Ophthalmologists are visited by patients with various eye problems. The cause of the development of pathologies can be both infections, inflammatory processes, and injuries. For many diseases, "potassium iodide" is prescribed. Next, consider the effect of the drug, treatment regimen and contraindications.
What is the medicine
Potassium iodide drops are a drug with antiseptic properties. It is used in the field of ophthalmology for the treatment of many eye pathologies. The product has an antimicrobial effect and an anti-sclerotic effect.

The medicine well destroys the colonies of pathogenic microorganisms that settle on the outer surface of the eye. They can have a different origin, but always have a negative effect on the conjunctiva, and can penetrate into deeper layers.
Pharmacological effects
After using potassium iodide drops, there is an increase in the concentration of lipoprotein, a decrease in blood viscosity, which leads to the expansion of blood vessels. The risk of developing atherosclerosis is significantly reduced.
Sometimes doctors prescribea drug to reduce the symptoms of cataracts, but it must be borne in mind that such therapy can adversely affect visual acuity.
"Potassium iodide" is absorbed into the tissues of the eyeball and concentrated in them in the maximum amount. The elimination process is slow, so do not use the medicine more often than the doctor recommended.
Drug action
Eye drops "Potassium iodide" have a complex effect, after application the following processes are observed:
- The process of breakdown of fats and proteins accelerates.
- The concentration of lipoprotein in the blood increases.
- Slows down the development of atherosclerosis by reducing blood viscosity.
- The walls of blood vessels expand.
- The process of cataract development is suspended.

- The process of resorption of infiltrates of syphilitic keratitis is activated.
- Inhibits fungal growth.
During treatment with potassium iodide solution, treatment with iodine-containing medicines must be discontinued.
Composition of the drug
The main active ingredient of the drug is potassium iodide. If the solution is 2%, then the content of the active ingredient in 1 ml is 20 mg. Other auxiliary ingredients available:
- Chlorhexidine diacetate.
- Sodium chloride.
- Sodium thiosulfate.
- Sterile water.
Manufacturers produce Potassium Iodide in 10 ml vials.
Indications for use
Ophthalmologistsprescribe a drug for the treatment of the following diseases:
- Cataract.
- Fungal lesions of the cornea or conjunctiva.
- Hemorrhages in the membranes of the eyes.

Clouding of the vitreous body of the eye
Eye drops solution "Potassium Iodide" instruction recommends taking only on the recommendation of a doctor and strictly follow the prescribed dosage.
Contraindications to treatment
Therapy using this drug is not allowed for everyone. There are some contraindications that must be taken into account so as not to harm the body and not provoke a lot of negative manifestations. Do not prescribe this drug to yourself without consulting a doctor.
The use of "Potassium iodide" is prohibited if:
- He has nephrosis.
- Tuberculosis.
- Pathologies of the kidneys.
- Purulent boils.
- Acne breakouts.
- Benign tumors on the thyroid gland.
- Increased goiter.
- Thyroid adenoma of toxic nature.

- Hemorrhagic diathesis.
- Oversensitivity to iodine.
If you ignore the existing contraindications, then there is no doubt that there will definitely be side effects.
Negative effects of therapy
If you do not follow the instructions for use during the treatment of "Potassium iodide", the reviews confirm this, then you can expect the following side effects:
- Increased lacrimation.
- Burning in the eyes.
- Thyroid disorders.
- Swelling of the upper eyelid, conjunctiva.

- Redness of the eye.
- The appearance of acne on the face, if there were any before therapy, then an increase in their number.
- Development of dermatitis.
- Tachycardia.
- Sleep disorders.
- Indigestion.
Immediately after use, you can observe a decrease in visual acuity, the appearance of fog before the eyes, but these symptoms quickly pass. If not, then you need to see a doctor.
Instructions for using the drug
To achieve maximum effect when using potassium iodide drops, the following recommendations must be observed:
- Before instillation, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to prevent bacteria from accumulating on the vial.
- The doctor selects the dosage and regimen for each patient, but usually 1-2 drops are prescribed in each conjunctival sac 2-4 times a day. Preferably at regular intervals.
- If it happens that the next dose is missed, then you need to drip the remedy as soon as possible, but do not use a double dosage in the next dose.

The duration of treatment is at least 10 days and no more than 15 days, but in each case, the decision is made by the attending physician
If after the course the patient did not notice any improvement, then it is necessary to select another drug.
Overdose symptoms
If you use drops in large quantities, then an overdose is possible, which is manifested by the following symptoms:
- Swelling of the vocal cords, resulting in a change in voice.
- The oral mucosa turns brown.
- No urge to urinate.
- Appearance of rhinitis.
- Development of bronchitis.
- Gastroenteritis.
- Bleeding from the urinary tract.
If the drug enters the stomach, then there is a high risk of lung collapse. This pathology is fraught with death without the provision of timely medical care. If the drug enters the stomach, it is urgent to rinse it with a solution of "Thiosulfate" and starch, diluted with water to a slurry state.
Drug for pregnant women and nursing mothers
"Potassium iodide" for pregnant women (instructions for use mentions this) is allowed for use only in cases where alternative drugs do not help. Treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor in order to immediately notice deviations in the well-being of the expectant mother and her developing baby.

If any adverse symptoms appear, the use of drops should be discontinued.
Feeding women may be prescribed a drug, but therapy is necessarily accompanied by constant monitoring of the child's condition by a pediatrician.
Use of the drug in the therapy of children
"Potassium iodide" for children (instructions for use report this)practically not prescribed for the treatment of ophthalmic problems. This is due to the fact that the effect of the active ingredient on the children's body is not fully understood.
Special instructions for the use of drops
Before starting therapy with Potassium Iodide, it is necessary to undergo an examination and make sure that there are no benign or malignant neoplasms in the thyroid gland.
With great care it is necessary to approach treatment if there are serious pathologies of the kidneys. If it is impossible to cancel the drug, it is important to regularly monitor the concentration of potassium in the blood.
If contact lenses are used, they must be removed before instillation of drops. You can use them again no earlier than in half an hour.
When instilling the drug into the eyes, try not to touch the eyelids with a dropper.
Taking the drug together with other drugs
The constituent components of Potassium Iodide, even in therapeutic doses, can inhibit the effects of other drugs. During a conversation with a doctor, be sure to tell him if:
- The patient is being treated for depression with the use of drugs containing lithium s alts.
- Therapy is being carried out with drugs that inhibit the activity of the thyroid gland.
- Diuretics are used to retain potassium in the body.
If there are such facts, then another drug is selected for therapy.
It should also be taken into account that if drops are used in conjunction with other ophthalmic drugs, thenthe interval between them must be at least 5 minutes.
Analogues of the drug
If not suitable after studying the instructions for use of "Potassium iodide", analogues can be selected, but it is better to consult a doctor. The following drugs have a similar therapeutic effect:
- Taufon drops. This drug improves metabolic and energy processes, providing a stimulating effect on the tissues of the eye. The condition of tissues after injuries improves, as well as with dystrophic pathologies and cataracts.
- "Emoxipin". The tool has an antioxidant effect, eliminates hemorrhages, strengthens the choroid of the eyes. After the course application of drops, the protective properties of tissues against free radicals increase.
- "Oftan Katahrom". It is usually prescribed for cataracts. The tool has an anti-inflammatory, moisturizing effect. It also stimulates the restoration of eye tissues.
- "Khrustalin". The drug has a combined effect, therefore it is indicated not only for cataracts, but also for senile farsightedness. Improves blood circulation in affected tissues, enhances regeneration processes.
- Quinax. It is prescribed for cataracts, as it dissolves protein formations in the lens area well.
You should not choose analogues yourself, only a doctor can choose an effective drug.
Storage conditions
Store the drug at room temperature, but not in direct sunlight. After the bottle has been opened, itmust be used within a month.
Reviews about the drug
Most patients leave positive feedback about the drug. Drops are often used when there is discomfort in the eye, redness. Course reception eliminates unpleasant symptoms. Those who used Potassium Iodide drops note that after 10 days of use, improvements are noticeable, redness and inflammation disappear, and blood vessels are strengthened.
Drops also help with constant overwork of the eyes, and now, given that everyone sits for hours at a computer monitor, which provokes severe overstrain, it is not surprising that many turn to an ophthalmologist with such complaints.
Patients note that the drops cope well with increased intraocular pressure, which rises against the background of overwork. After a course of tissue application, the eyes are well moisturized, inflammation disappears, itching and discomfort disappear.
Those who used the drops on the advice of a doctor note that a good remedy helps to eliminate hemorrhages in the protein shell of the eye. This often happens against the background of overwork of the eyes after many hours of work at the computer. After several days of use, improvements are noticeable, and at the end of the course of treatment, everything is restored, unpleasant symptoms disappear.
Not to be confused with Potassium Iodide tablets
This drug contains the same active ingredient, but differs in auxiliary ingredients. Has the following therapeutic effect:
- Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
- Regulates her hormone production.
- When taken in largequantities inhibits thyroid function.
- Has a preventive effect against thyroid hyperplasia.
- Has protective properties against radioactive elements.
The drug in tablets is often prescribed in the presence of the following pathologies:
- To prevent thyroid disease.
- While taking thyroid hormones.
- With sleep disorders, increased sweating, which is the result of a lack of iodine in the body.
- In the complex therapy of diffuse thyroid goiter.
- The remedy is used as a prophylaxis of radioactive lesions of the thyroid gland.
Sometimes doctors recommend taking the drug for respiratory tract infections, syphilis, dental diseases.
But most often the drug is indicated to prevent iodine deficiency. It is especially recommended to take it for those who have bad habits, eat poorly, experience increased physical activity.
But do not prescribe medicine without consulting a doctor. Only a doctor can determine whether your body needs iodine or not, in what dosage.
Treatment of any pathologies is better to start when the first symptoms appear. But drugs can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription so as not to harm the body.