In our time, diseases of the retina are very common. This is explained very simply - computers and phones that have become so popular negatively affect vision. That is why various eye diseases are increasingly common in adolescence and even childhood.

So, what is a cataract of the eye is now known to almost everyone. Its symptoms, treatment, the danger it poses are all known. But few people know about one of its possible consequences.
Thus, a cataract can cause the development of amblyopia - a disease in which one of the eyes almost completely ceases to function. Because of this feature of amblyopia, it received another name - lazy eye.
To be fair, amblyopia can be caused by more than just cataracts. There are several different situations in which this disease can develop. Amblyopia is divided into several types according to the causes of occurrence.
Thus, dibinocular is called a lazy eye resulting from strabismus. Refractive - resulting from a high degree of myopia orfarsightedness.

Hysterical amblyopia can develop due to severe emotional stress, and obscurative amblyopia due to a violation of the illumination of the retina, which can be caused by cataracts, changes in the position of the vitreous body, and trauma.
With a strong difference in eye vision (3 diopters or more), the anisometropic form of the disease may develop.
Lazy eye brings its owner a fairly large number of different problems, up to complete or partial blindness. To understand how serious everything is, you should analyze in detail the mechanism for the development of this disease.
So, with amblyopia, one eye always sees worse than the other, as a result of which two different pictures enter the brain. In order to avoid confusion and double vision, the brain gradually "turns off" the weakest eye, which leads to partial blindness - from that moment on, a person can only examine something with one eye.
However, the problems do not end there: one eye cannot give a full view, depth, volume and distance cease to differ fully. Due to constant tension, pain in the eyes, redness, burning may appear, intraocular pressure may increase. In the end, a he althy eye may not be able to endure the strain and become blind too.

Diagnosing a lazy eye in childhood (up to 11 years) is the most difficult, but it is during this period that it can be completely cured. The first symptoms of this disease are mildstrabismus, poor vision in one eye, impaired depth perception, lack of fixation of the gaze, closing of one of the eyes when focusing vision (for example, when reading), impaired central and peripheral vision.
Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to cure a lazy eye in adults, but it is quite possible to improve the condition and prevent blindness. It is very effective to put on a bandage on a he althy eye and wear correctly fitted lenses.
Surgery can work well, but eye surgery is always risky and should only be done as a last resort.