Men and women are different from each other from an early age. Boys and girls begin to be interested in human physiology from the age of 13. Therefore, in schools they begin to study some of the features and differences between female and male children. High school students answer questions about human physiology. One of these questions that interest young people is what ejaculation or ejaculation is. Let's try to figure it out.
What is ejaculation?
Ejaculation, also known as ejaculation, is a process in which fluid erupts from a male member. It is accompanied by a contraction of muscle tissue, a feeling of satisfaction. It is also controlled by the nervous system and the brain - this is an orgasmic reflex. The final stage of ejaculation is orgasm and the desire for procreation. Accordingly, getting rid of sperm means the end of the fertilization process for the body. Emotional balance is restored, and erection-tight muscles relax.
Ejaculation in men canoccur in a dream when having an erotic dream. Usually such a reflex occurs in young people who cannot cope with "violent" hormones at such a young age. But such situations can also occur in older men. If situations of ejaculation often occur during sleep, consult a doctor. After all, the body is designed so that a man controls ejaculation and orgasm. But this phenomenon can also happen suddenly. Such a reaction as ejaculation in a dream is called emission. Such a process occurs at a reflex level, and it is impossible to control it. Wet dream is another way to rid the body of sperm, as the process during wakefulness is controlled by the brain.
The release of semen after intercourse, masturbation, prostate stimulation, or other stimuli has long been studied by doctors.

How is this happening?
Before the semen comes out, a viscous transparent lubricant is released - pre-ejaculant. The secret is produced by two glands that exit with their mouths into the urethra. Lubrication is needed in order to moisturize the urethra and provide a safer exit for sperm. The pre-ejaculant also acts as an acid neutralizer. In the woman's vagina, it neutralizes the acidic environment to an acceptable level of sperm activity.
Many questions and disputes are born in people's minds. The question often arises as to whether it is possible to get pregnant from oozing lubrication to ejaculation? Doctors answer that there are many components in the lubricant(more than 30), but no spermatozoa were found in it. With interrupted intercourse, the likelihood of sperm entering the vagina is minimal. But after the end of sperm excretion, part of the spermatozoa remains in the ducts and urethra. When repeating the act of copulation after ejaculation within 24 hours, the probability of becoming pregnant is high. How long do sperm live in a woman's body? It depends on where they are. If only in the vagina, then their life expectancy is about two hours. If they have gone further into the uterus, they are able to live there for a week.
Those who have begun an intimate life need to know how long spermatozoa live in a woman's body and use contraception. After all, protection from unwanted conception will help prevent early termination of pregnancy.
What is seminal fluid?
Semen is a secretion from the appendages, which is transported in the form of sperm into the urethral canal. The process of mixing fluids takes place in the prostate gland. These secrets are the main components of the fluid of the bulbourethral glands. After intercourse, semen and urine never mix (with the exception of diseases of the urinary system).
The bladder sphincter helps keep fluids from mixing. After the combination of the lubricating secret and sperm, the phase of fluid release through the channel of the male organ begins. This process is facilitated by contraction of the muscles of the pelvis and urethra. Changes in the body during ejaculation are accompanied by the following criteria:
- as a result of accelerationblood circulation increases blood pressure, which causes the penis to increase in size;
- rapid breathing and strong heartbeat indicate sexual arousal;
- The head of the penis is moistened with a substance from the Cooper glands, the volume of the testicles increases, and the blood fills the blood vessels of the organ;
- muscle tissue tightens, pressure builds up, causing ejaculation.
After the end of the process, the pressure stabilizes, the excitation passes, and the organ becomes a normal size. For the body, the need to reproduce is over.
Coitus lasts about 3-10 minutes. The output of seminal fluid varies from 5 to 50 seconds, and is released in batch-intensive emissions. After the passage of time with an interval of 15 minutes, a repetition of copulation is not ruled out. The final stage may be repeated ejaculation.
At the age of 18, the amount of ejaculate can be up to 10 milliliters, since the conception of offspring at a young age is the best option for all living organisms. As time passes, after the age of 45-50 years, the number of spermatozoa in the secret reaches a minimum amount. This fact significantly affects the continuation of the family, since the conception of a child is minimized. The largest volume of semen is erupted during the first sexual intercourse with prolonged abstinence from masturbation or sex. In subsequent repeated acts, the amount of semen will be less, which minimizes the chances of conceiving an unborn child.

On what quality dependsfluids?
In seminal fluid, the quantity and quality of spermatozoa varies depending on the following factors:
- A certain lifestyle of a man, how he eats.
- How much food and drink a man consumes.
- What level of the testosterone hormone does the body produce.
- Age category.
- Testicular temperature and other environmental factors that are very important for the production of "quality" sperm.
The spermatozoa that come out with the liquid during orgasm must be active, viable for the birth of a he althy child.

What are spermatozoa?
They are of several types: mobile, inactive and motionless. In the first two cases, conception is possible, but in the third - no. This phenomenon is called male infertility or azoospermia.

Spermogram is performed to check male sexual he alth. Spermogram is a physicochemical and visual assessment of seminal fluid. She is being examined under a microscope.

Why is it needed?
To assess his own sexual he alth, a man must know his individual body criteria. And if you suspect a malfunction of the ejaculation processes, consult a doctor in time. The criteria for ejaculation can be characterized by the following factors: the flow rate of the seminal fluid, the volume of the same fluid,as well as the quality of the ejaculate and the degree of satisfaction after intercourse.

From the outside, the assessment of this process looks comical, but only for those who have not encountered problems and diseases of the reproductive system. The volume of sperm depends on the time of abstinence, the emotional and hormonal background of the man, as well as diseases of the urinary system.
General Features
During ejaculation during sexual intercourse, it is sometimes observed that the sperm "beats" at a distance of 30 to 60 centimeters, this is not a sluggish flow of fluid from the penis canal. This "splash" is necessary to shorten the path of sperm to the egg. If the liquid with spermatozoa expires sluggishly, then the reasons may be:
- pelvic weakness;
- inflammation of the genital organs or glands;
- prostate tumor or multiple ejaculations.
The quality of the seminal fluid depends on the he althy functioning of the gonads. The color and smell of the secret can change from foreign inclusions in inflammatory diseases. And the detailed characteristics of spermatozoa are revealed using special equipment (spermograms). The ejaculated semen is usually of a homogeneous consistency. And sometimes you can find white or transparent lumps in the form of a jelly-like mass in it - this can be a norm or a pathology. Normally, lumps may appear due to long abstinence or due to the peculiarities of the ejaculate. Since the sperm is contained in the body of a man in liquid form, after the eruption, itmay thicken. But inside the partner's body, it liquefies again. And pathological manifestations in the form of jelly-like lumps are accompanied by:
- pain;
- brown or yellow;
- pain after ejaculation;
- bad smell.
In order not to start the disease, there is no need to be ashamed of doctors' consultations. They will help cure the pathology, and in some cases prevent impotence. A violation of ejaculation is a pathology, and without the intervention of doctors it is problematic to get rid of the disease. The functionality of the male reproductive system depends on the timely ejection of sperm with a sufficient number of spermatozoa. Prolonged or rapid ejaculation refers to a violation of the reproductive functions of the body.
Types of ejaculation
After you figured out what ejaculation is, you should learn more about its types. The reaction is divided into three types of ejaculation: late, accelerated and premature, as well as false. As for a very long intercourse, it may end without the release of seminal fluid.
What is premature ejaculation? The reaction is absolute, as well as relative ejaculation. In one case, seminal fluid is released after the introduction of the penis into the cervix or a few minutes before the act. Relative ejaculation refers to sexual intercourse, as a result of which the man does not have time to satisfy the needs of his partner. He ejaculates before her. Embarrassment happens due to the inexperience of the partner,long sexual abstinence or overexcitation, as well as in the process of foreplay.
Prolonged intercourse depends on factors such as:
- violation of the sensitivity of the head of the penis;
- psychological nature of diseases.
In this case, ejaculation is either absent or proceeds sluggishly, which creates discomfort for the man, increases pain. Diseases such as prostatitis, diabetes mellitus, decreased sensitivity of the organ, taking antidepressants can signal inflammation of the male dignity.

Delayed ejaculation in men of pre-retirement age is the norm. But delayed ejaculation in young men requires specialist advice. After all, it can be a harbinger of various diseases.
False ejaculation is divided into two subtypes:
- retrograde - sperm goes straight to the bladder;
- objective - sperm is not ejected due to complete or partial obstruction in the vas deferens.
The reasons for the lack of ejaculation may be congenital malformations of the seminal ducts, disruptions in the endocrine system, damage to the penis or inflammatory diseases that occur in an active form. The absence of semen discharge from the body can be observed at any age, with the exception of childhood. In this case, this phenomenon is rare, but not the norm for men's he alth.
It is worth understanding what ejaculation isobjective type. It is most often associated with disorders of the reproductive excretory system - anejaculation. This disease is characterized by several signs:
- Primary - the body does not produce sperm.
- Secondary - ejaculation is achieved through masturbation.
- Complete - includes several forms of diseases.
Forms of complete anejaculation, there are several subtypes: aspermatism, accompanied by a lack of orgasm, as well as impaired ejaculation.
Few people know what retrograde ejaculation is. It is described as the process of ejection of semen into the bladder. The latter subtype is detected in violation of the flow of seminal fluid into the urinary system. When semen is retained in the ducts, a weak orgasm occurs. As a result of such failures, inflammatory diseases develop in the body, which may be accompanied by pain, cramps and discomfort in the organs of the groin.
As practice shows, men are embarrassed by their diseases, so they postpone a visit to the doctor for a long time. Because of what the problems are aggravated, additional diseases begin to develop, which can lead to the most terrible diseases - impotence and infertility. And then you should establish potency and prolong sexual intercourse. Preparations for this are used different. But at the heart of each is sildenafil. To prevent this from happening, you need to make an appointment with doctors such as an andrologist and a urologist. They will conduct a series of examinations of the body, write a referral for tests, and also offer to dospermogram. Then adequate treatment will be offered.