child in an active sport - dancing, rollerblading, skating, wrestling, etc.
  • Turn to activities that increase stress resistance: watching humorous programs and good cartoons, a new hobby, doing art - drawing, embroidery, modeling, etc.
  • Keep a personal diary, where to reflect personal achievements.
  • Strictly control sleep/wake patterns.
  • Create the correct diet for the child. Pay special attention to the content of foods rich in vitamin C, calcium, zinc and magnesium.
  • Practice herbal medicine - decoctions of motherwort, linden, hop cones, valerian root, chamomile flowers.
panic attacks in a 6 year old
panic attacks in a 6 year old

You are now familiar with the symptoms and treatment of panic attacks in children. Although the nature of this condition is not yet known to scientists, the medical world has developed clear recommendations for self-help, treatment and prevention to help cope with attacks.
