Antithyroid drugs: classification, names

Antithyroid drugs: classification, names
Antithyroid drugs: classification, names

Problems of the thyroid gland capture a significant number of the population of the entire planet. There are many reasons for this, but with the identified ailments caused by increased production of thyroid hormones, the so-called antithyroid drugs also help to fight. What are these remedies, how do they help the body when applied?

Thyroid problems

The thyroid gland is a word familiar to everyone, and many even know where it is located - in the lower parts of the larynx. But what is its role for the human body? The thyroid gland is part of a complex endocrine system that is responsible for all processes occurring in the body. The thyroid gland, in particular, produces two important hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which are involved in metabolic processes, in the processes of growth and development of tissues and organs. Also, thyroid cells produce thyrokaceltonin, a hormone responsible for phosphorus-calcium metabolism, and hence for the condition of human bones and teeth.

antithyroid drugs
antithyroid drugs

Unnecessary Activity

It would seem that since the thyroid gland produces such significant hormones, the more active it is, the better it should be, all processes willgo faster and stronger. But in reality, it's not like that at all. Nature has a balance of everything that is in it, and the human endocrine system in particular. If the thyroid gland works too actively, then this has a bad effect on the state of the body, however, a lack of production of thyroid hormones is also fraught with many problems. An active thyroid gland causes hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis.

synthetic antithyroid drug
synthetic antithyroid drug

What does antithyroid mean?

If the thyroid gland is too active, then antithyroid drugs help to fight it. From the name of these medicines it is clear that they work against - against the thyroid gland. Such drugs are also called thyreostatics. Medicines included in the group of antithyroid drugs allow you to normalize the activity of the thyroid gland, reducing its activity, and therefore reduce the production of thyroid hormones.

names of antithyroid drugs
names of antithyroid drugs

Classification of antithyroid drugs

Medical drugs that help fight an overactive thyroid gland are called "antithyroid drugs". Their classification is accepted all over the world and contains three groups of drugs that serve as antagonists of thyroid hormones:

  • drugs that disrupt the production of active iodine in the thyroid gland itself;
  • drugs that reduce iodine uptake by thyroid epithelial cells;
  • drugs that destroyiodine in the thyroid gland.

All drugs have a different chemical structure, and the mode of action of the drug depends on it.

antithyroid drugs drugs
antithyroid drugs drugs

Iodine as medicine

Thyroid hormones are synthesized by thyroid epithelial cells that capture iodine. If this substance is added to the human body, then a decrease in the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones occurs. There is also a violation of the ability of the gland to absorb iodine in the blood. Pharmaceutics offers two types of iodine preparations involved in lowering the activity of the thyroid gland:

  • inorganic iodine - as a chemical natural element;
  • organic iodine as synthesized diiodotyrosine, a component of thyroglobulin, a specific protein of the thyroid gland itself.

The drug of organic origin has an antithyroid property, which is actively used mainly in the preoperative period of patients with diffuse goiter, as well as to prevent complications in the postoperative period. Many of these drugs contain the active ingredient levothyroxine sodium. Inorganic iodine is prescribed not only for the treatment of hyperactive thyroid gland, but also as a prophylactic agent. Despite seeming safety, antithyroid drugs with iodine, however, like any other medicines, should be taken only as directed by a doctor.

synthetic drug has an antithyroid effect
synthetic drug has an antithyroid effect

Thiourea, its derivatives andhyperthyroidism

Medications that help reduce the overproduction of the thyroid gland, the so-called antithyroid drugs, can be divided into two types - natural, natural, substances such as iodine, and synthetic drugs obtained as a result of chemical synthesis processes. The latter include thiourea and its derivatives - propylthiouracil, 1-methyl-2-mercaptoimidazole, 2-carboethoxymercapto-1-methylimidazole, 6-methylthiouracil. A synthetic antithyroid drug based on thiourea derivatives can reduce iodine metabolism in the thyroid gland by reducing the metabolic processes of iodine in the thyroid gland itself.

antithyroid drugs classification
antithyroid drugs classification

What drugs help with overactive thyroid?

Thiourea derivatives and iodine are part of popular medicines used as antithyroid drugs. What synthetic drug has antithyroid properties? The names of these funds are different, but here are the main active ingredients:

  • thiamazole;
  • propylthiouracil.

Thiamazol reduces the metabolic processes of iodine in the thyroid gland, thereby reducing its activity. This chemical is the basis of such drugs as Mercazolil, Tyrozol, Thiamzol, Metizol.

Propylthiouracil inhibits the transformation of iodine in the thyroid gland, thereby determining its relation to a group called antithyroid drugs. Preparations based on propylthiouracil are more oftenall are assigned for use in Western Europe. In our country, the pharmacy chain sells the only drug based on propylthiouracil - Propicil.

antithyroid drugs
antithyroid drugs

Since drugs for the treatment of hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis have numerous side effects in relation to the cardiovascular, nervous system, and liver, concomitant drugs are prescribed in combination with these drugs.

In the treatment of some diseases of the thyroid gland, radioactive iodine is used, which, when it enters the patient's body, is captured by the cells of the thyroid gland and has a destructive effect on it, reducing activity and increased production of hormones. This drug gives the greatest positive result only after the complete removal of the thyroid gland - thyroidectomy, since radioactive particles finally destroy the remaining cells of the organ. However, many patients with an overactive thyroid gland are prescribed radioactive iodine preparations to normalize the condition.

synthetic antithyroid drug
synthetic antithyroid drug

Only by appointment

Thyroid diseases are determined only by a complex of diagnostic methods - tests, ultrasound, MRI or CT. It is impossible to make a diagnosis of thyroid disease only by taking an anamnesis and from the words of the patient! But when the problem is identified, a competent doctor can prescribe the right drug, taking into account all the specific factors. All drugs for the treatment of hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis caused byincreased productivity of the thyroid gland, have numerous side effects and application features. For example, the opposite effect may occur when a drug that helps reduce the absorption of iodine by thyroid tissues becomes a catalyst for its activity to produce the missing amount of hormones after some time. The disease is back. Treatment of hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis is always individual. When an accurate diagnosis is made, in no case should you self-medicate. Only adequately chosen therapy will allow to exclude surgical intervention and lifelong use of special hormonal agents.

names of antithyroid drugs
names of antithyroid drugs

Antithyroid drugs are not the honorary exhibits of pharmacy showcases, but they are the most important means in maintaining the he alth and even life of numerous patients with hyperactive thyroid gland.
